(rown ivien
College Hill Calendar
Dec. 8 - X'arsity Hockey, Harvard,
away. Varsitj- and Freshman
Basketball, Arnold College,
Dec. 11 - Varsity and P'reshman Basket-
ball, Univ. of Conn., away.
Varsity Swimming, Tufts,
home. Varsity Wrestling,
Dartmouth, away. Varsity
Track; Harvard, R. I. State,
Brown, at Cambridge.
Dec. 12 - Annual Christmas Concert,
Alumnae Hall, 8;30.
Dec. 13 - -Annual Banquet, Washington
(D. C.) Brown Club.
Dec. 14 - Christmas Chapel, Sayles Hall,
noon. Varsity Hockey, Har-
vard, home. Boston Brown
Club luncheon at the Univer-
sity Club, Prof. Marcel Mor-
aud, speaker.
Dec. 15 - Varsity Basketball, M. I. T.,
home. Varsity and Freshman
Wrestling, Tufts, home.
Dec. 15, 16, 17 - Sock and Buskin pre-
sents "The Dragon," 8:30.
Dec. 17 - Varsity Basketball, Ft. Dev-
ens, away. Varsity Hockey,
Princeton, home.
Dec. 18-Jan. 5 - Christmas recess.
Dec. 28 - Chicago Brown Club Christ-
mas luncheon, undergraduates
invited, 176 E. Monroe St.
Jan. 7 - Varsity Hockey, Princeton,
Jan. 8 - Varsity Basketball, Army,
away. Varsity Swimming,
Army, away. Varsity Wrest-
ling, Army, away. Varsity
Hockey, Army, away. Fresh-
man Basketball, Nichols Jr.
College, away.
Jan. 11 - Freshman Basketball, R. I.
State College Ext. School,
Jan. 12 - Varsity Swimming, Harvard,
Jan. 14 - Concert, Andres Segovia, gui-
tarist, and Ruth Posselt, vio-
linist. Alumnae Hall, 8;30.
Varsity Hockey, American In-
ternational, away.
Jan. 15 - Varsity Basketball, Amherst,
away. Varsity Swimming,
Williams, away. Varsity
Wrestling, Williams, away.
Varsity Track, Washington
Evening Star meet, away.
Brown Alumni Monthly
Published by Brown University for its Alumni
Board of Editors
Entered at the Providence Post Office
as second-class matter
Boston A. A.
Jan. 18 - Varsity Hockey, Dartmouth,
Jan. 19 - Varsity and Freshman Basket-
ball, R. I. State, away.
Jan. 21 - Varsity Track, Philadelphia
Inquirer meet, away.
Jan. 22 - Varsity and Freshman Basket-
ball, Holy Cross, home. Var-
sity and Freshman Swimming,
Boston Univ., away. Varsity
Wrestling, -Amherst, home.
\'arsity Track, Boston K. of
C. meet, away. Freshman
Wrestling, St. George's home.
Jan. 23 - University Piano-String Quar-
tet, Alumnae Hall, 8:30.
Jan, 24, 25, 26 - Sock and Buskin pre-
sents "The Tragedy of Corio-
lanus," 8:30.
Jan. 25 - Freshman Basketball, R. I.
State College Ext. School,
Jan. 26 - Freshman Basketball, Boston
Univ., home. Freshman Swim-
ming, Brookline H. S., away.
Freshman Wrestling, Edge-
wood Jr. College, home.
Jan. 27 - Classes end, first semester.
Jan. 28 - Varsity Basketball, N. Y. Ath-
letic Club, away.
Jan. 29 - Varsity and Freshman Wrest-
ling, Springfield, home. Var-
sity Track, Melrose meet.
New York.
Jan. 31-Feb. 9 - Final
first semester.
Feb. 5 - Varsity Track,
meet, away.
Feb. 9 - Varsity Basketball, Yale, home.
Varsity and Freshman Swim-
ming, Yale, away.
Feb. 9, 10, 11, 12 -Sock and Buskin
Alumni present "Sherlock
Holmes," 8:30.
Feb. 12 - Varsity and Freshman Basket-
ball, Providence College, home.
Varsity and Freshman VVrest-
ling, Wesleyan, away. Var-
sity Track, N. Y. A. C. meet,
away. Varsity Hockey, Yale,
Feb. 16 - Varsity Basketball, M. 1. T,,
away. Classes start, second
Feb. 18 - Varsity Track, Tufts, away.
Varsity Hockey, Dartmouth,
home. Freshman Swinmiing,
Moses Brown, home.
Feb. 19 - Advisory Council of Associated
Alumni. Pembroke and Wes-
leyan Glee Clubs, -Alumnae
Hall, 8:30. Varsity and Fresh-
man Basketball, Univ. of
Conn., home. Varsity and
Freshman Wrestling, M. 1. T.,
home. Varsity Track, N. .A.
-A. U. meet, New York.
Feb. 21 - Varsity Swimming, Dartmouth
home. Varsity Hockey, M.I.T.,
Feb. 22 - Varsity Hockey, Boston Univ.,
Feb. 23 - Piano-Organ recital. Profes-
sors "Dineen and Madeira,
Alumnae Hall, 8:30. Varsity
Basketball, Columbia, away.
Varsity and F'reshman Swim-
ming, Univ. of Conn., away.
Varsity and Freshman Wrest-
ling, Harvard, home. Fresh-
man Basketball, R. 1. C. E ,
Feb. 26 - Brown and Radcliffe Glee
Clubs at Cambridge. Varsity
and Freshman Basketball,
Worcester Tech, away. Var-
sity Wrestling, Coast Guard,
away. Varsity Swimming,
Columbia, home. Varsity
Track, 1C4A meet, New York.
Freshman Swimming, St.
George's, home.
March 1 - Varsity Basketball, Holy
Cross, Boston Garden.
March 2 - Freshman Basketball, Suf-
field -Acad., away.
March 5 - \'arsity Track, New 'S'ork K.
of C. meet, away. Varsity
Basketball, Dartmouth, home.
Freshman Basketball, R. I.
C. E., home.
March 8 - Varsity Hockey, Yale, home.
March 9 - Varsity and Freshman Bas-
ketball, R. I. State, home.
i^onliniietl on Page 20
Professor Potter was a gentleman of
eminence and honor. His appointment
to the Department of English was the last
made by President E. Benjamin -Andrews
before he left Brown. F'or two genera-
tions, with charm and effectiveness, he
presented to Brown students the result
of his studies in Germany and his later
research in the fields of Chaucer and the
Elizabethan drama. He will also be long
remembered for the effectiveness of his
service in the field of University alumni
relations. Even after his retirement from
active teaching, he preserved in the Uni-
versity the tradition of courtesy, thought-
fulness and kindliness. In private life
Professor Potter revealed the value of
hobbies of an intellectual and cultural
character. He was loved by both the
University and the communit\-, and his
presence lent distinction to public occa-
sions. His passing will be mourned by a
host of colleagues and friends.
— from PresidenI Wrixlon's
slalemeni, Nov. 18, 1948
Published monthly (except in August and September) by Brown University, Providence, 12, R, I,
Admitted to the second class of mail matter under the Act of August 2^, 19 12, at the Providence Post Office.
► ►
The Browns and Brown University
► ► Although it existed for 40 years as Rhode
Island College, there is no doubt that it should have
been called Brown University from the moment it
was decided to remove it to Providence from its birth-
place, Warren. It was the only 18th Century college
to be sponsored, nurtured, built, and named by a
single family. Without question, the four Brown
brothers were the most active agents in establishing
the College at Providence.
In 1833, when he was in his 95th year, Moses Brown,
gave a full account of that transfer to President Way-
land, including copies of pertinent documents. "Thou
may see by all this," he wrote, "our family had an
interest in promoting the Institution now called Brown
University, besides the purchase of the name by my
worthy nephew Nicholas."
Rhode Island College had been founded by Phila-
delphia Baptists in 1764 at Warren, R. I. — for obvious
reasons. Harvard (1636) was Congregational, as
was Yale (1701); New Jersey (Princeton) was Pres-
byterian; Kings (Columbia) Episcopalian, as was Wil-
liam and Mary. So the Baptists of Philadelphia,
the center of culture, felt it necessary to found a
Baptist Institution lest their ministers be illiterate
and ignorant men. Rhode Island was selected for
the site because it had no public school nor college
and had been settled by Baptists originally. At
Commencement in 1803 the Corporation voted that
a donation of $5,000, if made within a year, "shall
entitle the donor to name the college." The gift
of that sum by Nicholas Brown, Jr., to establish "a
Professorship of Oratory and Belles Lettres," ful-
filled that requirement. The College has been
Brown University since then.
The Brown family did many things for its beloved
town of Providence, but this was the greatest serv-ice
of all. At such a distance of time one can hardly
imagine what the College would have been like, or
even if it would have continued to exist, had it been
located at East Greenwich or Newport, competitors
WILLIAM G. ROELKER is the Librarian and Director
of the R. I. Historical Society, former Lecturer in History
at Brown, and biographer of Francis Wayland. His paper
on Brown University and the Browns is based on a talk he
gave this year before the Faculty Club and is possessed of
general interest for all Brunonians. It also serves to in-
troduce a new discovery bearing on the fight for the College — a
document which sought to put Brown where the Outlet is today
in downtown Providence. We are privileged not only to print
Air. Roelker's article but also to give first publication to the
"Memorial from the West Side."
for the honor. Of this we can be sure: without Brown
University Providence would have been but another
mill town. But who were these Browns who dared
to challenge Newport, a town twice the size of theirs,
and many times more wealthy, in a contest for the
College (and had, moreover, the ability and the
means to emerge triumphant)?
► First of the Brown family in Providence was
Chad Brown, who came from England to Boston in
1638. Shortly thereafter he removed to Providence
to join Roger Williams and is reputed to have been
the first elder of the Baptist Church. He was a
signer of the Providence Compact, in which the
signatories submitted to be governed "only in civil
things," the first formal government in the world
to be based on a separation of Church and State.
Chad Brown's home lot extended from Market Square
to Hope Street, including the original site of the
College on part of which University Hall now stands.
Chad was a refugee or an outcast — one or the
other like all the early settlers of Providence, two
sides of the same coin. He brought few belongings
to the wilderness, the clothes on his back, a gun, an
ax, and perhaps a saw. Providence was unique in
that it had not been planted in the usual sense: al-
though the State's name is the State of Rhode Island
and Providence Plantations, the settlement had not
followed the granting of a charter from the King nor
the arrival of a company of merchant adventurers.
Rhode Island was also unique in that it had no form
of government at first. Roger Williams was the
leader but only because of his personality. He had
no legal authority, and it was many years before the
pressure of outside events compelled the individual-
istic Rhode Islanders to submit to any form of gov-
We have been so proud of the State's tradition of
independence that we tend to forget that, in the light
of contemporary opinion, Rhode Island became
known as a settlement of blasphemers, heretics, and
worse. The people were all "comeouters," at first
from Massachusetts and then from other colonies.
"I believe there never was held such a variety of
Religions together on so small a spot of ground as
have been in that colony," wrote Cotton Mather in
Alagnalia (1702). "....if a man had lost his religion,
he might find it at the general muster of opinionists."
Fifty years before, William Arnold had written:
"....under the pretence of liberty of conscience about
JAMES MANNING: anonymous partisan
on the side of the Browns and Providence.
these parts there comes to Hve all the scume, the
runne aways of the country..." In the Ecclesiastical
Records of the State of New York we find this com-
pliment: "We suppose they went to Rhode Island
for that is the receptacle of all sorts of riff-raff people
and is nothing else than the sewer of New England."
► Rhode Island suffered political as well as re-
ligious ostracism, and fear of heresy caused her exclusion
from the United Colonies, which surrounded her in
1642. The pressure of this isolation caused Williams
to go to England for the Patent a year later. But,
economically, Rhode Island was a sturdy, self-
sufficient country, with good farming and grazing
in the southern part especially. In 1690 it was
"justly called the garden of New England for its
fertility and Plantation." This resource obviated
the need of a ship from home, on which other colonies
were dependent.
Under this economy, the first three generations
of the Brown family had been farmers, pastors, and
surveyors. But with the fourth generation a new
era began: Rhode Island, surrounded on three sides
by hostile neighbors, turned to the sea; it had to
live by its wits or perish. All New England, in-
cluding Rhode Island, lacked a staple product like
tobacco or rice, something which England wanted,
something the purchase of which would create bills
of exchange on London. New England products
like fish, ship stores, and the like were all available
to England from the Baltic, nearer at han,d; there
was nothing New England could sell to the mother
country, to finance the purchase of the manufactured
goods so vital to pioneer life. The trade with the
West Indies arose to fill this need.
Professor Hedges calls the West Indies trade the
keystone to the arch of New England prosperity.
In fact, it may have been the keystone to her very
existence. The Browns of the fourth generation,
James and Obadiah, jumped into the rapidly develop-
ing commerce with the islands.
They found the sugar plantations a splendid mar-
ket for Rhode Island products. Soon small ships,
about 70 feet over-all, were sailing for Barbadoes and
other ports laden with horses, sheep, cheese, apples,
hens, and geese. The captains bartered for one product,
which could not be grown in Rhode Island : sugar and its
derivatives — molasses and, at first, rum. This last
article was imported originally, but it was soon found
that it could be made cheaper in New England.
Newport in 1769 had 22 distilleries. Rum, which
has been called the lubricant of New England com-
merce, was the life blood of Rhode Island. With
rum slaves could be bought, and the Browns were
soon deeply involved in this triangular trade, no
"leg" of which was illegal or immoral in contemporary
► By the time James (of the fourth generation)
died in 1739, the family fortunes had begun to emerge.
James had four sons who grew to maturity and fame:
Nicholas, Joseph, John, and Moses. Their uncle
Obadiah (27 at James' death) took the three eldest
into the family partnership in various trading en-
terprises. James had sent his first ship to the West
Indies in 1723 and his first to Africa for slaves in
1736. He also started a chocolate mill and apparent-
ly had a rum distillery from the time he owned his
first ship. Before Obadiah's death, the family had
established a far-flung candle business in 1753.
Trained as merchants by Uncle Obadiah, the
four brothers became partners in the firm of Nicholas
Brown & Company at his death in 1762. In 1765,
after much study, the firm founded the Hope Furnace,
to smelt the bog iron from Cranston into pigs. This
enterprise was successful almost immediately, so suc-
cessful because of its efficient management and low
costs that it was able to compete in New York
with Jersey and Pennsylvania foundries. In fact,
the fence around the Bowling Green in New York
City was made from Brown Brothers pig iron.
Grown confident by the success of their ventures,
Nicholas Brown & Co. began the importation of
English goods on a large scale in 1767. Although
John Hancock has been considered the largest dealer
in British goods. Professor Hedges is inclined to
think that the Brown group did an even larger volume
of business, selling British goods from Nantucket to
the Berkshires and also in southeastern Connecticut.
The ability demonstrated in these ventures and their
resulting financial power gave the Browns courage
to try to bring Rhode Island College to Providence.
► The location of the College was only one of the
early problems with which its Corporation had to
cope. In 1769 Rev. Morgan Edwards, one of the
prime movers in the foundation of a Baptist institu-
tion, wrote: "This Seminary was for the most part
friendless and moneyless, and therefor forlorn, in so
much that a college edifice was hardly thought of."
Still, Warren was seeking to retain the College, and a
group from Kent County led by William Greene,
later to be Chief Justice and Governor of Rhode
I.-land and a Trustee of Brown, sought to have it
located in East Greenwich. In this hope, his kins-
man Nathanael, the RevoUitionary General, joined
The first mention of the attempt to locate the Col-
lege in Providence appears in a letter of Moses Brown,
then 31 years old. to his brothers, dated Newport,
Oct. 23, 1769. He wrote that he had had a conversa-
tion on the road with Darius Sessions, who desired
the College in Providence. "And when we consider
the number of advantages which Providence has over
Warren," Moses concluded, "I am much inclined to
think that it is yet within our reach."
M Moses' suggestion. Deputy Go\ernor Sessions
wrote a long letter which set forth fiv<; conditions he
deemed necessary for a college, no matter where it is
1. "Clear wholesome air, not subject to epidemical
2. A place where "there are different denomina-
tions of Christians" whose doctrines are being taught
"so that the young collegians may join with them in
the several modes of worship in which they have
been educated..."
3. Availability of materials and accommodations.
There should be a good market "so that the parents
or friends of the students may support them at college
in the least burdensome manner." The town should
be large enough to accommodate the crowd ga-
thered for Commencements, etc. It should be a
community where "the conversation of the inhabit-
ants should be civil, polite, and courteous, so as to
induce gentlemen from all the American colonies....
to take up their residence. ..and gain an acquaintance
with the seat of the muses." The "interior business
of the town" should consist of various trades "so that
the students may become thoroughly acquainted
with men as well as books, that when their academ-
ical studies are finished, they may not be finished
4. The town should have good libraries.
5. The town should have "an open, convenient
and e.xtensive communication of land and water..."
The College should "not be erected where the com-
munication is liable to be interrupted by a hard frost,
or high and contrary winds." Providence met all
these requirements, Sessions submitted.
► When the Corporation was in meeting on Nov.
15, 1769, Postmaster John Cole, Moses Brown, and
Hczekiah Smith presented a memorial on behalf of
the principal inhabitants of Providence. A rough
draft in the handwriting of Moses Brown shows these
points made:
1. Providence had raised a large sum of money —
nearly $9000.
2. Providence is a place "where youth of all de-
nominations of Christians may resort and attend the
public worship of the -Supreme Being in the way their
parents or their own consciences may direct, and
thereby free, catholic and open principles (may) be
carried into practice in this noble Institution to the
latest posterity."
3. Providence is centrally located with good
transportation and plenty and cheapness of living.
4. Four schoolhouses were there. (The "Brick
School House" on Meeting Street opposite Shakes-
peare's Head still stands after serving various pur-
poses including a free school for colored children. It
is now being used by Crippled Children and Adults
of Rhode Island, Inc., for its work.) The town af-
forded a public library, good libraries for the study
of law or medicine and two printing offices, those of
John Carter's Providence Gazette and John \\'aterman's.
5. All necessary materials and workmen were
6. And finally "We conclude by observing that
it is necessary in the e.xecution of all matters of a
public nature, that the undertakers have a zeal for
promoting it. This qualification we are conscious
we have..."
On the third day of the Corporation's deliberations
before a vote was taken, a petition was entertained
from East Greenwich which applied for the College
because of its central location and because it was not
so large as to distract the students (an argument
soon to be made by the residents of the West Side
of Providence).
► These h.^d indeed been "lively days," as Bronson
observes. Besieged by petitions, the Corporation
voted to rescind an earlier vote to locate in Bristol
County, R. I. It was finally voted "that the College
Edifice be at Providence." There was a condition,
however, that if any subscription was raised in New-
port or any other county "equal or superior to any
now offered. ..that then the vote for fixing the edifice
shall not be esteemed binding." John Brown was
made a member of the committee to fix the site. As
Bronson perceived, "here, evidently, was not an
ending of the struggle, but rather a skillful incentive
to fight longer and put up larger stakes." Rev.
Morgan Edwards wrote: "Providence bid high for it
which made the County of Newport, which is jealous
of Providence on account of trade, assert itself to
the utmost."
It was a contest which the young Browns (Nicholas
the eldest was 40) and their allies welcomed, and the
management of the Providence forces was in the
capable hands of shrewd Moses Brown, just turned 31.
The rivalry grew more intense as Newport, East
Greenwich, and Providence vied with each other to
raise the most money. On Dec. 8, 1769, Stephen
Hopkins and Nicholas Brown & Company wrote to
the Town Councils of Glocester and Scituate to say
that "building the college here will be a means of
bringing great quantities of money into the place...
and consequently of increasing the value of all estates
to which this town is a market; and also that it will
much promote the weight and influence of this north-
ern part of the Colony in the scale of government
in all times to come. ..The people in Newport. ..are
very diligently using every method. ..to carry the
prize from us..." In a postscript, it was added: "Any
materials useful about the building will be received
on account of the subscription."
By every means possible the Browns tried to pre-
vent another meeting of the Corporation which might
reconsider the vote to establish the College in Pro-
vidence. In a letter to Joseph, then at Newport, he
was authorized to add £50 on behalf of Moses, to the
£3,424 already subscribed, if thereby another meeting
could be prevented. But these efforts were unavailing
and the call went out for a session at Warren Feb. 7.
► At this point James Manning, President of Rhode
Island College and Baptist minister at Warren, wrote
an anonymous letter to Nicholas Brown which planned
a strategic campaign to be followed by the Browns.
It clearly indicated where his sympathies and hopes
lay. He told Nicholas frankly that he expected
Newport to have a greater sum available. Get every
farthing you can subscribed, he urged, adding how-
ever that the Providence group would still fall behind,
in all probability:
'"Now," he wrote, "as I think you have the good
of the college at heart more than they, it will stand
you in hand to demonstrate this in the clearest light;
and this you can do by proffering to build the college
yourselves, without even taking their unconditional
subscriptions in Newport. Say nothing about the
President's house; but consult how large a house you
can build, and finish two stories with your own money
....Two advantages will result from such a proposal.
First, you will throw your unconditional subscriptions
out of their sight, and give its full weight to Provi-
dence. Secondly, you can here make all the ad-
vantage to yourselves from lying handy to materials...
you can promise just as much more than they can, as
the edifice can be erected cheaper with you than
them, and as you will prosecute it with more spirit
and do the bargaining and work with less expense.
Here, too, you will have the advantage of them, as
you have made out bills of everything and bespoke
the materials and workmen, and can push it imme-
diately into execution. You might reason a month
on these advantages and not make some dull souls
see the force of it, so well as you can demonstrate it
in this way in ten minutes."
The actual estimate of the account which shows
the College would "cost more if Built in Newport"
has been preserved, in the collections of the R. I.
Historical Society like the other references to which
allusion or from which excerpt has been made in this
article. It is a splendid example of the meticulous
care with which the Browns made all their calcula-
tions. Demonstrating not by generalities but by
the minute cost of each item that it would cost £574
more if built at Newport, Moses Brown was smart
enough to persuade the Corporation to include this
sum with the Providence subscriptions.
► By wh.\t legerdemain or hypnotism Moses Brown
put across this deal is not apparent. In a memoran-
dum of Moses Brown's, there are these concluding
sentences: "...reckoning the whole of their sums
and the whole of ours, they were £158 more than we.
We presented a calculation in the arguments, of the
amount of the building if at Newport more than if
at Providence, amounting to £574 lawful money,
which we insisted should be added to ours, leaving
a balance in our favor of 416. The vote came after
long litigation and argument, both Kent and Warren
putting in their claim. The vote was 'Repeal or not,'
He gave more
than a name.
it passed in the negative twenty-one to fourteen
votes." There is a great variation in the contemp-
orary account of the amounts raised. Bronson con-
cludes that the figures given by Moses Brown, who
was in the thick of the fight, made it clear Providence
raised less money than Newport. "Why then," he
asks, "was Providence given the prize?" He sug-
gests it may have been because of the religious at-
mosphere (there were more Baptists in Providence)
or the business energy which characterized the leading
men. For my part the answer is clear: it was
the force and strategy of the Brown family, led by
brother Moses.
With the triumph of the Browns there was no
question where the College would be located. They
had bought the land in January, 1770; it was to be
on the hill opposite Mr. John Jenckes, up Presby-
terian Lane (College Hill), so named because it ran
past the Presbyterian or Congregational Church
on the corner of Benefit, where the Court House now
stands. Part of the land, that under the College
Edifice (University Hall), originally belonged to Chad
Brown. It had been sold by one of his sons to Daniel
Abbott and now belonged to Samuel Fenner. John
and Moses Brown repurchased it from the Fenners
and sold it to the College. The deed, much the
worse for wear, has come down to us.
► Recently some papers have turned up which add
a new episode to the history of the location of the
College. A group of men living on the West Side,
on Weybosset Street east of the Round Top Church,
had its own ideas. A memorial urged the committee
on site to establish the College on "a fine high piece
of Ground, ample, and dry" which was more acces-
sible than any other place preferred, both from the
country and landing." Since this Muddy Dock landing
is now Dorrance Street, the site this championed is
probabh- where the Outlet stands today, or nearby.
The memorialist agreed that while it was near enough
to the compact part of the town, the site was "never-
theless removed from the interruption that the noise,
clamor, and bustle of business must give them..."
The College Edifice, he continued, attacking the site
proposed by the Browns, should not be "erected upon
an almost inaccessable Mountain. ...The Inconven-
iences, Charges, and Difficulties, that will insue on
having the college seated on the Top of a High Hill
must forever be unsuperable..."
I have yet to find anyone, even those versed in the
history of Brown University, who had heard of this
memorial and its intent until the recent discovery
of the manuscript. Certain it is that neither Bronson
nor Guild refer to it, and there is no mention of it in
the Providence Gazette for February, 1770. I have
not >et been able to decide whether the Browns se-
questered this memorial. It was accompanied by
an additional subscription amounting to more than
£400 or 10% of the amount already subscribed. It
would be quite unlike the Browns to allow any sub-
scription to slip through their fingers, but it will be
quite an undertaking to check these so-called addi-
tional subscriptions with the official records.
The erection of the College Edifice proceeded apace
following the plan of Nassau Hall which was selected
by a committee of which Joseph Brown was a member.
John Brown was in charge of construction. The
digging of the cellar began March 27, 1770. On
May 14 the Gazette recorded:. "the first Foundation
Stone. ..was laid by Mr. John Brown, of this place,
merchant, in the presence of a number of Gentlemen,
Friends to the Institution." It is tradition that the
stone was liberally baptized with rum punch. Cer-
tainly the workmen benefited by John's hospitality,
his expenditures being noted for one gallon of West
Indies rum "when laying the first floor," two for the
second, four for the third, four for the fourth, seven
and more for the fifth, and three "when raising the
roof." The accounts, down to the last nail, the
smallest piece of board purchased or contributed
(for many subscriptions were paid in kind) are all
to be found in the John Carter Brown Library.
^ The first five Commencements in Providence
were held in Elder .Snow's Meeting House, where
the Round Top Church now stands. Then the
Browns came through with another benefaction,
aided by a lottery: the erection of the First Baptist
Meeting House, completed in 1775 at a cost of $21,000
"for the publick Worship of Almighty God, and also
for holding Commencement in." The population of
Providence at the time was 4,321.
Let me briefly list some other accomplishments of
the Browns. In 1773, also with the aid of a lottery,
they built the Market House (which has just been
acquired by the R. I. School of Design). In 1775-6,
they had contracts with the Secret Committee of
Congress to cast cannon at the Hope Furnace. From
1775 to 1796, John Brown was Treasurer of the Col-
lege. In 1783, he offered half of the sum for Philo-
sophical Apparatus and the Library. (£700 was
collected, together with instruments and 400 books.)
In 1784, Jo.seph Brown was Professor of Experimental
Philosophy. In 1786, John commenced building his
"Red-Brick-Mansion-on-the-Hill." In 1787 he sent
the first ship from Narragansett Bay to China, his
General Washington. In 1790, Moses induced
Samuel Slater to come to Rhode Island to start cotton
manufacturing. In 1791, John and Moses founded
the Providence Bank. In 1793 John built the Wash-
ington Bridge. In 1796, he proposed the canal to
Worcester. In 1799, the Providence Insurance Com-
pany was founded, at the initiative of the Browns.
In 1804, Nicholas Brown, Jr., gave the College the
$5,000 which led to the naming of Brown University.
Probabh' the choice of Oratory as a subject for the
first chair was influenced by John Brown, who wrote
the Corporation that "the most beautiful and hand-
some mode of speaking was a principal object... of
the first Friends to this College..." In the aggregate,
Nicholas Brown, Jr., gave nearly $160,000 to the
University, a munificent sum at that day's valuation.
These gifts included Hope College, named for his
sister, wife of Thomas P. Ives; Manning Hall, a sub-
stantial contribution to Rhode Island Hall, and
frequent gifts to the Library. At his death consider-
able real estate east of the College was bequeathed
to Brown.
► The Browns were always interested in the Library,
toward which their individual small gifts are too
numerous to record. But the culmination is the
John Carter Brown Library, noted throughout the
world as the great library of Americana prior to 1801.
The original book is one in which the first Nicholas
wrote his name in 1740; the family's interest con-
tinues, of course, through John Nicholas Brown,
grandson of John Carter Brown, Assistant Secretary
of the Navy for Air and University Fellow.
Bringing the College to Providence was the premier
performance of the Brown family for the town; the
gift of the John Carter Brown Library was the premier
performance for the University.
It is an honored and honorable name which came
to the University so happily, so appropriately. What
the Browns did for Brown makes any other name
inconceivable. '*
Against College Hill
► ► College Hill was no place for Brown, in the
opinion of certain citizens of Providence before either
hill or college had their present names. The reasons
they gave for locating the College on the West Side
of town must have seemed ornamented with logic
at the time. But today, in the light of the City's
development, one can only read the argument with
a succession of mental exclamation points, for the
site which they commended as better suited for a
College is squarely downtown, near where the Outlet
Store stands today.
Entertaining reading as it is, the following memo-
randum of 1770 also has historical importance as part
of the story of the University, although it does not
appear in the written record to date, apparently.
Here published for the first time since its recent dis-
covery, is the document referred to in Mr. Roelker's
article on Brown and the Browns;
Avoid the "Mountain" -^
To the Committee appointed for determining
the Spot, or Place in Providence, where the
College is to be built.
►The Memorial of us the Undersigners
Sheweth: That as a College is about
to be built in Providence, we have it much
at Heart, that it should be built in such
a Place and part of the Town, as will at
once be most commodious for the College,
and beneficial to the Public. These are
the only objects, in our Opinion, that
should demand the attention of the Com-
mittee; We having formed Estimates of
the advantages and Disadvantages which
attend several Places, which have been
proposed for fixing the Edifice; and upon
the most impartial Survey, are fully
convinced, that a Piece of Land lying on
the west Side of the Bridge, adjoining
to the House where George Rounds liveth
is the most suitable of any that can be
It is a fine level piece of Ground, ample,
and dry. It may be viewed from the
whole Town, as well as from the Country,
and hath the advantage of a healthful
Air. The Water (which may be easily
had there) is remarkably good and pure;
and there is abundant Room for the
Students to exercise themselves, not only
on the College Ground, but by walking
out, as several great Roads take place
there abouts.
It is more accessible than any other
place proposed, both from the Country
and Landing. All Sorts of Materials
may be carried to the Spot, much cheaper
than could be done to the Place in Fenner's
Lot on the East Side of the River, where
it hath been proposed by some to fix the
College. Fuel, Baggage, and Furniture,
may be transported thither with the ut-
most Facility, as the Roads from every
part are good and easy. It hath the ad-
vantage of being near the Confluence of
divers great Roads, from the best and
most interesting interior parts of the
Country. Great Quantities of Provisions
come by this Place to Market, and is the
Pass where the Supply of Firewood for the
Town must in Future be principally ex-
pected, as that most necessary article hath
for several Years failed, and grown scarcer
in Smithfield and other places, from
whence the Easterly part of the Town
usually were supplied, chiefly caused by
immense Comsumption (sic) of Wood in
Lime Kilns, Forges &c.
► The Students in this Place, altho they
will be near enough to the compact part
of the Town to receive every accommo-
dation and Easement that may be needed,
will nevertheless be removed from the
Interruptions that the Noise, Clamour,
and Bustle of Business must give them,
upon a nearer Situation.
The Wisdom of all ages hath consulted
a retired Situation for Accademies, Schools,
and Places of Learning, as most proper
for Study.
If it should be said that the other place
proposed is retired, it may be answered,
that it is very near the Center of Business,
where there is an universal Resort, and
a few Steps will carry the Students into
the midst of Tumult, and will greatly
divert their minds from Study.
We have observed with the utmost
concernment a Disposition in divers people
to have the College Edifice erected upon
an almost inaccessible Mountain; and our
concern is the greater as this Measure
appears to be promoted by some principal
Gentlemen, and large Subscribers. Our
Subscriptions for the College amount to
a considerable Sum (let it be built where
it may in the Town) and as we thought,
as much as we could conveniently con-
tribute; but upon hearing that great
Interest was making to have the College
built upon the Hill on the East Side of
the River, we exerted ourselves to pre-
vent that most injudicious Measure, and
have subscribed a further Sum, on con-
dition that the College be built on the
West Side, to be appropriated for the
Purchase of the Lot, making a Well, and
the Residue to go towards building the
College, as the Subscription List herewith
presented will Manifest.
If we make a Comparison between the
two places we shall find, that the pur-
chase money of sufficient Land on the
East Side, will exceed that on the West
Side of the River, by a great Sum; and
besides the Subscription for building the
College in general Terms; a special P'und
amounting to a Large Sum is raised, on
Condition that it be built on the West
Side; which Considerations we think
ought to have due Weight in fixing a
Building of such great Cost. Doubtless
Frugality ought to be consulted, as well
as other Ideas in such an important Af-
fair. Further, we are made to be Ac-
quainted that it is almost a general
Sentiment of the Subscribers to the
College on the Westerly part, as well as
of many in other parts, that the place
which we offer is the most suitable.
► The m.vtter of establishing a College
or University is of the highest Moment,
not only to the present Age but to future
Generations. One wrong Step in the
begining, in Regard to the Place, can
never be mended.
The Inconveniences, Charges, and Diffi-
culties, that will ensue on having the
College seated on the Top of a high Hill
must forever be insuperable. The very
Difference in the Cost of Fuel for a few
years will amount to a Vast Sum, which
will be so much Money entirely sunk.
Therefore it is that we present this Me-
morial, protesting against such a Fixation,
as inconvenient, and a measure that will
stand in the way of the universal Benefit
supposed to arrise from the College, in
general and Special.
We the Memorialists do therefore re-
quest You to take the whole matter into
a deliberate Consideration and that you
will make it your Report to the Honorable
and Reverend Corporation, that the Col-
lege be fixed in the Place we propose.
Step.Rawson As a Committee of &
James Black in behalf of the Sub-
Barnard Eddy scribers whose names
Jno Mathewson are presented with
C(aleb) Harris Memorial
JOHN CARTER BROWN LIBRARY "the premier performance.
► ► The First Word From Connecticut
►► Workers for the Brown Housing Fund kept
saying in November that it was too early to report
on the "trial run" over in Connecticut, the first terri-
tory active in the area-by-area type of campaigning
to be employed in this second phase of the $6,000,000
enterprise. But, though they stressed the incon-
clusive character of early returns, it was obvious that
they were pleased with the way things were starting.
First, there was good organization in the State,
under the regional chairman. Rev. Edwin H. TuUer
'35. Teams were covering their prospects, seeing
people in person. The cards which had been returned
showed participation at that point higher than any
known American college campaign. A third of the
prospects had been reported on, and an analysis of
those who had made their decision in this second
round revealed they were giving better than 2)/^ times
what they had given before.
But Mr. Tuller was cautious: "It is encouraging,
but we are not satisfied. The pattern is such that
we are convinced that this new plan of campaign is
sound. We'll know more when we get further word
after the first of the month."
► Groundwork was being laid in New York, where
the campaign would be pressed after Connecticut.
Along with Rhode Island, it will have its chance in
January, February, and March. National Chairman
Claude R. Branch '07 announced the appointment of
Henderson E. Van Surdam, an e.xperienced worker
in college campaigns, as assistant to the Secretary
of the University. After working in Connecticut,
he will assist in the organization of the New York
area. His appointment has enabled headquarters to
accelerate the general campaign program.
How thorough the Connecticut organization was
could be seen in the roster of campaigners. Here is
a breakdown, community by community, of the chair-
men, advisors, and workers:
BRIDGEPORT: Area Chairman— Edmund L.
Eveleth '32. Unit Chairmen and Workers: Danbury
— Raymond E. Clafiin '20, chairman, Francis R.
Repole '33, Arnold F. McLachlan '28. Fairfield—
E. P. Blanchard '12, chairman, Kenneth A. O'Brien
'28. Norwalk — Richard A. Ogden '32, chairman.
Southport — E. Perkins Nichols '19 chairman. Stam-
ford and Greenuich — Nathan B. Silverman '24, chair-
man, and S. Merritt Skelding '11. Stratford — Wal-
lace H. Lineburgh '37, chairman, and Roger D. Har-
vey '24. Westport — Gordon H. Ingerson '31, chair-
man. Wilton — William H. Crawford '21, chairman,
Anthony H. Flack '47, Dwight H. Hall '99, and Rich-
ard H. \'an Horn '17. Area Advisory Committee —
J. Montgomery Mason '26 and Messrs. Blanchard,
Crawford, Hall, Lineburgh, Nichols, O'Brien, and
Van Horn.
HARTFORD: Area Chairman— Cyrus G. Flan-
ders '18. Unit Chairmen and Workers: Bristol —
George C. Wilcox '19. Hartford — Mr. Flanders,
chairman. Robert D. Allison '29, co-chairman,
August F. Avantaggio '45, Fred A. Lougee '21, and
David E. Slattery '36. Wallace H. Henshaw '23, co-
chairman, William C. Bieluch '30, Ernest E. Intle-
house '26, Paul M. Palten '33, and Kenneth Wright '38.
Herbert A. Howard '28, co-chairman, Herbert I.
Buttrick, Jr., '41, and Joseph S. Stookins '34. Hillis
K. Idleman '31, co-chairman. Dr. Newell R. Kelley
'33, co-chairman. Dr. Robert A. Goodell '24, Clarence
F. Roth '46, and William Wagner '47. Frederick H.
Rea '35, co-chairman. Laurence R. Smith '20, co-
chairman, Donald H. Amidon '40, William W. Keffer
'43, and Ralph R. Walker. Elisha C. Wattles '13,
special worker. Z,a^«);7/i?— Howard A. Taber '10,
chairman. Litchfield — Francis E. Enslin '25 and
Carl T. Hartigan '37, chairmen. Manchester — Russell
B. Grannis '36, chairman. Middletou'n-—Rev. Alvin
D. Johnson '39, chairman. New Britain — Raymond
C. Lawson '23, chairman; Oscar S. Anderson '35, co-
chairman. Suffield and Thorn psonville — Enrico Cas-
inghino '39, chairman; G. Gardner Hathaway, Jr.,
'42, and David B. Parlin '40, co-chairmen. Area
Advisory Committee — Francis P. Brown, Jr., '25, C.
Manton Eddv '22, Milton H. Glover '22, Wilson C.
Jainsen '22, Ernest W. McCormick '22, Harold A.
McKay '18, Paul E. Monahan '31, Walter P. Rolland
'22, Mr. Henshaw, and Dr. Kelley.
NEW HAVEN: Area Chairman— Benjamin A.
Chase II '38. Unit Chairmen and Workers: Bran-
ford — F. Kenneth Armstrong '23, chairman. Hamden
— Andrew L. Breckenridge '11, chairman, Roland E.
Copeland '15, and Clarence W. Miller '12. Madison—
J. J. Henry Muller III '38, chairman, John Ervin '11,
August O. Neidlinger '32, and Olin E. Neidlinger '33.
Meriden — A. Gordon Davis '28, chairman, Robert J.
Gannon '36, and Dr. Lester H. Sugarman '30. Milford
Woodmont — Charles E. H. Williams '38, chairman,
and Paul W. Holt '36. New Haven— Kohert B.
Dugan '33, chairman, John C. Braman '40, William
A. Bree, Jr., '35, Wilfred C. Broadbent '39, Henry H.
Bucholz '25, John T. Dolan '31, Robert S. Hallock
'46, Donald H. Holmes '46, Malcolm A. Jenckes '24,
Edward A. C. Murphy '13, David A. Tuckerman '46,
and Gardner E. Wheeler, Jr., '36. Naui^atuck —
Charles E. Spencer III '42, chairman, and Martin F.
Lynn '42. Netc Milford — William F. Scholze, Jr., '12,
chairman. North Haven — Clarence F. Andrews '26,
chairman. Valley — Dr. Oscar Rogol '26, chairman,
and Percy Kingsley '28. Waterbury — Paul V. Hayden
'25, chairman. West Haven — -Hubert C. Hodge '30,
chairman. Area Advisory Committee — Jerome W.
Gratenstein '36, V. A. Hedberg, Jr., '22, Harry R.
Westcott '11, and Messrs. Andrews, Bucholz, Davis,
Dugan, Hayden, Hodge, and Miller.
NORWICH: Area Chairman— Allyn L. Brown.
Jr., '37. Advisory Committee — Rev. Alexander H.
Abbott '03, Thomas G. Ahern '42, Hon. Allyn L.
Brown '05, Dr. G. H. Gildersleeve '19, and Byron M.
Hatfield '22. Unit Chairmen and Workers: Norwich
— Stephen S. Armstrong '36, chairman. Rev. Mr.
Abbott, Mr. Ahern, H. Dexter Hyland, Jr., '38, Wil-
liam E. Kelly '40 and Maurice T. Taylor '33 New
London — Lloyd E. Gallup '23, chairman. Mystic —
Carl C. Cutler '03, chairman.
WILLIMANTIC: Area Chairman— Howard W.
Memmott '33. Unit Chairmen: Danielson — Rev.
Nathan B. Burton '16. Putnam — Lewis A. Averill '22
and Edward C. Fisher '22. Willimantic — Eric H.
Lind '25. <
Our New Board ^
► ► This magazine has always benefited from the
attention of devoted alumni associated with it. The
present Board of Editors is no exception to this qual-
ity. That this is so is wholly fitting, since it is to
them that the Associated Alumni delegate respons-
ibility for policy and content. (Control over these
two continued strictly to be an alumni matter when
the agreement was made with the University for the
financing and distribution of the magazine to all
Brown men.)
Carleton D. Morse 13 served the ALUMNI
MONTHLY faithfully and skillfully as Chairman of
the Board during the first period of its general cir-
culation. His retirement was the subject of wide
regret last summer, and none knew better than the
Board and the stafT what his great contributions had
been. Another genuine loss came in the death of
Chauncey E. Wheeler '09 as his term on the Board
was coming to an end.
The Board of Editors was reorganized this fall with
the election of Arthur Braitsch '23 as its Chairman.
As Business Manager of the magazine when the late
Henry R. Palmer '90 transferred the property to the
Associated Alumni, he was directly involved in the con-
duct of the ALUMNI MONTHLY for 15 years. He
was a member of the Board of Editors from the start,
and the alumni are fortunate to have him in the
chairmanship. He is a Providence advertising man
who runs his own agency; he was at one time an
English instructor at Brown.
The new Vice-Chairman is George W. Potter '21,
chief editorial writer for the Providence Journal and
Evening Bulletin, He is a past Pulitzer Prize-winner
and former member of the Brown English Depart-
ment. He represents the magazine on the Board of
Directors of the Associated Alumni. H. Stanton
Smith '21 is a member of the Board by virtue of his
being President of the Associated Alumni. Prof. I.
J. Kapstein '26, novelist and member of the English
Department, is the Faculty representative on the
Board of Directors of the Associated Alumni. He
has been Vice-Chairman of the ALUMNI MONTH-
LY for the past two years. George F. Troy, Jr., '31,
education specialist for the Providence Journal con-
tinues in the Board as well.
Two new members joined the group this fall:
Garrett D. Byrnes '26, Sunday Editor of the Provi-
dence Journal and lecturer at the Columbia Press
Institute. H. Linus Travers '27, high-ranking radio
executive in the Mutual Broadcasting System and
Yankee Network. He is a member of the Board of
Directors of the Associated Alumni. "*
Your Souvenirs of Brown
► A REMINDER from the University Archivist, W.
Easton Louttit '25: The John Hay Library continues
to hope that Brown alumni will make available pic-
tures, clippings, programs, and other souvenirs of
their day in College. In fact, Brunoniana of all
kinds are welcome additions to the special collections
in the University Library. Material may be left
in the Special Collections Room or addressed to the
Archivist, John Hay Library, Brown University,
Providence 12, R. I. <
President of the A. A. U.
► ► Dr. Henry M. Wriston, President of Brown
University, has been elected President of the Asso-
ciation of American Universities. The election took
place at a meeting of the Association held at the
University of Pennsylvania last October 28-30 but
was not announced at that time because several chang-
es in the constitution had to be ratified by member
institutions. These changes are now in etYect.
At the present time the Association is composed
of 34 institutions of high standing on the North
American continent and has as its purpose the con-
sideration and expression of opinions on matters of
common interest relating to university policy.
Dr. Frank P. Graham, President of the University
of North Carolina, was elected Vice-President, and
Chancellor Deane W. Mallott of the University of
Kansas, Secretary-Treasurer.
Among the changes made in the constitution was
the establishment of a constituent branch to be known
as the Association of Graduate Schools and whose
chief concern will be the improvement of graduate
teaching and research. Dean C. A. Elvehjem of the
University of Wisconsin was elected President of this
Association; Dean Arthur R. Tebbutt (Brown 1927)
of Northwestern University, Vice-President; and
Dean N. Paul Hudson of Ohio State University,
It was voted that individuals rather than institu-
tions should be officers. Last year Harvard Univer-
sity held the office of president.
Membership qualifications in the Association of
American Universities, commonly considered as the
highest ranking academic organization in existence,
have been restated as follows: "It is composed of
institutions on the North American continent the
quality of whose graduate work in certain fields is
high and, in addition, whose claims for inclusion are
strong, either because of general high standing of
their programs or because of the high standing of one
or more of their professional schools. New members
will be admitted by a three-fourths vote of the mem-
bership." ■*
The Japs Were Convicted
► Long months of work as Chief Prosecutor of Jap-
anese war criminals brought satisfaction to Joseph B.
Keenan '10 in November when the international
tribunal in Tokyo brought in a verdict of guilty.
Former Premier Hideki Tojo and 24 other high offi-
cials were convicted of war conspiracy. Mr. Keenan
formally cleared Emperor Hirohito.
Mr. Keenan, formerly the Assistant to the Attorney
General of the United States, has formed a law part-
nership with Morris Kanfer, formerly special counsel
to the Bureau of Internal Revenue; Frederick Bernays
Wiener, lately resigned as Assistant to the Solicitor
General of the United States; and Robert T. Murphy,
formerly associated with Mr. Keenan. Mr. Wiener
is Brown 1927. '*
The Air Is International
► Dr. Paul T. David, who received his Ph. D. from
Brown in 1933, will serve the International Civil
Aviation Organization as Chairman of the Air Trans-
port Committee for a year. He is the United States
member of that committee. Dr. David was an in-
structor in economics at Brown from 1928 to 1930. ■*
► ► Big Brown: "He's Just a Bear... "
BY HOWARD Sr CURTIS. Director. Brown News Bureau
► ► Always lively and imaginative in their support
of Brown, the loyal Mid-West Alumni made history
again when they presented the University this fall
with a mammoth nine-foot stufTcd bear in testimony
of their high regard for their old Alma Mater. An
erstwhile "Big Brown" or Kodiak bear, native of
Sitka, Alaska, this permanent mascot for Brown
weighed an estimated 1600 pounds on the paw and
was brought to bay some 10 years ago by five shots
from the gun of Jack Durrell, big-game hunter and
former \'ice-President of the National City Bank of
New York.
No welcome sight in live form. Bruin is originally
reported as towering 12 feet on his hind legs, but the
stuffing process cost him two feet eight inches in
height and about 1000 pounds in weight. Lighter
and smaller now, he is still characteristically a Brown
Bear, and frisky >oung Bruno the Ninth, the 1948
team mascot, would have to be enlarged 10 times to
be in the same class. Bruin looms menacingly, claws
unsheathed and three-inch fangs bared, on his own
pedestal in a post that promises to be a positive in-
spiration to generations of Brown linemen.
An energetic idea-man and national vice-chairman
of the Brown Housing and Development campaign,
Ronald M. Kimball '18 of Chicago persuaded Mr.
Durrell to part with his troph\^ for the greater glory
of Brown. Kimball enlisted the able aid of Jack
Monk '24, also of Chicago, in soliciting funds to cover
the purchase., perpetual anti-moth treatment, and
general upkeep of the bear.
The animal hulk was presented to President Wriston
at the football rally the night before the Holy Cross
game. When Mr. Kimball made the presentation,
the bear was unveiled by Gloria K. Green, daughter
of Governor Dwight H. Green of Illinois and George
Deiderick of St. Louis, from this year's Freshman
Class at Pembroke and Brown. Prominent support-
ers of the project were introduced, all Brown Trustees
from the Middle West: Dr. W. Russell Burwell '15 of
Cleveland; Chapin S. Newhard '22 of St. Louis;
James L. Palmer '19 of Chicago; John G. Peterson '18
of Minneapolis; and Mr. Kimball.
From Middleboro, Mass., Everett Bowen '92, a
member of the first Brown football team which played
a regular schedule, came to be on hand and share the
undergraduates' applause.
Earlier in the day more than 200 Brown and Pem-
broke students from the Middle West attended a tea
to welcome the Trustees and observe Mid-West Day.
They came back later that night to see the new bear
in its permanent place in a huge glass case in the
Faunce House Trophy Room, with a plaque appro-
priately giving its history. '*
{For evidence of national interest in this project,
turn to page 21 this issue)
THEY ALL HAVE TO LOOK UP at the big Alaska
Brown Bear which alumni of the Middle West pre-
sented to the University this fall. Sponsor of the
plan was Ronald M. Kimball '18, in dark coat at left.
With him is Everett A. Bowen '92, a survivor of Brown's
first football squad who was introduced to the under-
graduates the night of the presentation. Football
players with the bear are Ed Finn (50) and Capt.
Norm lacuele (69)
The Man Hampton Picked
^ Hampton Institute has chosen Alonzo G. Moron '32
as Acting President. He has been serving the famous
Virginia institution as Business Manager for two
years. He is former Commissioner of Public Wel-
fare for the Virgin Islands, his home, and a former
manager of two Federal housing projects at Atlanta,
Mr. Moron came to Brown after graduation from
Hampton Institute's Division of Trades and Indus-
tries. His Brown degree was awarded cum laude.
In addition, he studied at the University of Pittsburgh
under a fellowship from the National Urban League,
receiving an A. M., and last year earned his LL. B.
from Harvard Law.
In his native \'irgin Islands, he was responsible for
developing a public welfare program in a community
75 per cent of whose population had been described
as "either unemployed or under-employed." His
long-range survey laid the basis for the present hous-
ing program in the Virgin Islands. In 1936 he was
housing manager for University Homes, a Federally
operated low-rent housing project for 675 Negro
families in Atlanta. When it was leased to the
Housing Authority of Atlanta in 1940, he became
consultant in the building of six more housing pro-
jects and added the managership of a second to his
other duties. In Atlanta he was a regular lecturer
in housing at the School of Social Work and occa-
sionally in other fields. Mr. Moron has been a mem-
ber of the National Association of Housing Officials,
the interracial committee of the Atlanta Chamber of
Commerce, and the executive boards of the Georgia
Conference of Social Work, the Atlanta Social Plan-
ning Council, and the Atlanta Urban League. ^
Marshall Plan's Budget Director
► Norman S. Tabor '13, as director of the budget
division of the Economic Co-operation Administra-
tion, holds today one of the most vital posts in the
whole Marshall Plan scheme. He was named this
fall after years of fame as an expert consultant in
governmental finance. The former Rhodes Scholar
and one-time holder of the world's record in the mile
run served Brown as Chairman of the Athletic Coun-
cil at one time and is a Trustee of the University. ■*
Football Fare for 1949
^ Replace Rutgers and Connecticut with Columbia
and Lehigh and, with the balance of the 1948 oppon-
ents listed again, you have Brown's 1949 football
schedule as announced Now 18 by Paul F. Mackesey,
Director of Athletics. It is again a nine-game cycle,
opening about a week later than this past fall and
affording no idle Saturday on the weekend before
Appearing in Providence are Holy Cross, the first
game, Rhode Island State, Lehigh, and Colgate, the
last continuing in its Turkey Day role. Away from
home are Princeton, Western Reserve, Yale, Harvard,
and Columbia — the last four of them on successive
Saturdays. Yale, met in 1948 on the first day of the
season, returns to the more customary mid-season
spot, the week before the Harvard game.
The schedule: Oct. 1— Holy Cross. Oct. 8— Rhode
Island. Oct. 15— at Princeton. Oct. 22 — Lehigh.
Oct. 29 — at Western Reserve. Nov. 5 — at Yale.
Nov. 12 — at Harvard. Nov. 19 — at Columbia. Nov.
24 — Colgate. Columbia, a team over which the
Bruins hold a seven-to-five advantage in the number
of victories to date, with two games ending as ties,
comes back on the Brown schedule after a lapse of
three years, while Brown has not played Lehigh since
1931. The Bears and the Engineers played six games
between 1895 and 1931, the former winning four.
When Brown returns the 1948 visit of Western Re-
serve by journeying to Cleveland for the inter-
sectional game on Oct. 29, it will be the first time a
Brown eleven has appeared in the Middle West since
1924 when the Brunonians played the University of
Chicago. ■^
Assisting Howard Hughes
► Malcolm Smith '25 has been elected Vice-President
of the Hughes Tool Company, the Houston, Tex.,
Chamber of Commerce Magazine reported in its Octo-
ber issue. The former New York investment banker
will assist Howard Hughes, President, in the super-
vision of the many Hughes interests, including Trans
World Airways, Hughes Aircraft Company, and
Radio-Keith-Orpheum Corporation. Mr. Smith is a
former partner of J. H. Whitney and Company, pri-
vate investment firm, and also of Glore, Forgan and
Company, Investment bankers of New York and
Chicago. He is a director of the Vendo Company,
the Sunflower Natural Gas Company, and the Spencer
Chemical Company of Kansas City. He was a Lt.
Col. in the Army Service Forces in World War II. '*
Advertisers Elect Standish
► Myles Standish '20 is the new President of the
Outdoor Advertising Association of America, elected
at the organization's national convention at Memphis,
Tenn., in November. He is President of Standish,
Inc., the Standish Barnes Co., and the Newport
Poster Advertising Co., with his office at 507 Union
Trust Building, Providence. '*
For Connecticut's Junior Bar
► William Bieluch '39 was elected Chairman of the
Junior Bar of Connecticut at the convention of the
State Bar Association Oct. 18. He is also Connecti-
cut State Chairman of the Junior Bar Conference of
the American Bar Association. He is a member of
the newly formed law partnership of Sidor & Bieluch,
with offices at 525 Main St., Hartford. "*
The Best Eleven Since '32 ^ ^
Brown Team Statistics
► ► "Win 7." That was the way the
Band spelled it out, and that was what
everyone in the Brown stands was pulling
for on Thanksgiving Day, 1948. To make
the point even more emphatic, the cheer-
leaders rolled gargantuan dice which were
so rigged that they could come up only
with 7s. By beating Colgate, respected
and generally jinxing foe, the Varsity
football team won that seventh game for
the best season on the books since 1932.
It is true that two games of hearts' de-
sire— against Yale and Harvard — were
not with the other trophies. But Prince-
ton, Holy Cross, Rutgers, Colgate, Rhode
Island, Connecticut, and Western Reserve
had all been beaten, with thrills attendant
all the way. And although a dozen
different players began to see themselves
mentioned as "AU-This" or "Ail-That,"
the impressive fact was that it had been a
solid, balanced team performance which
brought Brown its success. This had
been evident in the year's high spot — at
Princeton — and in every offensive and
defensive accomplishment.
On Thanksgiving Day eight men were
on the field for Brown for the last time.
Captain Norm lacuele had been out most
of the year with a broken leg, after playing
in 30 straight encounters. Ed Finn, one
of the country's great passers and a slick
ball-handler, had led the team's ofTense
with a credit of 934 yards, virtually all
of it on his tosses. Bill McLellan, a
power at tackle, also had his recognition
as the two were chosen to play in the
North-South game. Ed Hendrick had
had a good year at end, while Bob Rougvie
Tom Nicholas, Dave Livingston, and
Vice D'Angelo had all been serviceable
► Over the nine games Unn completed
47 out of 102 attempted passes for a total
of 917 yards (an average of 19.5 yards
per completion) and 13 touchdowns to
top his 1947 total by 512 yards. This
passing total plus 17 yards gained rushing
give him a 934 yard figure for total offense.
Halfback Chuck Nelson was Finn's fa-
vorite aerial target, as the combination
connected with 16 completed passes,
good for 435 yards (an a\'erage of 27.2
yards per completion) and seven touch-
downs. Twenty-eight per cent of Finn's
completions went for scores to set a very
high ratio of touchdowns-per-completed-
Roger Young was the leading ground
gainer on the Bruin eleven, rolling up 506
yards in 98 carries (5.2 yards per try)
and 10 touchdowns to also be the leading
scorer. Fullback Arnie Green was next
in line in rushing with 365 yards in 90
The Brown team as a whole topped
the 1947 total team figures in every de-
partment except pass interceptions. Oddly
enough, the Brown pass defense was far
more effective than a year ago and the
Bruins are rated one of the top five teams
in the countr\' in this category, but they
still intercepted 17 passes in 1947 and 16
this season. Two other unusual figures
in the 1948 statistics pertain to fumbles
and penalties. Brown recovered no less
than 21 of the 24 fumbles made by the
opposition, and Brown and its opponents
were penalized exactly the same number
of yards during the season — 348.
This season's Brown eleven averaged
26.9 points per game, ranking them second
in Bruin grid annals behind Fritz Pollard's
1916 aggregation with its 28.2 points per
game average. The season's total of 242
points is the fourth highest in Brown his-
tory, topped only by teams in 1894, 1905
and 1916.
Just to refresh your memory, here are
the 1948 scores again: Yale 28, Brown 13.
Brown 23, Princeton 20. Brown 33, R.
I. State 0. Brown 14, Holy Cross 6.
Brown 49, Connecticut 6. Brown 20,
Rutgers 6. Brown 36, Western Reserve 0.
Harvard 30, Brown 19. Brown 35, Col-
gate 7.
► High scorer for Brown was Roger
Young with 10 touchdowns, 60 points.
Nelson was next with 8 for 48. The others:
George Paterno 30, Condon 26 (17 extra
points, 3 field goals), DiDomenico 18,
Kozak 12, Green 12, Finn, Altieri, Zeoli,
Mahoney, Beaulieu, and Rodewig 6 each.
Team statistics showed that Brown
topped its yardage total for 1947 by 467
yards. In passing the aggregate of 1066
yards compared with 673 last year. Rush-
ing netted 74 more yards.
All year long Brown played a prominent
role in national gridiron statistics. It
was consistently first in the East on pass
defense, and the honor still belonged to
the team after nine games. It yielded
only 55.7 yards per game. Going into
the Harvard game, the Bear was rated
fifth nationally on total defense, second
nationally in pass defense, and 15th on
total offense. At various stages of the
campaign, the team was among the of-
fensive leaders in the East, (third to fifth)
Ed Finn was among the top 15 on pass
Two Years In a Row
► Wh.\tever jin.x there is which
thri\es at Cambridge, does not
confine itself to Varsity football.
For the second year in a row, Brown
dropped five games in a single
weekend to Harvard.
A favored Varsity football team
bowed to an upsurging host, while
the Freshmen surrendered a fourth
period lead and the Jayvees also
lost a close contest. A year ago
it was the Freshman football eleven
which went against Harvard un-
• defeated; this year it was the yearl-
ing soccer team, which lost its first
game 5-1 although scoring first.
The Varsity soccer team in losing
3-0 was far from being the machine
which beat Yale and Princeton this
Certain undergraduates took
paintbrushes to Cambridge to dec-
orate the Harvard yard with
"Browns" and "B's" this year.
They were caught and suspended,
both for being destructive and un-
imaginative. It was the Harvard
athlete, however, who really ap-
plied the whitewash on that sad
weekend. .'\nd the Harvard cheer-
ing section, relentless as a Greek
chorus, seemed to mean it when it
chanted: "What do we eat? What
do we eat? BEAR MEAT, BEAR
MEAT! " <
First downs
Rushing tries
Yds. gained rushing
Forward passes
Forwards completed
Yds. gained passing
Total yds. offense
Passes int. by
Punt runbacks
Av. distance punts
Ball lost fumbles
Yds. lost penalties
Extra points
Field goals
completions and distance, and Joe Paterno
was fifth nationally on punt returns.
Lewis Shaw, Athletic Publicity Direct-
or, provides individual statistics, too.
In rushing the yardages were as follows:
Young 506, Green 365, DiDomenico 140,
Nelson 131, George Paterno 120, Gresh
110, Zeoli 105, Beaulieu 98, Rodewig 81,
Joe Paterno 63, Rich 52, Kozak 51, Florio
31, Pastuszak 23, Ormsby 19, Finn 17,
Sullivan 13, Lenker 11, Roth 7, Searles 4.
The figures on pass reception: Nelson
16 for 435 yards, Mahoney 12 for 176,
George Paterno 7 for 155, Searles 7 for 93,
Young 4 for 72, Powers 2 for 46, Altieri
3 for 42, Rodewig 2 for 18, Green 1 for 11,
Rich 1 for 7, Zeoli 1 for 6, Kozak 1 for 5.
The passers: Finn 47 of 102 for 917 yards.
Joe Paterno 8 of 18 for 127 yards, Pas-
tuszak 2 of 9 for 22.
Brown 49,
Connecticut 6
► Two TOUCHDOWNS in the first seven
minutes settled the issue early against
Connecticut, although the Nutmeggers
had been touted to provide quite a battle,
on the strength of their performance in
holding Yale to a single score. A touch-
down in eleven running plays after get-
ting possession of the ball on the UConn
45 accounted tor the first markdown.
The second score followed swiftly when
the Huskies fumbled on their 14. Young
was the runner on the first three touch-
downs, the last coming in the second
period after Green's 45- yard dash across
the goal-line had been nullified because of
Substitutions were liberal in the second
half, but each new man was determined
to make himself telt. Other scoring: two
touchdowns by George Paterno, one by
Zeoli, another on a Finn-Nelson pass, and
a handsome placement by Joe-the-Toe
Condon. A kickoff return of 45 yards
by Green, and two pass interceptions by
Joe Paterno and Altieri were other high-
lights. In all Brown ground out 22 first
downs and 374 yards on ground plays,
with just enough passes to keep the Husk-
ies off balance.
Brown 20. Rutgers 6
► Ordinarily defensive football doesn't
breed excitement, but Brown's victory
performance in thwarting a strong Rutgers
eleven was a thriller often because of the
superb pass-checking and line surges by
the Brunonians. On the attack. Brown
had enough punch in Young's running
and Finn's passing to keep the action hot
and provide the winning margin.
Gathering momentum slowly, this
battle of two rugged teams brought plenty
of extraordinary football in its later stages.
Fumbles hurt Brown's chances in the
first period, once on the Rutgers 38, and
the Bear found himself in a hole on a
coffin-corner kick and a fumble. But
Brown drove out on hard running, later
recovered a fumble on the Scarlet 36, and
set up its first score on a tumbling catch
by Searles of a Joe Paterno pass. Young's
eventual score by the whirling method
(three spins and over from the eight) only
roused Rutgers, which went 93 yards for
its only tally of the day. Scott blocked
the conversion attempt.
Going 71 yards early in the third period.
Brown put the game on ice by mi.\ing
passes with dashes, the score coming when
George Paterno took Finn's forward all
alone in the flat and went 40 yards further
on rugged blocking. Though George was
the last defender in the way on the en-
suing kickotT, he not only stopped his man
but came up with a stolen ball on Rutgers
28. From here on Rutgers was bottled
up, and a Kozak punt added further woe
by slanting olif on the one-yard line. Burns'
passes always carried a threat, but Pas-
tuszak batted down seven, three on suc-
cessive plays, and Rougvie set up Browns
last score with an interception which he
carried to the Scarlet 24. Another circus
catch by Searles and Young's whack at
center did the trick.
It was the first time in two years that
Rutgers had been defeated at home.
Superlative line play from tackle to tackle
bottled up the Scarlet backs and limited
the rushing to 58 yards net and.only eight
of 24 passes were completed.
Brown 36. IVeslern Reserve 0
► Building for the future. Western Re-
serve brought a squad of 24 Sophomores,
10 Juniors and no Seniors to Providence
in the first of the home-and-home series.
While next year may be a different story,
the Red Cats were no match for Brown's
slashing type of play that featured a work-
out for the whole benchful of stringers.
Reserve set something of a record by
fumbling the first five times it put the
ball in play. Brown's first score canie
80 seconds after we kicked oflf to the vis-
itors, another came four minutes later,
on a placement by Condon. The 10th
minute saw a romp of 63 yards in si.\
plays for more points. Nelson scored
two touchdowns, one on a Finn pass. Finn
himself made a touchdown, as did George
Paterno and Beaulieu.
Harvard 30,
Brown 19
utes, after Harvard had pieced together
a couple of first downs and then been
forced to kick. Straightway Scott dropped
on a Harvard punt that Chernak, the
great Sophomore guard, had blocked.
From the foe's 24-yard line Finn passed
to Nelson from the Condon fake-place-
ment set-up (the same play had beaten
Yale last year). .Although Nelson didn't
quite go all the way. Young went on a
sweep two plays later from the seven. The
13-0 score was comforting, and people
were tr\'ing to remember how much it
was that Princeton had beaten Harvard
But the Crimson rose up, aided by an
offensive kick that went out on our two-
yard line. The return punt went only to
the 30, and Harvard shortly had its first
touchdown. .Another followed a spec-
tacular jump-pass to Moffie, and the score
was tied at 13-all. Before halftime, how-
ever, Brown had recovered a fumble, and
Finn tossed another beauty to Young for
the lead at 19-13.
In the second half the breaks began to
figure against us rather than for us. We
fumbled at midfield when another march
was moving, and Harvard capitalized by
throwing all its Michigan book. The
conversion gave the home team a 20-19
margin. The clincher came when Har-
vard advanced again to the Brown 20,
was checked, and had to pass. Pastuszak
covered the play perfectly, and Fiorentino
the intended receiver, stopped running.
But the ball was tipped into his surprised
arms, and there was the game, although
Brown continued to threaten. Halted
on the Har\'ard 30 after three first downs
and 60 yards' gaining. Brown elected to
try a field-goal, that could have whittled
the lead to five points. The kick was
poor, however, against a sharp wind. At
midfield soon after Harvard gambled on
► Rip Engle muttered every tmie tne
word "favorite" was applied to Brown
just before this game, but the efficiency
with which the Bears manufactured two
touchdowns in the first period made his
worries seem absurd. Then Harvard
found itself, clicked with a fast, versatile
and unpredictable offense, came back
with a vengeance. It was a great team
which beat Brown, and Yale learned it a
week later, too.
Alter the Princeton rout of Harvard,
the editor of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin
told us he couldn't understand it: the 1948
team seemed the best Harvard eleven he
had ever seen. The performance against
Brown justified him, and the Bulletin's
story of the Brown game was headlined:
"Now We Can Hold Our Heads Up."
The Crimson team, too, was playing
"heads up" football after recovering its
Finn hit Young with a perfect pass to
score from the Brown 40 within six min-
FINN HAD good receivers: Above
Mahoney in the Holy Cross end zone.
(Brown Daily Herald Photo)
fourth down with a fake kick, and Roche
swept to the Brown 28. From the 23 a
field goal by Dvaric ended the scoring,
although the Bears passed and powered
to the 30.
Our notes on the game were cluttered
with "ifs," for there were several plays
that nearly clicked for Brown, particu-
larly on passes. But Harvard was up
for a great game that had the crowd, solid
from goal-line to goal-line, roaring through
out. -Art \'alpey: "Brown has a good
football team." Rip Engle: "Harvard
was the best team Brown faced all year."
Brown's total offense was 284 yards, 10
first downs; Harvard's 272, 16 first downs.
Brown 35, Colgate 7
► Ed Finn bowed out of Brown football
on Thanksgiving Day by firing three
beautiful touchdown passes and chipping
other forwards at critical moments. But
it was a great team performance which set
Colgate back by a record score and ended
the Raiders' domination over the Bear
that dated to 1944. Despite the score,
it was far from a rout, and Colgate actual-
ly outrushed Brown 243 to 220, with con-
stant threats by two good Sophomore
backs. Attempting a surprise, the Red
Raiders persisted with passes, though its
season record was weak in this respect,
but completed only five of 20 for 47 yards.
The very first one backfired when Kozak
intercepted in Brown territory and ran
back 32 yards to the enemy 31. Nelson
nearly went the distance on the first play
with a Finn forward, but it required
another to George Paterno from the eight.
The score came in three minutes, and
Brown was back again soon, only to fail
with a field goal from the 24.
Colgate had its score soon after on a
sortie from midfield, but Young tore back
76 yards on the next kickoff, grabbed
only on the eight. Kozak, having his
best day of the year, went through center
to give a 14-7 lead, bolstered in the second
period by two Finn to Mahoney passes,
one spectacular, the other casual but
scoring. In the last period Finn threw
his 13th touchdown pass of the year and
his seventh to Nelson, and Rodewig
wrapped the package up after Scott had
intercepted a rushed forward by the Raid-
ers. Just about ever>' Brunonian played,
and even the injured Captain Norm
lacuele went out on the field to hold the
ball for a fourth period kickoff. The
bear cub mascot was honored between
the halves as he made his departure in
the helicopter of Lee Plymfrton '44.
A Good Freshman Season
► Whkn the Varsity is ha\ing a trouble-
ous season, football fans pay more atten-
tion to the Freshman record than was the
case this fall. But the yearlings served
notice that they'll be coming along use-
fully when the call goes out for the 1949
team. The Cubs' most spectacular feat
was in knocking off a previously unde-
feated Holy Cross eleven on Nov. 20, but
Yale had also been beaten 19-6 and Boston
College 12-0. At Cambridge the Cubs
led 12-6 going into the last quarter only
to drop the muddy decision 20-12.
The Freshmen had to come from behind
at New Haven but did so impressively.
The backs pounded the Eli line for 250
yards, but passes accounted for the win-
ning touchdowns. Yale was limited to
24 yarcls rushing. Against Boston Col-
lege Brown appeared to have the advan-
tage but could not score until the third
BEST OF BANDS: A new standard for Brunonians was set this fall by the undergraduate musicians under
Martin Fischer. They are shown here against the backdrop of Brown partisans at Brown Field. (Photo Lab
quarter when two fumbles were reco\"ered,
one on the B. C. 13, the other on the six.
A 55-yard punt by MacConnell, end from
Newton, was the prelude to the first nuitT.
Holy Cross had taken all comers before
visiting Brown Field, shutting out Boston
College 13-0, Harvard 19-0, Vale 20-0,
and Boston University 26-0. But Charlie
Scott ran back the opening kickoff 80
yards to score, and the Freshman Cru-
saders never recovered, although it was
held once on the Brown eight-yard line
and fumbled on the Brown 32. Sheehan's
passing had more than a little to do with
the victory, 19-7. Holy Cross didn't
break the ice until the last few minutes,
and the statistics were all in Brown's
favor, although the going was ruggedly
Earlier in the season Brown beat R. I.
State Freshmen 14-0 and lost by a safety
to New Hampshire 8-6. ■"<
The Soccer Season
► Winning four of nine contests, the
Brown soccer Varsity had a spotty fall
despite the pre-season feeling of confidence.
All four victories were shutouts, including
1-0 games against Vale and Princeton.
The former was Brown's first defeat of
Vale in soccer since 1941 and enabled the
Bear to finish sixth in the League standing
(above Vale, Princeton, and .Army).
The season bore out the old soccer
axiom — the team that scores first wins the
game. Certainly, it w'as true of each
Brown contest. .At Hanover, the Indians
won a close one 2-1, and Wesleyan handed
the Brunonians their only defeat on Al-
ilrich Field, 3-1. Navy, UConn, and Har-
vard all won by 3-0 shutouts. Coach
Kennaway's charges trounced Fort Dev-
ens 5-0 and M. I. T. 4-0.
The standout performer for Brown was
liod Schefifer, goal-tender, a candidate for
.AII-.American honors. The co-captains
were Phil Massare, who provided the win-
ning kick against Vale, and A\ Bellows,
both playing as Seniors. Whitey Groth
and Jim Leach were the defensive leaders.
Scores for the Fall
Brown 0. Tufts 25, Brown 14. Brown 32,
Boston U. 0. R. I. State 13, Brown 12.
Harvard 18, Brown 14. Won 7, Lost 4.
R. I. State 0. New Hampshire 8, Brown 6.
Brown 12, Boston College 0. Brown 19,
^■ale 6. Harvard 20, Brown 12. Brown 19,
Holv Cross 7. Won 4, Lost 2.
VARSITV SOCCER: Brown 1, Prince-
ton 0. Brown 5, LI. of Mass. 0. Dartmouth
2, Brown 1. Navy 3, Brown 0. Connec-
ticut 3, Brown 0. Wesleyan 3, Brown 1.
Brown 1, Vale 0. Brown 4, M. I. T. 0.
Harvard 3, Brown G. Won 4, Lost 5.
New Bedford 0. Brown 2, Worcester
Academy 1. Brown 2, Bradford Durfee 1.
Brown 3, Tufts 0. Brown 1, Nichols Jr.
College 1. Brown 4, M. 1. T. 0. Harvard 5,
Brown 1. Won 5, Lost 1, Tied 1.
21, Connecticut 36. R. L State 23, Brown
46. Brown 25, Holy Cross 32. Brown 17
Providence College 43. Brown 27, Boston
U. 29. Won 4, Lost 1.
Brown 25, Connecticut 30. Brown 26,
R. I. State 31. LaSalle .Academv 21,
Brown 38. Brown 27, Boston U. 28.
Brown 15, Providence College 45. Mt.
Pleasant High 23, Brown 34. Won 4,
Lost 2. -4
Marshall IVoods Lectures
► The ever-popul.\r fall series of Mar-
shall Woods Lectures at Brown had
"Great .Artists" for its 1948 theme. Speak-
ers during October were: Prof. Charles H.
Morgan II of .Amherst, "Pheidias and the
Parthenon." Prof. Wilhelm Koehler of
Harvard, "A German Gothic Sculptor:
the Naumburg Master." Prof. Wolfgang
Stechow of Oberlin, "Rubens, the Ren-
aissance, and the Baroque." Prof. Walter
.Abell of Michigan .State, "Picasso in the
Light of History." ^
Sports Indoors ^
► ► All indoor sports teams at Brown
will be seen in intercollegiate action during
the first week of December, almost before
the cheering of the Thanksgiving football
has died away. But coaches and players
of the winter teams have been busy long
since with drills for what should be a
reputable season for the Bear.
Bob Morris has had his basketball
squad out on the floor since Oct. 18, work-
ing for its first engagement, against Har-
vard in Marvel Gym Dec. 4. Last year
the Bruin courtmen experienced a rather
poor year, winning only six games in 20,
but the 70-60 upset victory over Frank
Keaney's Swish Kids from Rhode Island
State gave some local satisfaction.
This season Morris will come back with
practically the same squad, for only Cap-
tain Ernie Corner and Bob Smith were
graduated. A stronger team is expected,
partly because of the fact that Frank
(Moe) Mahoney, a star two years ago,
will be eligible for the quintet after a year
with the books. He comes fresh from a
good year as an end and pass snatcher on
the football team, with plenty of work
ahead of him on the court to match the
rest of the squad, but he is a great man to
build a team around. Morns also has
several members of last winter's Freshman
squad that rolled up an impressive record
of 16 wins, 3 defeats. (The defeats, m-
cidentally, were all avenged m second
meetings with the same clubs.)
Heading the list of returning lettermen
will be Captain Al Kovachik of Stratford,
Conn. Playing his first season of regular
Varsity ball under Coach Morris, he
showed great improvement as the cam-
paign progressed a year ago. Also back
will be Jim Cooney, nephew of Coach
Johnny Cooney of the Boston Braves,
George Jones, Harvey Lapides, John
Lynch, Ned Corcoran, Ben Patrick, Ken
Provost, George Sotiropoulos, and Pete
Tyrrell. Harry Lane, tall center from
Highland Park', 111., who was out most of
last season with injuries, is recovered, and
Joe Paterno, fresh from.jquarterbackmg,
expects to try his luck under the hoops
Mahoney's first basketball at Brown
was in the latter part of the 1946-47 sea-
son under Coach Weeb Ewbank. Few of
the fans will forget his scoring sprees
against R. I. State and Providence College
that year when he racked up 66J;points
against these two strong aggregations.
The Sophomores rated highly by Morris
include Chuck Whalen, a great play-
maker, high-scoring Dave Thurrott, lanky
Zeke Creswell, Bill Hayes, and Dave^Till-
inghast. Dave Holmgren and George
Weitzman are also promising Sophs,
while upperclassmen who have showed
well in fall practice are Emile Jahn and
Guy Falk. Freddie Kozak, his football
duties over, is also contemplating a go
at basketball.
Morris figures his team to be about
40% stronger than a year ago and even
ventures to predict the Bruins will win
at least 12 games out of the following
schedule: Dec. 4 — Harvard. Dec. 8 —
Arnold. Dec. 11 — -at Connecticut. Dec.
15— M. I. T. Dec. 17— at Fort Devens.
Jan. 8 — at Army. Jan. 15 — at Amherst.
Jan. 19— at R. I. State. Jan. 22— Holy
Cross. Jan. 28— at N. Y. Athletic Club
BASKETBALL: The picture is brighter.
Feb. 9 — Yale. Feb. 12 — Providence Col-
lege. Feb. 16— at M. I. T. Feb. 19—
Connecticut. Feb. 23 — at Columbia.
Feb. 26— at W. P. I. Mar. 1— Holy Cross
in Boston Garden. Mar. 5 — Dartmouth.
Mar. 9— R. I. State. Mar. 12— Providence
Seventeen games are carded for the
Freshmen: Dec. 4 — Harvard. Dec. 8 —
Arnold. Dec. 11 — at Connecticut. Jan. 8
—at Nichols Jr. College. Jan. 11— R. I.
State College Extension. Jan. 19 — at R. I.
State. Jan. 25 — at R. I. S. C. Extension.
Jan. 26— Boston U. Feb. 12— Providence
College. Feb. 19 — Connecticut. Feb. 23 —
at R. I. C. E. Feb. 26— at W. P. I. Mar. 2
—at Sufifield Academy. Mar. 5— R. I. C.
E. Mar. 9— R. I. State. Mar. 12— Provi-
dence College. ■^
Hockey Alumni lo Meet
► ►Former Brown hockey players
plan their second annual reunion
this year on the night of the Har-
vard games in Providence. The
hockey alumni plan to meet at the
University Club at 5:30 on Dec. 14
for an early dinner before going to
the Auditorium. Coach Moulton
is making arrangements. The price
for supper and both Freshman and
Varsity games is $3. ■^
The Hockey Warmups
•4 Having won nine of 11 exhibition
games in pre-season practice, the Brown
Hockey team appeared in fine shape for
its regular schedule, due to open Dec. 6
in Boston. Some able performers came
up from last year's Freshman squad to
bolster the Varsity for its first year in the
Pentagonal Hockey League with Harvard,
Princeton, Dartmouth, and Yale.
The schedule: Dec. 6 — at Boston Col-
lege. Dec. 8 — at Harvard. Dec. 14 — Har-
vard. Dec. 17 — Princeton. Jan. 7 — at
Princeton. Jan. 8 — at .'Krmy. Jan. 14 —
at American International (Springfield).
Jan. 18— at Dartmouth. Feb. 12— at New
Haven. Feb. 18— Dartmouth. Feb. 21—
at M. I. T. Feb. 22— Boston University.
Mar. 8— Yale.
In the practice games most of the oppo-
sition came from Massachusetts amateur
teams in the Rhode Island Auditorium,
home ice for the Brunonians. The North
Cambridge Hartnetts, with two members
of the American Olympic hockey squad
aboard, handed the Bear its only defeat,
9-5. The Arlington Arcadians played
through one overtime period to a 4-4 tie,
while the best game was probably that
against the Needham Rockets of the At-
lantic Hockey League, Brown winning 5-4.
M. I. T. was defeated 6-1. The other
scores: Brown 11, Walpole Hockey Club 9.
Brown 5, the Melrose Reds 4. Brown 9,
Franiingham Bears 6. Brown 13, Provi-
dence USNR Whitecaps 5. Brown 3,
Stoenham Hockey Club 1. Brown 11,
Windsor Hockey Club 2. Brown 10, Hud-
son Hockey Club 1. ■^
Other Winter Schedules
at Dartmouth. Dec. 15 — Tufts. Jan. 8 —
at West Point. Jan. 15 — ^at VVilliams.
Jan. 22^Amherst. Jan. 29 — Springfield.
Feb. 12— at Wesleyan. Feb. 19— M. I. T.
Feb. 23— Harvard. Feb. 26— Coast Guard
Mar. 12 — Eastern Intercollegiate Wrest-
ling Assn. at Cornell. FRESHMEN:
Dec. 15— Tufts. Jan. 22— St. George's.
Jan. 26 — Edgewood Jr. College. Jan. 29 — •
Springfield. F'eb. 12 — ^at Wesleyan. Feb.
19— M, I. T. Feb. 23— Harvard.
I. T. Dec. 11— Tufts. Jan. 8— at West
Point. Jan. 12 — Harvard. Jan. 15 — at
Williams. Jan. 22 — at Boston University.
Feb. 9— at Yale. Feb. 21— Dartmouth.
Feb. 23 — -at University of Connecticut.
Feb. 26— Columbia. Mar. 11-12— NEISA
at Amherst. Mar. 18-19— EISA at Prince-
ton. Mar. 25-26 — Nationals at North
Carolina. FRESHMEN: Dec. 3— M.I. T
Jan. 22— at Boston U. Jan. 26— at Brook-
line High. Feb. 9— at Vale. Feb. 18—
Moses Brown. Feb. 23 — at U. of Conn.
Feb. 26 — -St. George's.
VARSITY TRACK: Dec. 11— Har-
vard- R. I. State, Brown at Harvard.
Jan. 15 — Washington Evening Star Meet.
Jan. 21 — Philadelphia Inquirer Meet.
Jan. 22— Boston K. of C. Meet. Jan. 29—
Milrose Meet, N. Y. Feb. 5— BAA Meet,
Boston. Feb. 12— NYAC Meet, N. Y.
Feb. 18— at Tufts. Feb. 19— NAAU Meet,
N. Y. Feb. 26— IC4A Meet, N. Y. Mar.
5— New York K. of C. Meet. Mar. 12—
at M. I. T. Mar. 18— Cleveland K. of C.
Meet. Mar. 19— Boston U. FRESHMEN
Mar. 5 — Tabor Academy. Mar. 12 — at
M. I. T. Mar. 19— Boston U. <
Dear Reader
Is An Ivy League Wanted?
< <
The leading editorial in the Dartmouth
.Alumni .Magazine /or November, 1948:
► ► These bracing fall afternoons, dis-
ciplined bands of well-muscled young men
are engaged in various forms of derring-do
on the gridirons of a certain eight or ten
institutions of higher learning in the east-
ern United States These spirited young
men perform their weekly heroics before
crowds composed partially of street-level
or air-breathing alumni and partially of
the alumni of the subway variety who
periodically appear at all athletic con-
tests in the metropolitan areas. The
clients at the above contests are predom-
inantly of the former category — that is,
old Dartmouths, Yales, Harvards, or
Cornells, who emerge into the winy sun-
shine once or twice a year to see Alma
Mater engage in skilled and exciting com-
bat with representatives of sister institu-
tions with similar traditions, standards,
and (usually) football material.
This group of educational establish-
ments is known to the devoted readers of
the metropolitan press as the Ivy League
Weekly standings of the respective foot-
ball teams are carefully tabulated and
champions are unofficially crowned fol-
lowing the end of the season. Formal
organizations among these institutions
have long existed in basketball, baseball,
track, swimming, tennis and (in a some-
what more restricted sense) hockey. Soc-
cer joined the parade this fall, with the
formation of its own Ivy League. The
establishment of these organizations has
enhanced the prestige of the sports, the
edification of the spectators, and the
incentive of the performers
But the Ivy League in football is tech-
nically still only a beautiful dream, exist-
ing in the fertile imaginations of the gentle-
men of the press. It also exists in even
more informal fashion in the minds of the
various alumni, who would rather see
their football teams play (and defeat)
the teams of some institutions than others,
with no invidious implications. \ large
number of interested persons would thus
presumably like to see this fond dream
of an Ivy League become a reality, a de
jure as well as a de facto organization.
We are among those who would wel-
come such a step. Certain tangible and
intangible benefits might accrue there-
from. One such benefit might involve
the increased regularization of scholastic
entrance requirements and elibigility
rules for young men of sterling moral
character who, fortuitiously, can also do
things to or with a football. The related
problem of scholarship aid for deserving
halfbacks and tackles could also stand
some more serious thought. The sched-
ules of the constituent institutions (most
of whom currently play mostly Ivy League
opponents) might be arranged in some-
what more orderly fashion than hereto-
fore. Such an arrangement, incidentally,
need not preclude the continuance of tra-
ditional rivalries. The formation of an
Ivy League might also provide an incent-
ive at a vital spot in the inevitable struggle
with professional football for paying cus-
tomers. We hesitate to introduce the
practical note of gate receipts into this
idyllic picture but, so long as football pays
the way for other athletic activities con-
sidered equally character-building if some-
what less lucrative, the pecuniary question
must be faced.
These are some of the pertinent con-
siderations that come readily to mind in
this temperate effort to crystallize one
segment of public opinion about an Ivy
League. Beginning with the current is-
sue of this magazine, we shall carry the
unofficial standings of this nonexistent
body, thereby emulating our colleagues
of the metropolitan press. In the peren-
nial question of overemphasis or de-
emphasis of college football, this journal-
istic effort, we suppose, falls on the former
side of the ledger. If so, we happily plead
guilty. We enjoy college football. It's
fun. -And, in the days of mounting in-
ternational tensions, atomic weapons and
fears of another war, it is comparatively
mild and harmless fun. If this is em-
phasis, let us make the most of it. A
At Boston Conference
► .About 35 students from Brown and
Pembroke planned to attend the Confer-
ence on Churchmanship in Boston ar-
ranged by the New England Student
Christian Movement for Dec. 3-5. A
thousand delegates were expected. •<
Books for Brunonians
► ► With an eve to the season and the
firm hope that future issues will allow
space for more adequate notice, let us
list some recent books by or about Brun-
WESTWARD HA, Around the world
in 80 cliches, by S. J. Perelman '25. Simon
and Schuster. $2.95.
PROVIDENCE, by John Hutchins Cady
'03. Akerman-Standard. $1.00.
POEMS, by Winfield Townley Scott '31.
Macmillan. $1.75.
(Brown 1894), by Ridgely Torrence.
Macmillan. $5.00.
FAERIE QUEENE, by Prof. Leicester
Bradner. Universitv of Chicago Press.
Richard LeBaron Bowen '01. $5.00.
THE DEER CRY, by William G.
Schofield '31. Longmans. $3.50.
MAELSTROM, by Howard Hunt '40.
Farrar, Straus. $2.75.
graphy, by ProL Randall Stewart. Yale
University Press. $4.00
Josiah E. Greene '33. Macmillan. $3.50.
Alexander Meiklejohn '93. Harper &
Bros. $2.00.
by Botsford and Prof. C. A. Robinson,
DIVIDED, by Ralph Freedman. Dut-
ton. $3.50.
ANGELL'S LANE, by George Le
Miner '97. Akerman-Standard. $5.00.
Goldsmith '34
First Baptist in Philadelphia
► During the 250th anniversary program
of the First Baptist Church in Philadel-
phia, the service on the morning of Nov. 14
commemorated the historic connection
between the Church and Brown and the
University of Pennsylvania. President
Wriston gave the address, after being
presented by Dr. George W. McClelland,
Chairman of Penn. The Church leaflet
for "Education Day" recorded a "pro-
found gratitude for the gracious aid and
understanding of these gentlemen and
the continuing good-will of the institu-
tions which they represent.
Announcements to the Brown alumni
in the Philadelphia area brought many
of them to the service. They greeted the
President afterwards. Writing of the
event, Horace Paul Dormon '96 points
out that among the ministers of the First
Baptist Church have been two outstand-
ing Brown men: George Dana Boardman,
1852, and George Hooper Ferris, 1891.
Dr. Boardman's "Outlook for the 20th
Century," written in 1898, was quoted
for its prophetic insight.
For many years a prominent member
of the Church in Philadelphia was Dr.
William W. Keen '59. Flowers on the
pulpit Nov. 14 were in memory of Mrs.
Keen, presented by her daughters. -^
The Associated Alumni < <
► ►Squaring away for the alumni year,
the new Board of Directors of the Asso-
ciated Alumni was constituted at its
initial meeting Oct. 14 in Alumni House,
Providence. The major committees were
set up at the same time on recommenda-
tion from President H. Stanton Smith '21.
Dinner at the Faculty Club preceded the
meeting. Earlier in the afternoon the
Board of Editors of the BROWN ALUM-
NI MONTHLY held its first meeting.
The following are members of the
Board of Directors for 1948-1949: Presi-
dent Smith of Providence; President-
Elect William W. Browne '08 of Yonkers,
N. Y.; Treasurer Fred E. Schoeneweiss '20
of Providence. Rhode Island Region —
Vice-President J. Cunliffe Bullock '02,
Directors Howard F. Eastwood '29 and
Robert H. Gofif '24, all of Providence.
A ew England Region — Vice-President Ed-
ward T. Brackett '14, Directors John M.
Curtis '30 and Donald C. Bowersock '20,
all of Boston. North Atlantic Midland
Region — Vice-President William W.
Browne '08 of Yonkers, N. Y., Directors
Robert B. Perkins '29, Ramsay, N. J.,
and Fred H. Rohlfs '26 of Brooklyn, N. Y.
South Atlantic Midland Region — ■ Vice-
President Sidney S. Paine '08 of Greens-
boro, N. C, Directors Ernest S. Fitz '11
of Richmond, Va., and GeorgeW. Schwenck
'32 of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. North Cen-
tral Region — Vice-President F. Donald
Bateman '25 of Barrington, 111., Directors
James R. Bremner '34 and John J. Monk
'24, both of Chicago. Sonlh Central Region
— Vice-President Leon M. Payne '36 of
Houston, Texas, Directors John Mosby
'30 of St. Louis, Mo., and Parkman Say-
ward '25 of San Antonio, Texas. Western
Region — Vice-President Nathaniel
Blaisdell '83 of San Francisco, Directors
Lawrence L. Larrabee '09 of Los Angeles
and George Giraud '42 of Santa Monica,
Calif. Foreign Region — Vice-President
Ralph D. Standish '21 in China, Directors
John J. Muccio '21 in Korea and Milton
M. Bates '22 in Manila, P. I.
Alumni Trustees — James S. Eastham
'19 of Boston, Roger T. Clapp '19 and W.
Easton Louttit '25, both of Providence.
Association of Class Secretaries — Sidney
ClifTord '15 and John W. Moore '16, both
of Providence. Alumni Monthly — ^George
W. Potter '21 of Providence. Faculty
Representative — Prof. I. J. Kapstein '26
of Providence. Members at Large — H.
Linus Travers '27 of Boston, Wallace Hen-
shaw '23 of Hartford, Robert C. Litchfield
'23 of New York City, and William H.
Edwards '19, Lewis S. Milner '02, Robert
E. Quinn '15, Harry H. Burton '16, Thom-
as F. Black, Jr., '19, W. Stanley Barrett
'21, Matthew W. Goring '26, J. Richmond
Fales '10, Thomas F. Gilbane '33, all of
► Principal alumni committees were
constituted for the year as follows:
Executive Com mittee — H . Stanton Smit h
'21, Fred E. Schoeneweiss '20, W. Stanley
Barrett '21, Edward T. Brackett '14,
James S. Eastham '19, Wallace H. Hen-
shaw '23, Lewis S. Milner '02, Thomas F.
Black, Jr., '19, Robert H. Gofif '24.
Program Committee — Sidney Clififord '15,
Chairman, Robert H. Goff '24, I. J. Kap-
stein '26, Matthew W. Goring '26.
Alumni Nominations — J. Cunliffe Bul-
lock '02, Chairman, Thomas F. Black, Jr.,
'19, Dr. W'illiam W. Browne '08, J. Rich-
mond Fales '10. Alumni Elections — •
George T. Metcalf '13, Chairman, Howard
F. Eastwood '29, Robert H. Gofif '24.
Indoctrinating Committee — Thomas F.
Gilbane '33, Chairman, H. Linus Travers
'27, Emery R. Walker '39, Bruce M. Bige-
low '24, Wallace H. Henshaw '23. Con-
sultation Committee — H. Stanton Smith
'21, J. Cunliffe Bullock '02.
Memento Committee — Howard F. East-
wood '29, Chairman, Fred E. Schoeneweiss
'20, John W. Moore '16. Finance Com-
mittee— W. Stanley Barrett '21, Chairman
J. Richmond Fales '10, Thomas F. Gil-
bane '33.
By-Laws Committee — William H. Ed-
wards '19, Chairman, Thomas F. Black,
Jr., '19, Roger T. Clapp '19, Harry H.
Burton '16.
Alumni Dinner Committee — Harry H.
Burton '16, Chairman, Roger T. Clapp '19,
Howard F. Eastwood '29, J. Wilbur Riker
'22, Lewis S. Milner '02, William R. Potter
'42. •<
AND THEN TO WORK: The Board of the Directors of the Associated Alumni paused for the Photo Lab camera,
then turned to tackle the year's agenda. Shown before the first meeting in Alumni House are, sitting left to
right: John W. Moore '16, Robert H. Goff '24, George W. Potter '21, Roger T. ( lapp '19, F. E. Schoeneweiss '20,
President H. Stanton Smith '21, Arthur Braitsch '23, James S. Eastham '19, Lewis S. Milner '02, Wallace H.
Henshaw '23, and W. Stanley Barrett '21. Standing: H. H. Burton '16, J. Richmond Fales '10, Thomas F. Gil-
bane '33, Dr. Bruce M. Bigelow '24, and Alumni Executive Officer William B. McCormick '23.
Brown Clubs
The Time Is Ripe
► ► Two NEW Brown Clubs joined the
circle of the Associated Alumni last month
with gatherings in New London and Man-
hasset, Long Island. The former will in-
clude Norwich and other centers in Eastern
Connecticut. The latter was the Man-
hasset Bay Brown Club, whose organiza-
tion Frederick H. Rohlfs '26 assisted under
the "Crossley Plan" of extending alumni
From other areas came word of hopes
that similar groups might be formed. Mr.
Rohlfs next intends to assist alumni in the
Garden City area of Long Island to meet,
while on the Island's South Shore another
group is seeking an informal organization.
Up in Westchester Allen Sikes '23 is taking
the lead toward a revival of activity there,
Mr. Rohlfs reports.
In New Jersey, Byron West anticipates
a resumption by the Northern New Jersey
Club centered in Newark. The Alumni
Office is also encouraging a group in Pitts-
field, Mass., interested in creating a Berk-
shire Brown Club. ■<
Westchester Overture
► When the Associated Alumni was a
young organization, one of its most active
and influential Brown Clubs was that of
W'estchester County, N. Y. Without Club
activity for years, the area will see a re-
vival this winter under the stimulation of
Frederick H. Rohlfs '26, Chairman of
Alunmi Organization in New York State
P'irst meeting is called for the evening
of Dec. 8 when alumni in the area are in-
vited to the home of Allen B. Sikes '23,
10 Robin Hood Road, White Plains, N. Y.
In Eastern Connecticut
► ► An enthusi.\stic vote to organize
a Brown Club in Eastern Connecticut fol-
lowed a meeting in the Mohican Hotel,
New London, Nov. 23 attended by alumni
from that city, Norwich, Groton, Niantic,
Fishers Island, and Mystic. Others in
Stonington, Lyme, and Saybrook are
known to be interested. The area has a
Brown population of more than 150.
Llovd E. Gallup '23, A. A. Lubchanskv
'32, Robert A. Doherty '43, Jack D. Mul-
cahy '45, and Carl C. Cutler '03 took the
initiative in making the arrangements as
the result of an expressed interest on the
part of many Brunonians in the Thames
River Valley. Thirty-five attended the
first meeting when the Secretary' of the
University, Robert O. Loosley, the editor
of the Alumni Monthly, and Lewis Shaw,
Athletic Publicity Director came over
from Providence to speak to the group.
Movies of the Rutgers game provided a
Along with the decision to organize
permanently came an invitation from the
Norwich contingent which will sponsor
the next meeting, in January. The fol-
lowing committee will set up the evening,
act as a nominating committee on officers,
and generally consider the future: S. S.
Armstrong '36, John D. Wallace '42,
Fred A. Fox '33, Walter Baker '39, Lub-
chansky, and Gallup.
Others present: Ernest S. Brown '27,
Stanley L. Ehrlich '45, Willard Potter '26,
Dr. Anthony Loiacono '23, Sterling C.
Denison '25, Nathan Ragin '35, Joseph
C. Dembo '37, H. D. Hyland, Jr., '38,
Wesley C. Sholes '38, Theodore S. Daren
'35, Norman Klibe '40, Dr. Avery Zucker-
Standing Invitation
► ► Nine Brown Clubs have re-
ported regular weekly or monthly
gatherings, to which all alumni are
invited, whether they are residents
of the area or passing through town
as transients:
BALTIMORE, dinner third
Thursday of the month, Northway
Apartments, 3700 No. Charles St.
6:30. No meeting in December,
BOSTON, luncheon second Tues-
day of the month. December lunch-
eon at the University Club, with
Prof. Marcel Moraud speaking.
January luncheon at Thompson's
Spa, 239 Washington St.
CHICAGO, luncheon every Fri-
day at the Chicago Real Estate
Board, 105 W. Madison St., noon.
INDIANAPOLIS, luncheon first
Monday of the month, Charlie's
Steak House, 144 East Ohio St.
LOS ANGELES, luncheon every
Thursday at the Hotel Alexandria,
5th and Spring Sts., noon.
PHILADELPHIA, luncheon sec-
ond Tuesday of the month. Alpha
Club, 1911 Chestnut St., 12:15.
PITTSBURGH, luncheon fourth
Friday of the month, Childs Res-
taurant, Smithfield St.
WASHINGTON, D. C, luncheon
every Wednesday at O'Donnell's
HARTFORD, luncheon third
Wednesday of the month, Heub-
lein Hotel, 12:15.
Any more? ^
man '40, David E. Ferguson '45, John V.
Fratus '49, and H. E. Van Surdam.
Earlier meetings in the area in support
of the Housing Campaign were credited
with uniting the group and providing
expression for the desire to have social
activity within the alumni organization
on a long-range basis. A meeting of some
of the Campaign workers followed the
Club meeting. '^
Birth in Manhasset
► A M.\nh.\sset B.w Brown Club was
organized at a meeting of alumni from
Long Island's north shore held Nov. 4 at
the home of Gavin A. Pitt, 80 Wood Cut
Lane, Strathmore. Plans were made to
include Brown alumni from Great Neck,
Manhasset, Roslyn, and Port Washing-
ton in the Club. In addition to laying
the groundwork for the future, the group
saw motion pictures of the Princeton
game and the 1947 Commencement.
Plans for the development of the Club
were left in the hands of a steering com-
mittee which includes Fred C. Bauren-
feind '22, LeRoy Clayfield '24, J. Herbert
Pearson '29, and Pitt '38. Others who
attended the meeting were: John H. Har-
grove '26, John F. Isaac '18, Philip E.
Langworthy '06, William H. Lyon, Jr.,
'29, Harold J. Morse '27, M. Douglas
Neier '26, Alfred E. Toombs '31, and
Frederick H. Rohlfs '26, Chairman of
Alumni Organization in New York State.
Rather than cover too large a territory
on the North Shore, the group felt that
it would be more effective to restrict itself
to the horseshoe around Manhasset Bay.
The preference is for meetings in homes
of members rather than in hotels. The
Associated Alumni welcome this new Club,
with hearty good wishes. ■<
Chicago's Christmas List
► ► CllRisTM.vs will come to Chicago on
Tuesday, Dec. 28. That's the date for
the annual holiday luncheon of the Chi-
cago Brown Club in which alumni join
with undergraduates home on vacation
and their fathers. It's an annual aflfair,
usually the high spot of the year for all
concerned, with a big turnout. This year
the luncheon will be held at the University
Club, 76 East Monroe St., starting at
noon. The charge of $2.00 includes tips.
Rip Engle, head Varsity football coach,
has been invited to be the principal speak-
er, inasmuch as he is going to the Pacific
Coast for the Rose Bowl game and the
coaches' meetings. F'ootball movies are
also on order. Other guests from College
Hill may include Emery R. Walker, Dean
of Admission, and James Cunningham,
Director of Placement. <
Engle in California
► ► The Los Angeles Brown Club, con-
tinuing to hold its monthly luncheons in
agreeable fashion, looks forward to the
first of the year when visitors from the
campus will be entertained on two differ-
ent occasions.
Head Football Coach Rip Engle will be
in town for the Rose Bowl game on New
Year's Day and will spend some time
with the Brown Club talking about Brown
footliall as well as what he sees in Pasa-
dena. Members are urged to watch for
word from Secretary Stephen H. Dolley
'42 as to the exact time and place, but it
will be sometime between Jan. 2 and
Jan. 4. The later visitor will be Emery
R. Walker, Dean of Admission, who will
meet with the alumni while in the area to
keep appointments in the secondary
schools. All Brunonians in the area will
be notified of this event, too.
The luncheons have been coming along
fine. They are held every Thursday noon
at the Hotel Alexandria. Those recently
in attendance include: Lyle Caldwell '21,
Harry Howard '24, Larry Gates '21, R.
D. Messinger '37, Bill Creasey '39, Hugh
Wallace '37, William Bancroft '37, Hough-
ton Metcalf '04, Fergus Purves '23,
Browning Smith '48, G. W. Watson '30,
Fred A. Sawyer '38 and Dolley.
San Francisco is also on the itinerary of
Coach Engle, as it is of Dean Walker. The
national meeting of the football coaches
association is scheduled for Jan. 5-7 in
San Francisco, and the alumni of the
Brown Club of Alta California, hope to
provide a welcome during Engle's stay.
It will be his first visit to each of the
California cities. •^
The Team Stopped in Plainfield
► Forty Brown Plainfield Area Alumni
turned out to welcome the big Brown
team on its second visit to New Jersey
this year. Held at the Park Hotel, Plain-
field, the Friday night before the Rutgers
game, the newly initiated Smoker was a
very successful affair. Starting with din-
ner with the team, it moved onto a climax
with talks bv head coach, "Rip" Engle,
and Director of Athletics, Paul Mackesey.
Ernie Savignano's narration of the movie
of the 1948 Brown-Princeton football
game greatly added to the enjoyment of
the evening.
Ed Havens '28, for the past two years
the able chairman of the group, presided
at the meeting. Dr. M. L. Crossley '09
introduced the speakers from the "Hill."
The new officers elected include — Joe
Burwell '13, Chairman; Al Logan '42,
Secretan-; "Ace" Parker- '42, Treasurer;
and Phil Weisbecker '46, Program Chair-
man. A motion was passed to give to
the retiring officers a vote of thanks for
the splendid job they had done in the past
two years in organizing the first area
section alumni group. In addition to Ed
Havens, retiring officers included Joe
Burwell '13, Secretary, and E. Bruce
Wetzel '29, Treasurer.
Brown men from the Jersey towns of
Plainfield, Westfield, Scotch Plains, Eliza-
beth, Rahway, Newark, Clinton, Plucke-
min, and Hopewell joined to make the
Smoker a rousing success. The next day
found fifty of them seated in the Brown
stand at Rutgers where the group had
arranged for tickets in a party bloc
through the courtesy of the Brown Ath-
letic Office. A perfect Brown game ended
a perfect weekend for the Brown .Alumni.
A magician who toured the service hos-
pitals during the war was to be the fea-
tured guest at the Dec. 1 meeting of the
Plainfield Area Section of Brown Alumni
at the Park Hotel. Philip Weisbecker,
Sr., promised to tell of his experiences as
well as to give examples of his art in the
program scheduled to follow the business
meeting. ■^
.\L LOG.\X
Hartford Recommends
*■ It usu.\llv R.MNS or storms when we
have our meetings in Hartford, and Nov.
10 held true to form. In spite of every-
thing, 36 of us gathered at Old Colony
Restaurant in East Hartford and thor-
oughly enjoyed ourselves.
Bill Jewett gave us a most interesting
talk on the various student activities on
the Hill. If other Clubs haven't heard
him describe his duties as Recorder, they
have a hilarious treat in store for them.
Lew Shaw discussed some of the problems
of schedule-making and then went on to
give us information about the football
team, basketball prospects, etc. The
questions fired at the two speakers showed
the interest of the group.
Vic Logan, undergraduate manager of
the Glee Clubs made a fine impression on
us all as he provided reasons we should
invite the Glee Clubs here in Hartford
next April. He was most convincing.
We were glad to welcome Bill McCormick
back — he seemed to enjoy the chance to
visit without having to speak. The movies
of the Rutgers game were shown, with
Lew Shaw doing a fine job in his running
Here are most of the names of the fel-
lows who braved the elements: Waliy
Henshaw '23, Paul Monahan '31, Russ
Granniss '36, Fred Rea '35, Francis En
slin '25, Al Hausmann '43, Jim Babcock
'49, Jesse Bailev '16, Bill Wagner '47,
Harlan Kellev '47, Ben Neff '40, Bill
Bieluch '39, Harold McKay '18, Frank
Jones '97, Ernest Intlehouse '26, Gus
.Avantaggio '45, Gardiner Hathaway '42,
Ralph Walker '35, George Zip Wilcox '19,
Dr. John O. Nolan '36, Bill Parkhurst '28,
Roger Spear '44, Andv Jack '36, Clarence
Roth '46, Bob Ross '47, Joe Lombardo '43,
Ben Crehore '28, Bill Dealey '13, Don
Tanner '35, Art Bussey '47, Cy Flanders
'18, and Henderson E. Van Surdam, who
was there in the interests of the Housing
Campaign. Some idea of the spirit
shown may be had from the attendance
of Enslin and Hausmann from far-away
Litchfield; Wilcox and Parkhurst from
Bristol; and Hathaway from Thompson-
ville. Frank Jones rarely misses a meet-
ing or luncheon. .\t a meeting of the
workers when the Campaign was organ-
ized earlier in the fall, all these out-of-town
town fellows were there, and Howard
Tabor '10 showed up from Salisbury,
'way up in the northwest corner of the
State. Talk about Brown spirit!
The third Wednesday is the day for the
regular monthly luncheon which the
Hartford Club holds for Brown men — in
the Heublein Hotel at 12:15. Among
those on hand in November, in addition
to many listed above, were: Paul Palten
'33, Walter Rolland '22, Ed Tuller '35,
Bill Robotham '26, Bob Allison '29,
Francis Brown '25, and .Alan Robotham
'28. •*
They Forgave Macl^esey
► A SH.\ME-F.\CED Director of Athletics
named Paul Mackesey appeared before
the Washington Brown Club on Oct. 28,
the occasion of a sports night at the Cos-
mos Club. An expectant audience of 55
Brunonians sat in rapt anticipation of
seeing the movies of the Brown-Princeton
game. Then Paul let the cat out of the
bag by relating how he had left the films
at the New York Brown Club the night
But to everyone's complete satisfaction
Paul then proceded to exonerate himself
gracefully by virtue of his ability to spell-
bind the audience. He gave the group
a stimulating picture of the current and
prospective athletic picture at Brown.
.Another feature of the evening was the
close work of a "Varsity Quartet" in-
stigated by Ed Place '24, who is reputed
to be a pioneer barber. Everyone got
into the act, and the singing was of the
sort which has made the Washington Club
This was the second function of the
fall program, with a gratifying increase
of nearly 50% in attendance. New ar-
rivals in Washington, D. C, are urged to
give Win Southworth, (3700 Massachu-
setts Ave., N. W.) their local addresses
so that they may be placed on the mailing
list. Big things are in the making for
the future.
The annual meeting comes Dec. 13 ■^
Baltimore's Guest
► Rabbi Israel M. Goldman, late of
Providence and a newcomer to Baltimore,
honored the Brown Club in the latter city
by attending its regular November dinner
meeting and speaking informally about
Brown and Providence. (By the way,
there will be no December meeting, due
to holiday conflicts; but the series will re-
sume on the third Thursday of January,
the 20th, at the Northway .Apartments
3700 North Charles St.)
The fall activity started in October
when the steak roast had to be postponed
but a good dinner was held at the North-
way. Thirteen of the 38 men in the area
attended. We were pleased that John
Greene '27, now Director of .Adult Educa-
tion at St. Johns in .Annapolis, was able
to get there. .Also new was Roger Hart
'42. Others present were: Jim Batteys
'42, Hal Madison '31, Ray Hawes '12,
Chris Cuddeback '21, Ken Hovey '27,
Russ Wonderlic '27, Vernon Chase '28,
Rust Scott '17, Wally Buxton '35, Charlie
Ives '25, and myself '43. <
Boston's Annual Smolder
► It was FOR laughs, and the report is
that there were plenty of them in Boston
the night before the Harvard game at the
annual Brown Club Smoker held at the
University Club. Bill Burnham '07 was
ringmaster of a generous bill made up of
Brown and Boston notables, among them:
.Athletic Director Mackesey, his assistant
Ernie Savignano, Brown Line Coach Gus
Zitrides, Harvard Freshman Coach, Henry
Lamar, Billy Sullivan of the Boston
Bruins, Sportscaster Bump Hadley '28
(who had Rip Engle on WBZ's television
after the game next day), George Carens,
and other sports writers, Ivan Fuqua,
Brown track coach, and Lew Shaw, .Ath-
letic Publicity Director.
Ken Clapp '40 was chairman of the
smoker committee, with Joe Lockett '41
as assistant. The other members: Arthur
D. Durgin '14, Ralph C. Knight '21,
Linus Travers '27, Paul P. Johnson '29.
Howard Williams '17, Clyde F. Barrows
'29, Robert T. Fowler '35, Philip Saunders,
Jr., '24, Leonard Campbell '40, Lane
Fuller '40, and Loring P. Litchfield '28
and Edward T. Brackett '14, ex officio.
The monthly luncheons of the Boston
Club will alternate between the University
Club in Back Bay and the Thompson's
Spa at 239 Washington St. They are
held the second Tuesday of each month.
In December and February the Univer-
sity Club will be the site, while the Jan-
uary and March affairs go to Thompson's.
The annual dinner will be held in .April.
On Dec. 14 the luncheon speaker will be
Prof. Marcel Moraucl. ^
College Hill Calendar
(continued from page 2}
March 10, 11, 12 - Sock and Buskin
presents "Deidre," 8:30.
March 11, 12 - Varsity Swimming,
NEISA, at Amherst,
March 12 - Brown and Wellesley Col-
lege Glee Clubs. Varsity and
Freshman Basketball, Provi-
dence College, home. Varsity
Wrestling, EIWA, at Cornell.
Varsity Track, M. I. T.,away.
March 17 - Concert, Hazel Scott, pi-
anist. Alumnae Hall, 8:30.
March 18 - Varsity Track, Cleveland
K. of C. meet, away.
March 18, 19 - Varsity Swimming,
EIS.A, at Princeton.
March 19 - Varsity Track, Boston Lfniv,
March 25 - Brown-Pembroke Orchestra
Concert, Alumnae Hall, 8:30.
March 25, 26 - Varsity Swimming, Na-
tionals at North Carolina.
March 28, 29, 30, 31, April 1 - Brown-
brokers revue, 8:30.
.April 2-11 - Spring recess.
.April 22 - Brown- Pembroke Chorus
Concert, Alumnae Hall, 8:30.
May 5, 6, 7, 8 - Sock and Buskin pre-
sents "Countess Cathleen,"
May 25, 26, 27 - Sock and Buskin pre-
sents "The Country Wife,"
May 30 - Holiday, no University ex-
June 1 - Classes end, second semester.
June 6-15 - Final examinations, second
June 20 - 181st annual Commencement
Fall Rioer Feature
► ► An enthusiastic dinner gave the
year a good start in Fall River when the
sons of Brown there dined at the Hotel
Mellen and heard a delegation from Col-
lege Hill cover the field of Brown news in
all departments. Arthur C. Uurfee '22,
who retired after long tenure in the office
of President, was the master of ceremonies.
The new officers include: President —
Harry E. Smalley '04, Vice-President —
Norman Zalkind '35, Secretary — Robert
C. Bogle '39, Treasurer — i\tr. Uurfee.
IJean Arnold, the principal speaker,
stressed the future's uncertainties in dis-
cussing the problems of American educa-
tion. There are signs, he said, that place-
ment of college graduates is becoming
increasingly diHicult. Enrollment prob-
lems are easing somewhat, but loss of
revenue *»'! accompany the return to
colleges of normal dimensions. By 1952,
he noted, when Brown has reached the
level of 2000 men, this planned limitation
will mean a decrease in "paid admissions"
of appro.\imately $750,000 a year. In-
flationary costs, housing, and industry's
raids on the Faculty were other problems
he cited.
Alumni Executive Officer William B.
McCormick '23 hailed the activity in
Fall River and offered three ways in which
alumni can support their Alma Mater;
"By interesting ourselves in the process
of education in general; by being on the
lookout for men with capacity for educa-
tion whom we'd like to see as Brown
students; and by building and sustaining
a philosophy of giving time, service, and
money on her behalf."
Ernest T. Savignano, who also showed
movies of last year's Brown-Rutgers foot-
ball game, described the current season.
"We have a good team," he said. "The
only catch is that we don't know just how
good it is going to he on any given Sat-
urday." He said the Freshman team
looked promising. Bill McLellan, Var-
sity tackle, also spoke on behalf of the
players. (Fred Kozak, backfield star
from Fall River, was unable to attend
because of an attack of flu.)
Among those who attended the Fall
River dinner were: ."Xlvin A. Gaffney '22,
Norman Zalkind '35, Augustus J. Wood
'95, J. Warren Campbell '23, Charles
.Soforenko '23, Dr. Albert C. Thomas '08,
C. LeRoy Grinnell '08, Harry Smalley '04,
Warren F. Sanford '24, James B. McGuire
'38, J. Terence C. McGuire '12, Gardiner
T. Hart '06, William A. Hart '03, Robert
A. Bogle '20, Robert C. Bogle '39, Abra
ham Ehrenhaus '45, Fred Parkinson '46,
Henry Packer '44, Preston H. Hood '12,
Preston H. Hood, Jr., '41, James I-". I.aw-
ton '31, Hyman L. Pollock '30, Milton
E. Earle '23, Arthur Freedman '45, Jack
M. Rosenberg '42, Paul S. Kramer '42,
Samuel M. Course '40, Merrill Leviss '44,
Samuel T. Arnold '13, Arthur C. Durfee
'22, Ernest Savignano '42, Bill McLellan
•49, Gale Wisbach '39, P. A. Hartley '39,
Amasa Williston, of the B. M. C. Durfee
High School. ■*
Indianapolis Lunches Set
► Informal lunches for Brown men in
Indianapolis have been resumed, and are
a regular feature on the first Monday of
every month at Charlie's Steak House,
144 E. Ohio St. Notices for the Nov. 1
gathering also brought the men up to date
on Brown football, and Secretary William
A. Dyer, Jr., '24, General Manager of the
Indianapolis Star sent us a sample. •<
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UNLESS YOU LIVE in Maine or Vermont, you saw newspaper pictures of
the "Big Brown" bear which the Mid-Western alumni gave to the Univer-
sity this fall. News Bureau and Photo Lab photographs went out to many
papers and all the services featuring the huge stuffed animal. One showed
the Varsity coaches looking up, longingly, and the caption said: "Oh for
a tackle like that!"
Clippings returned by mid-November showed that the picture had been
usedinmore than 400newspapers in 46 States, plus the District of Columbia
and STARS AND STRIFES in Germany. Some papers, like the Boston
Herald and the New York Herald Tribune, doubled up, using one picture
one day and another the next. The list of cities where the picture ap-
peared includes most of the major centers of the country, and seme less
well known, like Cripple Creek, Colorado, and Corn, Oklahoma. The
photo above shows Howard Curtis, Director of the Brown University News
Bureau, blanketing the bear with some of the first returns. He has an-
other batch in his hand.
R. I.'s Football Night
► A SALUTE to Brown football was the
theme of the fall dinner of the. Rhode
Island Brown Club on Nov. 5 when the
coaches were the guests of the members
at the Wannamoisett Country Club on
the eve of the Western Reserve game.
Paul Mackesey, Athletic Director, was
master of ceremonies. Rutgers game
movies were another attraction.
The officers for 1948-1949 are: President
J. W. Riker '22; Vice-President— Mason
L. Dunn '35; Treasurer — E. John Lownes,
Jr., '23; Secretary — Arthur H. Feiner '22;
Executive Committee — Richard A. Batch-
elder '35, William T. Brightman, Jr., '21,
Robert W. Brokaw '38, Kip I. Chace '12,
Foster B. Davis, Jr., '39, J. Richmond
Fales '10, Thomas F. Gilbane '33, Paul
F. Gleeson '32, Albert F. GofT '24, Fred-
erick L. Harson '31, Stanley Henshaw,
Jr., '35, Lewis S. Milner '02, William R.
Potter, Jr., '42, Ernest Savignano '42, H.
Stanton Smith '21, Henry D. Sharpe, Jr.,
'45, Norman L. Silverman '31, Richmond
H. Sweet '25, and Paul W. Welch '38.
The Brown Club of Rhode Island
joined the Brown Key in sponsoring a
Rally Dance Nov. 23 at the Sheraton-
Biltmore Hotel in Providence. More
than 200 couples attended this prelude
to the Thanksgiving Day game with
Colgate. ■^
Critics and Campuses
► Members of the Detroit Brown Club
were all invited to hear President Wriston
Oct. 25 when he spoke before the Eco-
nomic Club in that city; many shared in
the welcome to the President. The speech
was very well recei\ed, writes Secretary
Bruce Coulter '20: "It was a masterly
job. One of my friends came up after-
ward and said, 'He doesn't stutter, does
Dr. Wriston's theme, according to the
Detroit Free Press, was a warning to busi-
ness to stop scoffing at intellectuals, to
help remove economic pressures which
turn educators to the use of force, as in
teachers' strikes. Communism is practi-
cally non-e.xistent on the .American cam-
pus, he said. Teachers have an obligation
to be critical. Thus, the nation need not
be alarmed because many are extremely
critical of the social and economic order.
Their reactions are highly sensitized to
our dangers.
The Brown President also pleaded for
a restoration of balance between the
publicly-supported and the endow'ed in-
stitutions of higher education.
Among Brunonians present were: Ken-
drick Brown '22, VV. K. Browne '25, M.
E. Browning '38, John Buchman '44.
Dean Coffin '33, Howard Coffin '01, C.
Cain '38, Bruce Coulter '20, G. A. Dickey
'33, Bishop Richard Emrich '32, J. Freed-
man '25, J. S. Folev '25, Charles Gaffney
'38, T. N. Hubbard '26, W. C. Leland '92,
J. H. Nimmo '29, \V. A. Moffatt '14, Jack
Sanders '26, Henry Selleck '09, \V. C.
Scott '24, Martin Rice '25, E. C. Walms-
ley '22. <
Dinner in Poughkeepsie
► \V.\LTER S. B. Tate, Director of Stu-
dent Activities at Brown, journeyed from
the campus to Ije with the Mid-Hudson
Brown Club when its fall dinner was held
Oct. 19 in Poughkeepsie. He reported
the group an enthusiastic one, with a live-
ly interest in what is happening on College
Hill, Providence.
President William Howard Young '16
was presiding officer. Others present:
Homer Guernsey '06, Leon Clark '10,
Ray Crum '15, Harold Long '16, Joe
Emsley '24, Irving Tragel '40, Ron Mc-
Intyre '42, Buzz Guernsey '43, Bob Gol-
rick '47, Ed Golrick '48, Carl Olson '46,
and Irving Long '49. <
Pittsburgh Resumes
► .Alumni in the Pittsburgh area have
resumed their regular monthly luncheons
— at Childs Restaurant on Smithfield -St.,
the fourth Friday at 12:15. While the
informal gatherings are sponsored by the
Brown Club of Western Pennsylvania,
all alumni are invited to join the group.
The first dinner meeting of the season
was scheduled for Nov. 8 at the University
Club with two outstanding football
officials as guests: Judge "Sammy" Weiss
and "Red" Friesel. This is the first
official activity since the picnic held last
June at South Park when about 20 men
attended, with their wives. The program
included a wiener and hamburg roast and
various sports. ■^
Jn " The American Scholar"
► The Winter Number of The
American Scholar has two Brun-
onian contributors. J. Saunders
Redding '28 is the author of " Por-
trait of W.E.B. Dubois," announced
as "the personal portrait of one
of the greatest Negro figures of this
country, by the first Negro ever to
win the Mayflower award in North
President Gordon K. Chalmers
'25 of Kenyon College discusses the
much debated report of President
Truman's Commission on Higher
Education in an article "The Social
Role of Education." ■^
For the New Yorl^ers
► Edmond M. Hanrahan, Chairman of
the Securities and Exchange Commission,
was guest of the Brown L^niversity Club
in New York on Nov. 17, according to
the Club Newsletter for the month. He
planned to tell how the SEC polices the
nation's stock exchanges and investment
machinery. Mr. Hanrahan is a former
law associate of Gerald Donovan '12,
who presided at dinner.
More than 100 members and guests of
the Club attended the football dinner
Oct. 27 when movies of the Princeton
game provided a good climax. Speakers
included Athletic Director Paul Mackesey,
Earle "Greasy" Neal of the Philadelphia
Eagles, and Andy Coakley, veteran coach
of Columbia's baseball teams.
The Newsletter renewed the invitation
to Club members to drop in for Friday
lunches in the Extension to the Main
Dining Room. Occasionally a speaking
program is planned, but good fellowship
is always a drawing card.
The Club has published a directory of
members for the year 1948-1949 — a tidy
and useful little pamphlet. A supplement
will soon bring the roster up to date. Work-
ing with the L'niversity on placement
matters, the Club invites information of
help to such a program — opportunities,
openings, needs, etc. ■^
On the Engineer' s Calendar
► The ,\nnu.\l meeting of the Brown
Engineering Association will be held in
New York Feb. 4, according to notices
which went to the membership in Novem-
ber. President Wriston will be the prin-
cipal speaker, and other details will be
forthcoming shortly.
Harry Bernard '24, Chief Engineer of
the Mack Manufacturing Corporation,
was listed as the attraction for the fall
dinner meeting at the Building Trades
Employers' Association Dec. 2. The date
was chosen for the convenience of the
ASME members as well, and Mr. Bernard
promised to let the Brow-n engineers in
"on the secrets of making busses, trucks,
and fire apparatus." •^
' Round About Seattle
► The Brown Club of the Northwest,
with headquarters in Seattle, had a great
stimulant last summerin the visit of Brown
undergraduates who were there on the
Navv cruise. -A winter meeting is in
prospect, according to word which reaches
Providence from A. Wilber Stevens '42,
the Secretary. His address: 8244 40th
St., N. E., Seattle 5. Mike Roberts '31 is
the new President of the Club, while
Curly Edes '28 is Vice-President. ^
Baetzhold in Maine
► Portland alumni informally welcomed
Howard Baetzhold '44, Brown admissions
officer, during his autumn visits to second-
ary schools in northern New England. A
group from the Brown Club of Western
Maine had dinner in the Eastland Hotel
on Election Night, heard talk of College
Hill, and enjoyed some Kodachrome
slides of Providence and the campus. In-
cluded in the group were: A. H. Halber-
stadt '34, W. Ravmond Henry '29, Dr.
Henry D. Burrage''33, Fred H. Gabbi '02,
Robert F. Skillings '11, and A. Thomas
Scott '28. <
Campus Campaign
► Workers for the Brown Service Fund
Drive in November sought $6000 from
the campus community for some 20 pro-
jects on College Hill, in Rhode Island,
and abroad. The Handbook, distributed
to 750 Freshmen. Freshman Week ac-
tivities, in conjunction with the Brown
Union. The B. C. A. Embassy in which
religious emphasis is promoted. A re-
volving fund for small loans. Blood
donations to members of the Brown family
and also blood volunteers to save the
lives of less fortunate people in Rhode
Island hospitals. Cooperation with the
Brown Placement Bureau in serving 200
men in vocational matters. Meetings for
counsel on courtship and marriage. Peace
Week, highlighted by international and
atomic experts. Good will speakers to
local churches, schools, and clubs. Super-
vision of athletics in boy's reformatories.
Christmas parties which the fraternities
hold for underprivileged children. A
program of summer cx[X'rience in semin-
ars and industry. Summer camp recrea-
tion for underprivileged boys. Teachers
to assist the rehabilitation program in
men's reformatories. Clothing collection
for needy Europeans Brown LIniversity
scholarships for Chinese students. A
University of ."Kthens scholarship. Aid
to the World Student Service Fund, in
company with other .American colleges,
for aid in Europe and Asia. ^
BCA'S K. Brooke Anderson
Brunonians Far and Near m <
► ► James Gr.\nger Lincoln, son of the
late Prof. John Larkin Lincoln of Brown,
died in Providence Nov. 17, 1948 after a
short illness, in his 90th year. One of
Brown's oldest graduates, Mr. Lincoln
had engaged in the business of builders'
supplies with his brother-in-law, Charles
S. Waldo, until his retirement in 1921.
He spent most of his winters abroad, re-
turning to his home in Jamestown, R. I.,
for the suiiimer months. Besides his
widow, the former Sally Tucker, whom
he married in 1891, Mr. Lincoln leaves
a son, John L. Lincoln, and three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Ale.\ander Williams, Mrs. Em-
mons Alexander, and Mrs. Arthur Coey.
He held an A. M. as well as an A. B. from
Brown; he was a member of Phi Beta
Kappa and Psi Upsilon.
The death of Czechoslovakia's Eduard
Benes brought recollections to Dr. Wil-
liam H. Tolman of 126 Prospect St., Paw-
tucket, of "a genial, affable democrat with
a very human touch." At the end of
World War 1, Benes invited Dr. Tolman
to come to Prague and help establish the
YMCA in the new republic. Benes was
anxious to bring American ways to Czecho-
slovakia, Dr. Tolman told a newspaper
M. B. Denison has moved to Hill Top
Manor, 888 Maple St., Rocky Hill, Conn.,
we are informed by Class Secretary Man-
Albert B. Cook has a new address:
Gloucester, Va.
Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn's permanent
address is 1525 La Loma Ave., Berkeley,
Theron Clark has a new address at
2335 Fair Park, Los Angeles 41.
Charles Wayland Towne is president
for 1948-49 of The Executive Club, Tus-
Birlhday {or Our Oldest
► Brown's SENIOR .\LUMNUs,George
F. Weston '78, had greetings from
many of his Brunonian friends
Oct. 3 when he was 95 years old.
The day was the occasion of a pleas-
ant, modest observance at 1648
Willowhurst Ave., San Jose, Calif.
Acknowledging the messages from
Pro\idence, Sir. Weston wrote in
his characteristically strong hand;
"It is 74 years since I entered
Brow'n, where I lived for four years
in L^niversity Hall. The article by
Bruce Bigelow in the last Alumni
Monthly interested me very much.
The growth and influence of the
University during my lifetime seems
"I am well and still regard my-
self as a useful and active citizen.
Where I eagerly used to take a
leading part, however, I am now
quite content to sit in a comfortable
chair and let the other fellow do
the work. I am very thankful for
all the words of good cheer." <
Addendum on Hughes
► President Wriston's article on
Cliarles Evans Hughes as a Brown
undergraduate should have carried
further identification in our last
issue to show that it was originally
an address given before the student
body at the first Convocation of
the academic year. Dr. Robert
Cushman Murphy '11 has written
us to say he considered it one of the
finest biographical essays he had
ever read.
We have not yet noted that the
L^niversity's delegation at the funer-
al services in the Riverside Church
in New York on Aug. 31 was a large
one, including President Wriston,
Vice-President Bigelow, Dean Arn-
old; Dr. W. Randolph Burgess of
the Board of Fellows; and Trustees
William P. Burnham, Edwin Farn-
ham Greene, Walter Hoving, Row-
land R. Hughes, William E. Sprack-
ling, and Dr. Charles C. Tillinghast.
Other Brunonians noted in the
great congregation were: John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., '97, Judge Norman
S. Dike '85, Newton G. Chase '09,
Henry R. Hobson '06, and David
H. Scott '32.
In Mr. Hughes' will several uni-
versities, including Brown, were
remembered with substantial be-
quests. ■<
con, Ariz., which has a membership lim-
ited to 250 and which plays host to well
known visitors to Tuscon. First speaker
on the Club program was Richard Lloyd
George, son of the late British Prime
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bissell are now
back in Providence at their 107 Lloyd
Ave. address.
Francis B. Richards has a new address:
RFD 1, Box 171, Largo P. O., Fla.
After the 50th anniversary exercises at
the Hope High School, Theodore Everett
Dexter of Central Falls wrote to the
Journal in Providence of his pride in the
program. "I am also proud to be an
'alumnus' teacher," he said.
Priscilla Meredith Stolz of Far Hills,
N. J., a member of the Freshman Class at
Pembroke, is a granddaughter of the late
William R. Morse.
Fred A. Smart continues his active
teaching in Tilton, N. H., where he has
served since 1900. A recent note to the
Newport County Sentinel told of his pleas-
ure in attending the 50th reunion.
Miss Gordyne Sedgwick, daughter of
our late classmate, Dr. Otis W. Sedgwick,
was married at the Little Church Around
the Corner, New York City, to Carl N.
Jensen on July 30, 1948. Mrs. Jensen,
who attended Syracuse, has been a Con-
over model and her pictures have appeared
in magazines and elsewhere. Mr. Jensen
is a graduate of Hamilton and of Brooklyn
Law School. Mrs. Jensen's uncle, Hubert
M. Sedgwick of New Haven, Conn., counts
many Brown men among his friends.
Professor Lester Boardman is in retire-
ment at 656 Grant St., Indiana, Pa.
Francis Cole's daughter Martha Wash-
ington Cole is engaged to Leo M. Curley
of Taunton.
► Rev. M. Joseph Twomey, D. D., re-
tired Baptist minister and Brown L'ni-
versity loyalist, died Oct. 28, 1948, in
Portland, Me., after an illness of several
months. He had filled important pas-
torates in the East, including the Baptist
Temple in Philadelphia, the First Baptist
Church in Portland, Peddie Memorial
Baptist Church in Newark, Baptist
Church in Danielson, Conn., North
Orange Baptist Church in North Orange,
and First Baptist Church in Williamsport,
Penn. From 1913 to 1919 he was a mem-
ber of the Executive Committee of the
Northern Baptist Convention and from
1922 to 1937 was on the Executive Board
of the American Baptist Foreign Mission
Born in Killarney, Ireland, Jan. 10,
1871, Dr. Twomey came to this country
at the age of 19. He prepared for Brown
at Suffield Literary Institute, Suflield,
Conn. He was also a graduate of the
Newton Theological Institution in 1903.
He was a Trustee of the International
Seminary, Peddie School, Hartshorn Me-
morial College, and Virginia Union Uni-
When he received his honorary D. D.
from Brown in 1921 (Temple also honored
him later), the citation read: "Builder of
churches, wholehearted servant of man
and God, who has known how to reach
with tenderness and humor, with delicacy
and strength, the unplumbed deeps in the
souls of men." Mrs. Twomey, whom he
married in 1903 survives him. He was a
welcome visitor at Brown o%er the years
and a great friend of Brown men.
A retrospective exhibition of water
color paintings by Prof. Herbert Richard
Cross was shown last summer at Helme
House, Kingston. It won high favor.
Dwight E. Norris, son of Mrs. Clarence
Norris and our late classmate, was a June
graduate from M. I. T. and is now study-
ing for a Master's degree there. He was
a graduate of the Bulkeley School in New
London, of which his father was assistant
headmaster until his death in 1945.
The Amherst Record recently published
Col. G. A. "Bird" Taylor's latest poem
"The Holyoke Range," a description of
the mountain view from his Old Hadley
Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Shaw of Spring-
field observed their 25th wedding anni-
\-ersary on Oct. 17. Lewis S. iMilner went
up from Providence to the celebration.
Sam Cohen is clerk of The Community
Church in New York City, which dedi-
cated a new church building on Oct. 18.
Abbott Phillips, Jr., son of Mrs. Abbott
Phillips and our late classmate, is engaged
to Miss Phyllis Lee Brownell, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Herbert Brownell
of Seattle. Phillips, a decorated veteran
of mountain warfare, is running his own
skiing center in northern New England.
We are sorry to learn of the death of
Mrs. Jennie E. Fish, wife of Myron C.
Fish '02.
William A. Hill has a new address:
Penney Farms. Fla.
Arthur Philbrick was presented with an
illuminated scroll upon his retirement
from the vice-presidency of the British
Empire Club of Providence.
Joseph Grim, Jr., is living in Electro,
Edward White sends a new address at
1620 Hillcrest Ave., Winter Park, Fla.
State Senator Fred C. Broomhead has
been elected to his 23rd consecutive term
as President of the Barrington, R. I.,
District Nursing .•\ssociation.
Harold Newton is Head of the English
Department of the Syracuse Public Schools.
His Syracuse address is 309 Winkworth
Charles Tillinghast's son John A. Till-
inghast was married on Sept. 11, 1948, to
Miss Mabel K. Healey, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. F. Healey of White Plains,
N. Y.
Leon Gay's woolen mill in Cavendish,
Vt., was recently visited by the New Eng-
land Council's research group which cited
it as a model of e.xpert management and
efficient operation.
J. William James is in Denair, Calif.,
recovering from an attack of coronary
thrombosis. We hope he will soon be
able to resume his writing for the New-
town, Conn., Bee.
Elmer D. Nickerson continues active in
dramatics, long his hobby, and is current-
ly Treasurer of The Players of Providence.
Gardiner Hart is an editorial writer for
the Fall River, Mass., Herald-News. His
home in Fall River is at 328 French St.
Ralph McPhee, publisher of the Wash-
tenaw Post-Trihune in Ann .^^rbor, Mich.,
reports that his son, who was in the At-
lantic Transport Command during the
war, occasionally brings a DC-3 into Prov-
idence as an American Airlines Captain.
"Don't let them make Brown into one of
these places which enhances the squirrel-
cage existence we live in," writes the
father. "Keep it small and good — ^with
the emphasis on education." His new
home address: 1023 Granger Ave., .Ann
William P. Burnham, one of the Cor-
poration representatives at the funeral of
Charles Evans Hughes, flew from Maine
at short notice in order to attend the ser-
vices at the Ri\'erside Church in New
York City. He arrived in New York in
the clothes he had worn at his summer
place, had a suit tailored in a few hours'
time, and joined the large delegation at
the church.
R. L. Elrod has a new grandson, Ralph
George Elrod, born July 31, 1948 to Dr.
and Mrs. R. Perry Elrod of \'ermillion,
S. D.
Rev. Eugene C. Carder, D. D., now
retired and living in Greensboro, Vt., was
a preacher at the union services held at
the First Baptist Church, Saratoga Springs,
N. Y., during .August.
The C. ^I. flamlins came north from
Bristol, Tenn., during the summer, stopped
for a night in Cambridge, Mass., with the
F. S. .Autys, and then went to Buck's
old home in Maine for vacation.
Robert S. Curley and Mrs. Curley are
home again in Biddetord, Me., (22 Am-
herst St.) after their cross country trip in
the summer. Much obliged. Bob, for the
card from San Francisco.
".After a wonderful week on the coast,
we are among the pines at Belgrade Lakes
for a spell," wrote Fred Auty from down
in Maine in mid-September. "Called
Teaching DP Doctors
► Two MEMBERS of a five-man
teaching medical teaching mission
to Germany were Dr .Alex M.
Burgess '06 and Dr. Peter Pineo
Chase '06, who have returned from
eight weeks of instructing DP doc-
tors in the American zone under
the auspices of the International
Relief Organization. Speaking at
the annual dinner of the staff asso-
ciation of the Rhode Island Hos-
pital in November, Dr. Burgess
appealed for recognition of the DP
doctors which would make it pos-
sible for them to resettle in this
countr>'. He referred to the DP
doctors as the cream of the crop
and regretted that restrictive laws
designed to keep out the "phonies"
also placed an embargo on brains.
At the staff dinner certificates
were awarded to five retired chiefs
of staff at the R. I. Hospital, among
them Dr. Burgess.
Dr. Chase has written an en-
lightening series of articles in the
Providence Journal about their ex-
periences abroad. <
the 'Spike' Afflecks in Portland, but they
were on vacation. Had Bill and Mrs.
Burnham over from Squirrel Island for
Sunday dinner.
A. H. Gurney and Mrs. Gurney spent
the summer in Deep Brook, Nova Scotia.
Bill Reynolds joined them for a week and
drove them home by way of Halifax,
Moncton and St. John, N. B., Portland,
Me., and way stations. A delightful ride
all the way, and we hope Bill will tell us
at next reunion how easy it is to pick blue-
berries with a mechanical picker.
As we were writing this copy the first
week in October, Dr. Charles D. McCann
and Mrs. McCann were heading for Cali-
fornia for a month's vacation, and John
L. Curran was on his way to Maine on a
bird hunting trip.
Miss Helen Frances Castle, daughterof
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castle of Edge-
wood, was married on June 5, 1948, to
Leslie F. Mowry, Jr., son of our classmate
and Mrs Mowry.
William Partridge Jr., has retired after
19 years of faithful service as editor of
The Untied Churchman, official paper of
the Maritime Conference of the United
Church of Canada. "Exacting but in-
teresting work," Bill characterizes it. His
last year was particularly difficult be-
cause of sickness and trouble with his
eyes. At the 1948 annual meeting of the
Maritime Conference in Sackville, N. B.,
our classmate received special honors, in-
cluding a purse of money and an address
which praised the way in which he had
"shaped and moulded the character of
The United Churchman" and widened
and deepened its influence "until it has
now become a potent factor in the reli-
gious life of these provinces." Bill is living
in Sackville.
Lee Heyer White commutes between
Greens Farms, Conn., where he lives, and
New York, where he has his office as cer-
tified public accountant at 230 Park .Ave.
Better make a note that Lee's New York
office is in the Grand Central, and give
him a ring or look in to say hello next
time you are in that station.
\'our Secretary records with regret the
death in Providence, August 12, 1948, of
our classmate and friend, Robert Brad-
ford Jones, and gives to Mrs. Jones and
young Bob the sincere sympathy of the
Class. We think, too, of Bob's mother
and his brother, Frederick S. Jones '04.
C. LeRoy Grinnell, editor of the New-
port County Sentinel, has announced to
his readers that he is also operating an
agency with the Meiklejohn Company of
Providence, demonstrating and selling
the Hammond Organ and the Knabe
piano. In the past year he notes that he
has played an average of 10 hours a week
for men of the armed services in Newport.
He estimates that he has played"Humor-
esque" 500 times during that period and
"Because" as many as a dozen times a
night — and never twice the same, he adds.
Mr. and Mrs. Grinnell announce the
engagement of their youngest daughter,
Mary E. Grinnell, to Homer D. Eckhardt,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Eckhardt
of Rochester, N. Y., who has just re-
ceived his M. Sc. degree in Aeronautical
Engineering at M. I. T.
David Leslie Bruce, marine engineer,
dieci Sept. 19, 1948, at his home 6447
Gwin Road, Oakland, Calif., where illness
had kept him confined for three years.
The Class remembered him at its 40th
reunion, and he appreciated our greetings,
his wife has written. At sea so much of
his life, Bruce had few contacts with his
classmates, but they have pleasant rec-
ollections of him. During the war he
was Chief Engineer of a ship on the mili-
tary supply run to the South Pacific.
Harper Goodspeed has left for Argen-
tina and other countries in South America
where he will be until Dec. 10. He has
received an invitation to attend the South
American Botanical Congress for Argen-
tina and to address scientific gatherings
in various universities in South .America.
He expects as well to supervise the work
of the Fourth Expedition to the -Andes
which is collecting plants in Chile and
Ernest Hager recently had a letter pub-
lished in the Providence Journal in which
he called attention to the increased north-
ward range this year of the American and
snowy egrets. These handsome birds, he
reports, have been seen as far north as
"Tink" Chandler has left the Washing-
ton office of the American Society of Civil
Engineers and is now at the Society's
Headquarters, 33 W. 39th St., New York
City. His new home address is .Apt. C43,
Hudson View Gardens, 183rd St. and
Pinehurst .Ave., New York 33, N. Y.
Ed Hollen is President of the Providence
section of the American Society of Civil
Engineers, affiliated with the I^rovidence
Engineering Society.
Pleased by the Kansas City Star's aware-
ness of Brown football this fall, some of
the younger alumni in that city wrote the
Son and Granddaughter
► Dr. Allan F. Westcott '03,
professor emeritus of the U. S.
Naval .Academy, is especially proud
of his Freshmen on College Hill this
year. His son. Allan C. Westcott,
is a member of the Class of 1952 at
Brown. Over at Pembroke in the
Freshman Class there is a grand
daughter, Laura E. Martin of Ram-
sey, N. J. <
sports editor. Plditor McBride replied
that his regard for Brown was high be-
cause he knew Prof. Frank Dennie of
Rolla, Mo.
Everett A. Greene is a new director of
the Home for .Aged Men and .'\ged Couples
in Providence. Norman L. Sammis '08,
who has ser\ed for several years, was re-
elected to the Board. Edward S. Spicer
'10 is a Vice-President.
Edward King Carley died in York Hos-
pital in Pennsylvania Oct. 12, 1948 at the
age of 61. His widow survives him
(Dorothy B. Carley) at Main and Center
Sts., Mt. Wolf, Penn., and our sympathy
goes to her. Carley came to Brow-n from
Rogers High, Newport and trained as an
engineer. He was in the War Depart-
ment for three years in the U. S. Corps of
Engineers, then worked for the Public
Service Corporation of New Jersey. In
recent years he has been Eastern District
Manager of Ford Roofing Products Co.
of York, Penn. His fraternity was Delta
Tau Delta.
A dozen of the Class attended the fall
reunion Nov. 6. We attended the foot-
liall game, then gathered at the home of
Ed Spicer for cocktails, and moved to the
Pine Room of Faunce House for a splendid
dinner. We discussed at some length the
plans for our 40th reunion. The ballots
from the Class showed that a majority
favored a reunion with headquarters on
the campus, with side-excursions else-
where for certain meals, sports, and other
activities. Details are now left in the hands
of the Class Officers. Those present at
our dinner: Ralph M. Palmer of New York,
Rev. Clifton H. Walcott of Middleboro,
and the local delegation — .Andrew B.
Comstock, William Freeman, Judge John
P. Hartigan, Elmer S. Horton, Paul B.
Howland, Harold T. Phinney, Charles A.
Post, Dr. Lester A. Round, Edward S.
Spicer, and Claude M. Wood.
A. B. c.
Edward H. Mason's daughter Joan
Lippitt Mason was married on Sept. 24,
1948 to Donald B. Dougherty in West-
mount, Quebec, Canada. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Dougherty are graduates of McGill
Prof. .Albert A. Bennett attended the
annual meeting of the .American Stand-
ards .Association in New York City in
October and was chairman of the com-
mittee of mathematical symbols.
Current addresses: Arthur Draper,
Rt. 1, Sarasota, Fla; Herman Copeland,
Box 863, Cleveland, 22, Ohio.
Brenton G. Smith, an aide in many a
Commencement procession down College
Hill, will this year take over the duties of
Chief of Staff. He is the executive officer
who serves to line things up for the Chief
Marshal. The job is in good hands, and
Brent was recommended bv the retiring
Chief of Staff, J. Cunliflfe Bullock '02.
-Arthur Palmer, Jr., recent Brown grad-
uate and son of Dr. and Mrs. .Arthur
Palmer, was married Oct. 16, 1948, to
Miss R. Marilyn Stevens, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury- H. Stevens of
Kennebunkport, Me. Young Palmer,who
served in the Pacific with the .AAF, is
studying for an M. A. at Columbia.
Parley Blood came into the office in
September and told us of the arrival of
two new granddaughters. Susan Ayres
Blood, born Nov. 24, 1947 is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Blood; and Karen
Ann Blood, born May 25, 1948 is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blood.
Charles Franklin's daughter Carol was
married on .Aug. 14, 1948 to Joseph A.
Northrup, Jr.
Charles F'ranklin is living at 41 Ree-
land .Ave., .Apponaug, R, I., where he has
been in retirement since 1940.
Franklin Buck is District Engineer for
the Federal Works .Agency in Columbia,
S. C. His home is at 50 Macaris -St., St.
.Augustine, F'la.
Rev. W. H. Dinkins, President of
Selma University in Alabama, received a
birthday present from his students Oct. 27.
Actually, he was 58 on June 28, but the
school hit upon the idea of a synthetic
birthday because it had not been in session
in June. The gift, presented in chapel,
was a Bible and four silver dollars, from
his students and Faculty.
To Aid Chinese Students
► C. C. Chen '15, Chairman of the
College of Natural Science in the
University of Shanghai, is agent
for the Brown Christian .Association
in the matter of its scholarships for
Chinese students. Late in October
he \yrote to K. Brooke Anderson,
E.\ecutive Secretary of the BC.A,
that a check for G. Y. $3981.50
had arrived, a payment on the
scholarship fund for 1947-48. He
voices appreciation for "this timely
contribution for Shanghai." ^
Frank A. Chase of Sharon, Mass., is
District Engineer for the State of Massa-
chusetts. He has a Brown man as son-
in-law, Bill Roos '46.
Dr. Robert C. Dexter urged that the
cold war be kept cold in an address to the
Rhode Island World Affairs Council on
Oct. 13. Dr. Dexter is the new executive
director of the Council.
Rabbi Louis Newman had a letter in
the New \'ork Herald Tribune recently
in praise of .Arthur Koestler's article on
the Zionist leader \ ladimir Jabotinsky.
Clarence H. Philbrick and Ellis L. Yat-
man '11 were among those re-elected in
November to the Board of the Home for
Aged Men and -Aged Couples in Provi-
District Judge Joseph E. Cook was
chairman of the American Legion's 1948
"Salute to America" in Denver this year.
The observance is an annual one and at-
tracted more than 20,000 persons.
Miss Barbara E. Files, daughter of
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Chester A. Files, has
graduated from the New England Con-
servatorj- of Music. Chester A. Files,
Jr., was a June graduate from Princeton.
The General is the new President of the
University Club in Providence.
Dr. Edward A. McLaughlin, State
Health Director, also serves the Rhode
Island chapter of the National Founda-
tion for Infantile Paralysis as Treasurer.
Henry G. Clark '07 is a member of the
executive committee.
James Tyrell's daughter Ruth -Ann was
married on Sept. 7, 1948 to Donald M.
Joseph '48.
Kirk Smith addressed the fall meeting
of the Congregational Women of Rhode
Island in October. Kirk is Chairman of
the Congregational Church's e.xecutive
committee for war victims and recon-
Walter Deady, Jr., has joined his ac-
counting practice with that of Mattison,
Davey & Rader in New York City.
Harold W. Tucker presided over a
community conference in Sayles Hall Oct.
26 to consider the question "Is the System
under Which We Have All Grown up
W'orth Saving?" The Associated Indus-
tries of Rhode Island, various Chambers
of Commerce, and the NAM sponsored a
series of such meetings, the first of which
was addressed by Prof. Philip Taft of
Brown. Tucker is Vice-President of the
Wallace and Tucker Lumber Company
in Providence.
Dr. Edgar J. "Spike" Staff's football
career was reviewed in the column "Cap's
Corner" in the Cranston, R. I. Herald
News recently. Dr. Staff is Chief of the
Division of Laboratories of the R. I. Divi-
sion of Health.
Royal Bongartz is living at 9 Lowden
St., Pawtucket. He is in with the Dow
Jones organization.
Eliot Staples has been appointed Busi-
ness Manager of Lewis College in Lock-
port, 111. .A recognized authority in all
phases of ground instruction in aviation,
Eliot has established the aircraft and en-
gine maintenance courses at Lewis. For
two years he not only supervised the pro-
gram and prepared the curriculum, but
also assumed most of the teaching re-
Edward W. Hincks has been elected
Superintendent of the Calais-Woodland
School Union, in Maine. He has been
Superintendent of schools at Mars Hill,
Me., for the past five years.
New addresses: John Hart, Pleasant
St., Bedford Village, N. Y.; Warren Nor-
ton, 214 Spring St., Meadville, Pa.
Gen. William Curtis Chase, Command-
er of the First Cavalry Division in Tokyo,
returned to the States this fall to visit his
mother, convalescing from illness at her
Providence home.
John S. Coleman is in Clarksville,
Tenn., where he is District Representa-
tive of the Bureau of National Affairs of
Washington, D. C. His Clarksville ad-
dress is 532 Main St.
Philip A. Feiner was in charge of speak-
ers for the Town Meeting Forum held in
Providence in November to highlight
such civic problems as recreation, parking,
traffic, and housing. The over-all spon-
sor was the Civic Planning and Traffic
Board of the Providence Chamber of
Commerce, in which Feiner is active.
The Peddie School devoted its Fall
Homecoming Oct. 30 to a sendoff to its
Headmaster, Dr. Wilbour E. Saunders,
who leaves after 14 very successful years
to become President of the Colgate-
Rochester Divinity School. The announce-
ment of the Alumni Dinner said: "All
of us want to join in expressing our appre-
ciation for the fine job he has done in
making Peddie one of the outstanding
preparatory schools in the country'." Dr.
Saunders, an annual chapel speaker at
Brown, will continue to visit our campus
in his new capacity.
The Kansas City Star this fall has given
favorable attention to Brown's football
team, notice unusual in a city so far away.
When alumni wrote their appreciation.
Sports Editor McBride said he had thought
well of Brown University since knowing
Col. J. Lindley Gammell.
Harold M. Messer is Associate Pro-
fessor of Biology at Gettysburg College.
His address 42 E. Lincoln Ave., Gettys-
burg, Pa.
Francis C. Healey's present address is
250 E. Maujer St,. Valley Stream, N. Y.
Chester M. Downing, principal of Fair-
haven, Mass., High School, has advocated
the building of a new Municipal .Audi-
torium in New Bedford.
Gurney Edwards is a new member of
the Executive Committee of the General
Council of the Congregational Churches
in .America. He was unsuccessful as a
candidate for the Rhode Island Senate
from Providence in the November elec-
tion, to succeed Harvey S. Reynolds '23.
He has been active in Republican politics
for some time and is chairnlan of the Sec-
ond Ward Republican Committee and
Chairman of the I^egislative Committee
of the party's State Central Committee.
Benjamin H. Slade, Deputy Minority
Floor Leader in the R. L House last year,
was re-elected Representative from the
2nd District in Providence. He has been
in the General Assembly since January,
1943. He is Secretary and Purchasing
-Agent for Westcott, Slade & Balcom Com-
pany of Providence, paints and supplies.
W. W. Chaplin, president of the Over-
seas Press Club, welcomed Governor J.
Strom Thurmond as the Dixiecrat candi-
date made his one campaign speech in the
north at an Overseas Press Club luncheon.
^ R. .A. Corvey of 3449 Peachtree Road,
N. E., .Atlanta, Ga., chatted with Eugene
W. O'Brien '19 recently about his Brown
associations. He is the Southeastern
District Manager for Westinghouse Lamp
Division of the Westinghouse Electric
Corporation, with headquarters in At-
lanta at 1299 Northside Drive, N. W.
J. Harold Williams spoke at the October
18 meeting of the Eden Park (R. L) PT.A
on the subject: "Your Child's Recreation."
Eugene W. O'Brien, past President of
the .American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers, acted for .ASME in July when he
presented a certificate of honorary mem-
bership to Secretary of State George C.
Marshall. Gene's informal and witty
presentation speech included a proud
reference to the fact that he and Genera
Marshall were both alumni of Brown.
Gene pointed out, however, that he had
to pay for four years' education to get his
Brown degree, while the .Secretary's doc-
torate was honorary.
Thomas F. Black, Jr., and William H.
Edwards were elected First Vice-President
and Secretary, respectively, of the Rhode
Island School of Design at the annual
meeting of the Board of Trustees in No-
vember. The officers include: Stephen
O. Metcalf '78, Treasurer; .Arthur J.
Frey '20, Assistant Treasurer; and Senator
Theodore Francis C.reen '87, Trustee.
Fred B. Perkins has been re-elected
Vice-President of the Home for .Aged .Men
and Aged Couples in Providence.
Bernard Pierce is Superintendent of
School Union 107 in Princeton, Me.
William L. Dewart is with Herrick,
Waddell, and Reed Co. Inc., investment
bankers at 55 Liberty St., New York,
and lives across the river at the Hotel St.
George in Brooklyn. He spent 56 months
as an Army Quartermaster officer, the last
six on General .Mac.Arthur's staff in Tokvo.
The Williams Charm
► "W.\s THERE a football player at
Brown around your time by the
name of J. M. Williams?"
There certainly was, Laurence R.
Smith '20 of Hartford told an ac-
quaintance at the Kiwanis luncheon
who asked. Williams, a classmate
known to all as "Ink," was one of
the fastest and best ends in the
It seemed that that morning one
of his customers told him of finding
years ago a gold football charm
with the name of J. M. Williams on
it and listing the Brown-Harvard
and Brown-\'ale scores of that year.
He's had it in his desk drawer for
many years and was an.\ious to
return it.
The whole matter had been re-
called when the Hartford Courant
had a story on Levi Jackson's elec-
tion as A'ale captain. The writer
recalled other Negro stars, including
Fritz Pollard and Ink Williams.
The .Alumni Office promptly re-
ported Williams' address: 604 East
51st St., Chicago 15. <
He is serving as .Secretary of his class at
Peddie School, from which he and Art
Frey came to Brown.
Dr. Marshall N. Fulton is the new Chief
of Medical Services at the Rhode Island
Hospital in Providence. He was toast-
master at the annual dinner of the staff
association of the hospital in November.
.Among those honored at the dinner was
Dr. Herman .A. Lawson, Chief of Medical
Services of the Veterans Administration
Hospital in Providence, soon to open.
During the war he was commanding officer
of the 48th Evacuation Hospital (R. I.
Hospital affiliated unit), serving in Burma.
Louis A. R. Fieri is a member of the
Executive Committee of the Providence
County chapter of the National Founda-
tion for Infantile Paralysis, as is his wife.
Ray Palmer has a new address at 62
Woodcliff Rd., Wellesley Hills 82, Mass.
liay is District Sales Manager for the
.Aluminum Company of .America in Bos-
Dr. Charles N. Arbuckle, who received
an honorary degree in 1920, is Lecturer
in Homiletics at the Graduate School of
Religion in the LTniversity of Southern
Ralph Standish manages the Osaka,
Japan, branch of the National City Bank
of New York.
(leorge R. .Ashbey, .Advertising Man-
ager for Nicholson File in Providence, is
deputy chief crier of the Town Criers of
Rhode Island. Advertising, sales and
education are his fields. J. Wilbur Riker
'22 is deputy ch'ef crier in charge of
George Macready has a neat part in
"The Black Arrow," a picture made from
the Robert Louis Stevenson story of that
name. The picture had its first showing
in New York this fall, and the reviewers
liked it.
Dr. Robert R. Baldridge has moved his
office to 192 .Angell St., Providence, but
he continues to live at 25 Charles Field
St., which makes us in .Alumni House
neighbors in the same block on Brown St.
New addresses: Laurence Foote, 115
Carpenter .Ave., Crestwood, N. Y.; F. W.
Buswcll, 386 W. Oakland Ave., Doyles-
town, Pa.
Dr. Roger W. Nelson is with the Vet-
erans .Administration in White River
Junction, Vt.
Laurence S. Day is with W. F. Schrafft
& Sons Corporation (Schrafft 's Choco-
lates) at Sullivan Square, Boston 29. He
lives in Melrose Highlands.
Joseph W. Scharf, long with the Tropi-
cana I^rocessing Company in Cuba, has
left the concern. He's back in New York
at 180 West 58th St.
Da\id B. Shurtleff, son of Bertrand L.
Shurtleff and a graduate of St. George's
School, Newport, is a Freshman at Har-
vard, having been awarded a University
Theodore L. Sweet has been with the
EC.A since .April, finding the work a nat-
tural counterpart of what he did in Wash-
ington during the war and in (iermany
with the .AMG. He is back in W'ashing-
ton in connection with his new duties.
"Geology Moves Ahead" was the head-
line on an article in the Lehigh Alumni
Bulletin recently. Illustrating it was a
photo of Prof. I^awrence Whitcomb plan-
ning a field trip to the wilds of Bucks
County with his students. The article
notes that he is President of the Pennsyl-
vania .Academy of Science and has con-
tributed papers to learned journals. The
Department at Lehigh is headed by Dr.
Bradford Willard, a member of the Brown
Faculty from 1923-30 before returning to
his alma mater.
Ronald Belcher has a new address:
North St. and County Rd., Mattapoisett,
John B. .Applegate has practiced law
for 20 years as Besson & .Applegate at
1 Newark St., Hoboken, N. J., Judge Bes-
son having died shortly after taking the
young man in as a junior partner. Now
Jack has opened an additional office for
the general practice of law at 78 Main St.,
Madison, N. J., the town of his residence.
He asks us to spread the word that he is
alive and well, inasmuch as his fraternity
magazine gave him a listing among the
obits in October. "I had always hoped
that I might some day be considered in a
class with Chauncey DePew," he writes,
"but I never thought I would achieve
such equality in this fashion." Red
Bleakney was one who phoned to check.
Paul E. Boughton is manager of the
Montgomery Ward Store in Olean, N. Y.
It was to him that John Dake, who played
on the baseball Varsity last spring, re-
ported when he joined the Montgomery
Ward organization.
Ralph D. Greene is with the American
Cyanamid Co. at Bound Brook, N. J. He
is living on the Washington Valley Rd.,
Martinsville, N. J.
Bob Carrigan is chief chemist for Llnion
Wadding Co. in Pawtucket.
Clarence Day's son Philip is enrolled
as a freshman at the LTniversity of Maine.
George C. Johnstone, Jr., is Vice-Presi-
dent of the American Bank Credit Plan,
sponsored by the .American Installment
Credit Corporation at 103 Park Ave.,
New York 17. This represents a change
of address from the Graybar Building.
Theodore R. JefTers is Vice-President
of The Players of Providence.
Dr. Wallace Lisbon was one of the spe-
cial guests when Rhode Island Polish-
Americans obserxed "Justice for Poland
Day" and urged strong action against
Soviet aggression.
Lawrence A. McCarthy, Independent
candidate for Mayor of Pawtucket, made
a lively campaign of it and ran a strong
second in a three-man contest.
It's good news that Philip G. Welch has
recovered from the illness that made him
miss our reunion. He's bought a house
in Warwick and now gets his mail at 18
Shippen Ave., Spring Green, Providence
5, R. I.
Current addresses: Harris Anthony,
1675 Ridgeway PI., Columbus, Ohio;
Bob Fosdick, 1385 Burdette Ave., Cin-
cinnati, Ohio; Harold Briggs, 141 Hudson
Ave., Chatham, N. Y.; Alden Hays,
Lindell Hotel, Lincoln, Neb.
H. Allen Grimwood, President of the
Pawtu.xet Marine Corporation, is chair-
man of the executive committee of a
neighborhood group to develop and im-
prove Pawtuxet Cove as a harbor of refuge
and a yachting center. (Prof. Leighton
T. Bohl '13 is another member.) "A
House That Yodels" was the headline on
a full-page feature on the new Warwick
Neck home of Mr. and Mrs. Grimwood
in a recent Providence Sunday Journal.
It is a handsome chalet patterned after a
200-year-old Swiss farmhouse and closely
follows the original.
Marylyn Monk, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Monk of Winnetka, 111., is the
President of the Freshman Class at Pem-
broke this fall.
Quentin Reynolds' by-line appears
more frequently in Collier's magazine
these days. One fine story was a report
on the Berlin airlift. Quent was one of
the three judges who selected "The Best
Sports Stories of 1948" for the annual
Robert E. Soellner turned out for the
Peddie alumni dinner in San Francisco
recently, and The Peddie Chronicle noted :
"From the messages he sent back via Don
Rich, he hasn't changed a bit — still piling
it high and deep."
Akeley's Explosion
► "It was the kind of explosion
that occasionally shatters the peace
and quiet of a U. S. campus," said
Time. "A popular teacher had
been fired, students picketed in his
defense, and in the flame and smoke
of controversy it soon became hard
to tell who was right, or what the
shooting was about."
The college was Olivet, in Michi-
gan, where T. Barton Akeley '23
had taught political science for 12
years. He admitted that he had a
"general disposition to be critical."
Targets included fraternities and
intercollegiate athletics. Though
very popular with the students,
.Akeley was informed by Olivet's
new President that he and Mrs.
Akeley, the college librarian, "had
fulfilled their usefulness." Claiming
that academic freedom was at
stake, a quarter of the student body
picketed the President and refused
to register. Alumni as far away
as New York organized to tight for
tenure protection for Olivet's fac-
ulty and to safeguard the college's
"liberal educational methods."
Groups in Chicago and Detroit
also took up the cause. ■<
Judson Site Consecrated
► Judson Housh, the Maiden birth-
place of .-Xdoniram Judson, Brown
1807, was consecrated during the
146th annual session of the Massa-
chusetts Baptist Convention in
October. It was appropriate that
the dedication speaker should be
Saw Tun Shein of Burma, in which
land the famous missionary labored
with such distinction. .Another who
appeared before the Convention
was Dr. W. E. Braisted '27 of South
China, who spoke at the Fellowship
Dinner for Men as well as at one
of the general sessions. -4
Carl Snow's daughter Katherine is en-
rolled in the Freshman class at the Uni-
versity of Maine.
Dr. Gordon Keith Chalmers, President
of Kenyon College, is chairman of the
Commission on Liberal Education of the
Association of American Colleges. We
hear he has added painting to his ac-
complishments and hobbies. (Non sequi-
tur? Sure. We were just interested in
both points and hope you are.)
John A. French is living at 2013 Hillyer
Place, N. W., in Washington. He is re-
search assistant in the Construction and
Civic Development Department of the
United States Chamber of Commerce.
Marvin Bower has already gone to work
on the program for the 1949 Alumni Day
at the Harvard Business School, of which
he is chairman. Its theme will be "De-
veloping Business Leadership "
A. B. Gordon, Process Supervisor at
the Philadelphia plant of the Linde Air
Products Company, was interested re-
cently to learn of the affiliation of three
recent Brown graduates as engineers in
the company laboratory.
Robert L. Rockefeller is living on
Buena Vista Ave., Rumson, N. J. He is
an estate, trust and tax accounting con-
sultant in New York City.
Hugo Levander is now teaching German
at Classical High School in Providence.
He had been teaching languages at the
Mt. Pleasant High School for the past
six years.
Harry A. Soper, Jr., is now with the
Scoville Mfg. Co. in Cleveland.
The class extends its sympathy to Brad-
ford F. Oxnard, whose wife, Mrs. Estelle
O.vnard, died in Providence on Sept. 18.
Arthur Hassell and family have re-
turned from a two-year stay in Argentina.
Arthur has been transferred to the Head
Office of the Coca-Cola Export Corpora-
tion in New York City and has been named
Assistant to the Vice-President in charge
of the European area. The Hassells have
a new address: 133 E. Garden Rd., Larch-
mont, N. Y.
Walter Weber is Supervisor of Plan-
ning and Control for the John A. Roeb-
lings Sons Co. in Trenton, N. J. He is
living on W. School Lane, Yardley, Pa.
Alfred Gienow is Project Manager for
James Stewart & Co., Inc., in New York
City. His home address: 749 Kinder-
kamack Rd., River Edge, N. J.
H. Cushman Anthony, Assistant Scout
Executive of the Narragansett Council,
Boy Scouts of America, was a member of
a panel on recreation, which provided
the topic for the first of a series of "town
meeting forums" in Providence which
brought public attention to various civic
problems. He has a new home address:
15 Euclid .Ave.
James M. Barry was pleasantly sur-
prised to see the Brown Bear in the New
Orleans Times-Picayune. It was the
widely reproduced photo of the Brown
mascot and the big stufTed Kodiak pre-
sented by the Middle West alumni in
October. Jim, who works for the .Amer-
ican Sugar Refining Company at 120 Wall
St., New York, was in New Orleans to
visit the company's office and refinery.
Ralph R Crosby, "youngest bank presi-
dent in New England," was the speaker
at the first annual dinner of the R. I.
State Association of Real Estate Boards
in October. His topic: "Mortgage Finan-
cing and Allied Subjects." He is Presi-
dent of the Old Colony Co-operative Bank
in Providence.
Harold K. Kaufman is a new member
of the New York Brown Club.
By way of George Lo\eridge comes
word that Gerald A. Higgins has left the
Boston Consolidated Gas Company in
order to devote himself exclusively to his
free-lance writing. He has published the
house-organ of the Gas Company and
been active in other phases of its public
relations. The Higginses are living in
Dover, Mass., on Pleasant St.
Dr. James L. Hanley, Superintendent
of Schools in Providence, announced in
November that he was going to nominate
Elmer R. Smith, supervisor of curriculum
in the department to be Assistant Super-
intendent of Schools.
Current addresses: Dr. James C. Calla-
han, 10 Bull St., Newport, R. I.; William
Dee, 340 Court St., Auburn, Me.; Paul
Williams, 82 Bound Brook Rd., Newton
Highlands, Mass.; Dr. William H. Weid-
man, RED 8 Scotland Rd., Norwich-
town, Conn.; Paul MacKay, Main St.,
Hope Valley, R. I.; John Hunt, 93 Hillside
Ave., Verona, N. J.
Lt. Col. Franklin Miller, USN, is sta-
tioned at the U. S. Consulate in Casa-
blanca, French Morocco.
Linus Travers has elected to remain at
headquarters of the Yankee Network in
Boston because of Yankee plans for ex-
pansion, the Mutual Broadcasting System
announced early in November, after MBS
had beckoned to him for a top-level vice-
Frederick Bernays Wiener left the Gov-
ernment service this fall to become a mem-
ber of the new law firm of Keenan, Kanfer,
Wiener & Murphy, with offices at 820
Woodward Building in Washington, D.C.
He had been Assistant to the Solicitor
General of the United States. Fritz first
went to Washington in 1933 as attorney
examiner and executive assistant in the
Federal Emergency Administration of
Public Works and served in a number of
important civil and military posts.
Lewis Wilson is Secretary of the Wilson
and English Construction Co. in New
York City. His home address: Box 240,
Lincolndale, N. Y.
Don C. Brewer, a resident of Cranston
since 1937, is a member of the tax assess-
ment Board of Review in that city.
Arnold K. Brown, Vice-President of
Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., went to De-
troit last summer to close the deal in which
the company bought the Johansson Gage
Division of the Ford Motor Co. The Jo-
hansson blocks are spoken of as "the
world's most accurate standards of meas-
Robert Smith's "Baseball" was dis-
cussed recently on the NBC program
"Author Meets the Critics." Bill Veeck,
President of the Cleveland Indians base-
ball team and Russell Maloney, writer,
were on the bill.
Gardner C. Hudson has been appointed
News Editor of Railway Age, marking his
return to this publication with which he
was affiliated in the '30s. The publisher
is the Simmons-Boardman Corporation,
30 Church St., New York 7. His faniih
moved down from Massachusetts this fall
to take up residence at 153 Hamilton Rd.,
Ridgewood, N. J. Gardner has been in
Fitchburg, Mass., for three years winding
up some postwar family business following
his mother's death. A gift to Brown has
been archives material relating to his
father, the late Gardner Kirk Hudson '96
and the late Asa E. Stratton '73.
Several of the class attended the 25tb
reunion of the Class of 1923 at Classical
High School, Providence. Arnold K.
Brown is permanent Class President,
Others who joined the group were: Fred
H. Barrows, Jr., Irving G. Loxley, G. R.
Haslam, Edmund Wexler, Merrill Chase,
Dr. Charles Spacagna, J. M. McGregor,
and Roger M. Scott.
Victor Hill was guest editor of the
Providence Journal's radio department
while the editor was on vacation this fall.
He also contributes frequently to the
principal column on radio, writing enter-
tainingly and pointedly.
Current address: Jacob Warren, 59
Palm St., Hartford, Conn.
Earl H. Bradley is President of the
Parents' Association of the Gordon School
of Providence. His Vice-President is
Bradford G. Woolley '29. The Parents'
Association now owns and operates the
School. Dr. Francis H. Chafee '27 is a
Trustee without portfolio, as are H. Cush-
man Anthony '26 and Henry D. Sharpe,
Jr. '45.
Alexander Buchmann is in the invest-
ment business in Los Angeles. His home
address is 815 Glenmont Ave., Los Angeles.
Rev. H. Glenn Payne, pastor of the
Pawtuxet Baptist Church for 11 years
and a specialist in church schools, has
begun new duties as Director of Christian
Education under the Massachusetts Bap-
tist Convention. In addition to service on
Rhode Island committees, he was active
in the Church School Enlargement Pro-
gram for the denomination. In addition
to his Brown A. B. and A. M., he holds
a B. D. from Andover Newton, and did
other graduate work at the American
School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem
on the J. Spencer Turner Fellowship. In
1946 he spent two months working with
the Brethren Service Committee in the
shipping of "Heifers for Relief'to Europe,
in the course of which he visited North
Germany. In Rhode Island he was Presi-
dent of the Interfaith Commission for
Social .\ction and of the Ministers Union.
In the family are two boys and a girl; his
wife is the former Florence May Carlile,
whom he married in 1935.
J. Saunders Redding is the author of
"Portrait of W. E. B. Dubois," which
appears in the Winter Number of The
American Scholar. The ad reads: "The
personal portrait of one of the greatest
Negro figures of this country, by the first
Negro ever to win the Mayflower Award
in North Carolina."
REVOLUTIONARY RELIC: From the Archives of the British Admiralty
this fall to the John Carter Brown Library came three copperplates, from
which navigational charts of Narragansett Bay had been engraved in 1775.
British Vice-Consul Parkyns made the presentation to Dr. Wriston. Li-
brarian Lawrence C. Wroth, left, is also shown inspecting one of the plates
for the "Atlantic Neptune." The Library's copy of the work, one of the
best extant, was part of an impressive exhibition of pertinent treasures
arranged for the occasion.
M. Imbrie Packard is Secretary, Pur-
chasing Agent, and Sales Manager for
Crafts, Inc., in Providence. He is living
at 261 President Ave.
Henry Shailer is Design Analyst for the
LInited Aircraft Corporation in East Hart-
ford. His home address is Durham,
Walter Brownsword is head of the Eng-
lish Department at Central High School
in Providence. He was the leader in the
strike last May in which 1200 teachers in
the city system walked out for two days
and succeeded in gaining its salary de-
Frederic W. Collins of the Providence
Journal was one of the Washington cor-
respondents who was invited by News-
week Magazine to take part in its pre-
election survey of the presidential contest.
Warren B. Francis of the Los Angeles
Times was another.
John M. Heffernan, Athletic Director
at Norwich University, wrote in the Nor-
wich Record recently of the improvements
put into effect in the athletic plant there
in late months.
Stanley H. Smith, Jr., is Secretary of
The Players of Providence, dramatic or-
ganization in which he and his wife (the
former Helen Hackney) have been active
for a number of years.
Frank Singiser advertised the opening
of his Mountain Meadow House, serving
the public near Brandon, Vt., on Oct. 23.
It is located on Route F-10 on top of
Miller Hill, four miles west of Brandon.
The notice in the Rutland Herald cited a
new dining room, lounge, anti sports room,
selected dinners "from $1.75," and a fine
stock of wines and liquors.
Mark D. McClain is among the new
members of the New York Brown Club.
Current addresses: Robert Henderson,
994 Hazel Place, Rahway, N. J.; Louis E.
Scherck, 820 Esperson BIdg., Houston,
Tex.; Joseph Hyman, 2551 44th .■\ve.,
San Francisco.
Charles B. Leonard, who has been
Superintendent of Schools in Little Comp-
ton, R. I., for 10 years, has gone on to the
town of Scituate in the same State where
he will supervise the education of 500
students a year, 200 more than in Little
Compton. Hoping to persuade him to
return to Little Compton, its school com-
mittee has given him a year's leave of
absence, and his wife and son will con-
tinue to live in the Leonard house there.
The Newport County Sentinel said in
October: "He has allied himself with some
15 organizations, locally and professionally
— and he is going to be missed, sadly.
Superintendent Leonard is a fine example
of what Brown University means to
Rhode Island."
The firm name is Smith & Botelle. In
it .'\rchie Smith and four associates are
banded for the general practice of law at
528-530 Industrial Trust Bldg., Provi-
Walter Fisher is Public Relations As-
sistant for the New York Telephone Co.
in New York City. He is living at 227
Euston Rd., Garden City, N. Y.
Ralph Sterritt is manager of the Mont-
gomery Ward store in Meadville, Penn.
Lt. Col. Paul Waterman, co-pilot of the
C-47 plane which crashed at Chanute Air
Base, 111., Oct. 21, was one of the three
fatalities in the accident. The son of the
late Stephen Waterman '86 and Mrs.
Waterman, he has been in the Army since
graduation, accepted then as a flying
cadet at the Army Air Base in San An-
tonio. His fraternity at Brown was Psi
Upsilon. His body was brought to Swan
Point Cemeten,- in Providence for a niili-
tani' funeral and burial. His sur\ivors are;
his mother, his widow and daughter
Shirley; his brother, Stephen Waterman
'29 of Burlington, \t.; and his sister, Mrs,
Vernon G. Taylor of Silver Springs, Md.
Current addresses; J. H. Dreasen, 29
Clover Ave., Floral Park, L. I., N. Y.;
William C. Gegler, Jr., 1059 Palmetto
St., JVIobile, Ala.
Virgil S. Viets is teaching in Hartford
High School, Hartford, Conn., and living
at 30 Town ley St.
Garrett Hollihan's father, Garrett E.
Hollihan, died in Providence Oct. 14. We
were sorr\' to read of his loss.
James Leavitt is manager of the May-
fair Baby Shop in Brockton, Mass. He
asks for his mail at home, 39 Wyman St.
Don Flynn has joined the New York
Brown Club.
The Post Office reports Ernest L.
Greenleese at 333 Sunset Rd., West Read-
ing, Penn.: George W. Cross at 2920
Aberdeen Ave., Hoquiam, Wash.
Rev. Elden G. Bucklin, active in Rhode
Island church and Grange affairs for 22
years, resigned his pastorate of the Che-
pachet Union Church this summer and is
the new pastor of the United Church in
Colchester, Vt. While in Chepachet, Mr.
Bucklin had received national citations
for his work as an outstanding rural min-
Francis D. Gurll is a new master at
Avon Old Farms School, Avon, Conn.,
with certain administrative duties as well
and leadership in the athletic program.
He was last year at the Berkshire School
and took summer studies at Yale.
H P. Lovecraft, who used to live in the
house in back of the John Hay and the
Phi Delt House, has emerged as a literary
figure of importance in recent years. Al-
though he died in 1937, the Lovecraft
legend has outstripped the weird stories
that he wrote. One of those most re-
sponsible for the revival of interest in this
provocative genius is Winfield Townley
Scott, poet and literary editor of the
Providence Journal. He was a recent
speaker at the Pro\idence Art Club on
"The Excavation of H. P. Lovecraft."
Vincent A. McKivergan is the choice of
the Providence Superintendent of Schools
to be Director of the Personnel Office in
the department. McKivergan is currently
head of social studies at Central High
Joseph Schein was the candidate of the
Progressive Party lor Lieutenant Governor
of Rhode Island in the recent election.
He is in the attendance department of the
Providence school system, having pre-
viously taught and coached at Hope High
Alden R. Walls is the Commodore of
the Rhode Island Yacht Club. His Nina
was again one of the leaders in S-Class
racing in Narragansett Bay last summer.
It was the 1947 champion.
Steve Shamosky is selling for the W. F.
Schrafft Corporation in Boston. He is
living at 38 Starrett Rd., Lynn, Mass.
Dr. Milton Korb, one of the four Rhoae
Island physicians who died in military
ser\ice during World War II, was recently
commemorated with the dedication of a
bronze tablet in the R. I. Medical Society
Ralph Wescott is teaching science in
the Somerset High School, Somerset,
Mass. His home is in Fall River, at 631
Maple St.
New addresses: Robert Newman, 316
W. 79th St., New York, N. Y.; Carl Cas-
par, R. F. D. 1, Exeter, N. H.; Harold
Arthur, 25 Bretton Woods Drive, Cran-
ston 9, R. L; Richard Bowen, 412 Hos-
pital Trust Bldg., Providence 3, R. I.; Dr.
Mortimer Burger, Wales Garden Apts.,
Apt. A, Pickens and Heyward Sts., Col-
umbia, S. C; Daniel Rhee, Chestnut and
Summer St., Rehoboth, Mass.
Comdr. Delbert S. Wicks has been
named Electronics Officer on the staff of
Adm. Blandy, commander-in-chief of the
Daughters at Pembrolfe
► Newcomers to Pembroke College
this fall included many with earlier
relationships to Brown. Freshmen
whose fathers are Brown men in-
clude; Judith B. Brown of Provi-
dence, daughter of Morris H.
Brown '19; Patricia C. Cruise of
West Orange, N. J., daughter ol
W. Elliott Cruise '26; Nancy St. J.
Denison of Millertown, N. Y.,
daughter of Clark H. Denison '20;
Dorothy J. DeRaffaele of Provi-
dence, daughter of Benjamin A.
DeRaffaele '26; Virginia Anne Mar-
tin of Troy, N. Y., daughter of Carl
E. Martin '23; Marylynn Monk of
Winnetka, 111., daughter of John J.
Monk '24; Barbara L. Mosley of
Rye, N. Y., daughter of George E.
Mosley '28; Jane Ann Nispel of
Melrose, Mass., daughter of Alfred
C. Nispel '26; Beverly M. Partridge
of Pawtucket, daughter of Lloyd
M. Partridge '28; Patricia A. Rey-
nolds of Pawtucket, daughter of
Eugene F. Reynolds '25. ^
Atlantic Fleet. Del has been in charge
of the installation of radio, radar, and
sonar equipment at the Providence Naval
and Marine Corps Reserve Training Cen-
Charlie Lounsbury is managing the
Milford Grain Co. in Milford, Mass. His
home there is on Fresh Meadow Lane.
Richard A. Hurley, Jr., President of
the R. I. State Association of Real Estate
Boards, presided over the group's first
annual dinner in October.
Bill Koster recently addressed the West-
erly Lions Club on the subject "FM — A
New and Better Kind of Broadcasting."
Bill manages Station WPJB in Providence.
Daniel Kauffman is practicing chiropody
at 801 Park Ave., Cranston. He is a
member and director of the R, I. Chirop-
odist Society and has been President for
three years of the Cranston Chamber of
Abraham Lubchansky is practicing law
in New London, Conn. His home there is
at 105 Oneco Ave.
New addresses: Ed Collins, 18 Rose
Lane, West Barrington, R. I.; Rev. Fred-
eric Williams, 4723 48th Ave. So., Seattle,
Wash.; Forest C. Pearson, 5670 Wilshire
Blvd., Los Angeles.
Roland K. Brown, Athletic Director
at Rensselaer Poly, went to England last
summer when the R. P. I. team was se-
lected to represent the United States in a
lacrosse exhibition at the Olympic games.
William W. .-XUyn has been made man-
ager of the Marlboro, Mass , area of the
New England Telephone and Telegraph
Co. Bill has been with the telephone
company for 15 years and has recently
completed a special course in managerial
David L. Stackhouse had a good column
in the Providence Journal recently as a
guest editor while the radio editor was on
George Syat is working in Boston for
the New Haven Railroad; he is Assistant
Division Accountant at South Station.
George sends a new address; 8 Samoset
Ave., Mansfield, Mass.
Norman J. Blair is Director of Student
Personnel at the Green Mountain Junior
College in Poultney, Vermont. His ad-
dress there is 11 Rae Terrace.
Bill Hussey has a new address at 387
High St., Fall River, Mass.
Since his retirement from Government
service, Edward J. Hickey, Jr., has been
a new partner in the Washington law firm
of Mulholland, Robie, McEwen & Hickey,
with offices in the Tower Building and a
branch in Toledo. He had been a special
assistant to Attorney General Tom C.
Clark, who said in accepting his resigna-
tion: "I accept it with considerable re-
luctance, realizing nonetheless the at-
tractions which lie outside the Govern-
ment for a man of your initiative and
experience. I recall your early associa-
tion with the Antitrust Division, where
you began your professional career.. ..You
have made the most of your opportunities
in the Department, and leave it now a
seasoned lawyer and a specialist in ad-
ministrative law litigation. Commendation
of your effective work in this field has
come to me with gratifying regularity
from members of the Bench and Bar, and
from officials of the interested Federal
agencies. You have given the Govern-
ment a generous return in accomplish-
ment, through your industry and ability
as a lawyer, and your distinguished record
in the Navy." Assistant .'Attorney General
Sonnett also publicly referred to his "out-
standing record in the Antitrust Division."
Mr. Hickey entered the Department
of Justice in March, 1938. After assisting
in the successful prosecution of several
important Government cases against
German agents in 1941 and early in 1942,
he was called to duty with the Navy,
where he served first with the office of
Naval Intelligence and later as Aide and
Flag Secretary to the Southwest Pacific
amphibious commander Vice Admiral
Barbey. He was decorated by the Secre-
tary of the Navy for outstanding services
during combat operations. Back in the
Antitrust Division in December, 1945,
Mr. Hickey represented the .Attorney
General before the Federal Courts in
much of the Government's administrative
law litigation under the Interstate Com-
merce and Civil Aeronautics Acts, as well
as the Railway Labor and Federal Com-
munications Laws.
John H. Pennell is a Junior Highway
Engineer in the Connecticut Highway
Department. His post is at the New
Haven Residency, where he lives at 535
Wholley Ave.
Hugh Neville is President of the Silver
King Fibre Co. in Westport, Mass. His
home is at 76 South Ave., Tiverton, R. I.
Ben Snow is Assistant Director of
Agencies for the Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance Co. in Milwaukee. His
home in Milwaukee is at 6588 No. River
Allen Baldwin is Product Engineer for
the Sperr>' Products Co. in Danbury,
Conn. His address there is Ta'Agan
Point, R. F. D. 5.
We are sorn,- to hear of the death of Mrs.
Vincenza Quattrocchi, mother of John
Quattrocchi, Jr.
New addresses: Denver Evans, 6642 E.
26th St., Los .Angeles 32; Richard Kinger-
ley, Jr., 104 Lyndhurst, McDaniel Heights,
Wilmington, Del.; John Suesman, 1971
Palifox Drive, Atlanta, Ga.; Ed Hickey,
4100 Oakridge Lane, Chevy Chase, Md.;
Dick Hapgood, -Apartado Nacional 772,
Barranquilla, Colombia, South America;
C. E. Hammond, 99 Forest Ave., Glen
Ridge, N. J.
Henrv Connor sends a new address at
Sky Top Drive, Scotch Plains, N. J. He
is Director of the Bureau of Municipal
Research, a non-partisan organization for
improved government through factual
research, in Newark, N. J.
Don Reed is .Account Executive for J.
Walter Thompson, Inc. in New York
City. His address is 1060 5th .Ave.
.Mason L. Dunn, .Associates, are spe-
cializing in television equipment and in-
stallations. The address: RFD 316, Man-
ville, R. I.
Dave Hassenfeld has a new office at
428 Industrial Trust Bldg. in Providence.
John Donovan is with the Claims Sec-
tion of the Veterans Administration in
Boston. He is living at 21 Hancock St.,
R. D. Benson Meryweather is teaching
at the Peck School in Morristown, N. J.
.Armand Morin is Sales Representative
for the Fenestra Steel Window Co. in
Providence. He is living at Mount View,
East Greenwich.
New addresses: Howard Segool, 469
Waterman .Ave., E. Providence, R. 1.;
Franklin Huddle, RFD 5, Bo.x 125B,
Alexandria, Va.; Paul Paulsen. Raynor
and Williams Rd., Beardsley St. RFD,
Trumbull, Conn.
Dr. R. Perry Elrod, full Professor of
Bacteriology and chairman of the Depart-
ment of Microbiology at the LIniversity
of South Dakota, is living at 920 E. Clark
St., Vermillion, with his recently aug-
mented family. R. L. Elrod '07 is the
proud grandfather.
John J. Kelly, unsuccessful candidate in
the Republican primary in Rhode Island
this fall, is reported to have backing for
the chairmanship of the Republican City
Committee in Providence. Two years
ago he made a strong race for Congress in
a Democratic State.
1st Lt. .A, W. \'oung has recently been
promoted to a Captaincy in the Marine
Corps Reserve. Bunny was with the
22nd Marines in the Pacific during the
I. H. Strasmich was active in setting up
an inter-racial, inter-faith Thanksgiving
Service held Nov. 21 at the Roundtop
Church in Providence, a fine experiment
in democracy. A fellowship hour fol-
lowed. Irving was a member of the Provi-
dence committee in charge. He has, by
the way, a new address at 228 Waterman
St., Providence 6. He is also serving on
the Board of Directors of the World
-Affairs Council of Rhode Island — not the
Executive Committee, as we recently
Horace Booth is working in Washington
for the Department of the Army. His
home is on Route 4, Vienna, Va.
Sumner P. .Ahlbum, still with the NEA
Service, Inc. (Newspaper Enterprise .As-
sociation) at 461 Eighth Ave., New York
1, has moved his family to Hendrie Lane,
Riverside, Conn.
Dr. John H. Young, Assistant Professor
of Classical Archaeology at the Johns
Hopkins University, is living at 3029
Guilford Ave., Baltimore 18.
Phil Lappin is studying at Tufts Medical
Rev. Terrelle B. Crum was elected
Secretary-Treasurer of the .American .As-
sociation of Bible Institutes and Bible
Colleges at an organizational meeting held
in Chicago this October.
James G. Krause has been elected to
the City Council in Lebanon, Pa. He
was also an alternate delegate to the Dem-
ocratic National Convention this year.
New addresses: Byron .Abedon, 73 Al-
fred Stone Rd., Pawtucket, R. I.; Ross
Fowler, 153 W. Hazelwood -Ave., Rahway,
N. J.; Homer Everall, 45 E. Vassar Rd.,
-Audubon, N. J.; Frank Watson, 216 Pop-
lar .Ave., Wayne, Pa.; Dave Slattery, 23
Owen St., Hartford, Conn.; Lt. Comdr.
Stanton M. Latham, USNR, 1884 Broad
St., Edgewood 5, R. I.
F. Hartwell Swaffield was to take over
new duties Nov. 1 as New England adver-
tising representative for the Saturday
Evening Post, with headquarters at 1020
Statler Building, Boston 16. He goes to
Curtis Publishing after having been Media
Research Director of the Henry A. Loudon
-Advertising .Agency, Boston. He takes
his mail at 258 Beacon St., Boston 16.
John Ebelke is in Switzerland where he
is Dean of Studies for Wayne University
students who are spending their Junior
year there. His address: Postlagernd,
Basel 3, Switzerland.
David -Angle operates the Colby Book
Shop in New London, N. H.
J. Norton -Atlass has joined the Class
delegation in the New York Brown Club.
Gordon Walls is with the American
Woolen Co. in Enfield, N. H. and is living
at 18 South St., Lebanon, N. H.
John Doble is Manager of the Tele-
vision Service Department of the Jordan
Marsh Co. in Boston. He is living at
35 Smith Rd., Hingham, Mass.
Richard C. Scott, formerly with Es-
mond Mills, Inc., tells us of his affiliation
with Fairchild Publications, Inc., at 7
East 12th St., New York City.
Richard Curtin is now at the University
of Michigan where he is a Lt. Col. in the
U. S. Air Force. His address: 1702 Jack-
son -Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Walter Burbank is with the A. B.
Rydell Co. in New York City and is living
at 3 Shore -Acre Drive, Old Greenwich,
John H. Biggs is District Representa-
tive for the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. in
Rochester, N. Y. His Rochester address
is 49 Bennington Drive.
Don Stewart is editor for the Houghton
Mifflin Co. in Boston. He lives in Marble-
head, at 8 Smith St.
Bill Margeson is Vice-President of the
Barlow .Advertising Agency in Syracuse,
N. Y. He writes he is not yet located
New addresses: Richard D. Emery,
Ward Ave. and Hartshorne Lane, Rum-
And Small Wonder < <
► ► "Sm.\ll Wonder," the new musical
revue promptly established as a hit at the
Coronet Theatre in New York, might
well have a private name just for its
director, Burt Shevelove '37, writes Hal
Eaton in the Newark Star- Ledger: "Big
Chance" would be eminently suitable, for
that's exactly what it is for the 32-year-
old Mr. .S. who launches his Broadway
career with the revue. Shevelove comes
to his task with much off-Broadway ex-
perience, which ranges from staging the
Yale Dramatic Society's most successful
musical, "Waterbury Tales," to putting
on a servicemen's show at a rest camp
near Cairo, with nothing but stage-struck
ambulance drivers of the British Field
.Service as chorus "girls" and leading
"ladies." Life Magazine featured the
show in rehearsal with a big picture play
which was of particular interest to Sheve-
love's former colleagues in Brownbrokers
on College Hill.
It was his seven years as Director of
the Yale Dramatic Society which brought
about the friendships which have culmin-
ated in the production of "Small Wonder,"
Eaton writes: "George Nichols, 3rd,
sponsor of the attraction, was one of
Shevelove's students. So were Albert
Selden, composer of much of the music;
Louis Laun and Charles Spalding, lyricists
and sketch writers. They became fast
friends, and, since all had theatrical am-
bitions, they promised to stick together
and come up with a Broadway effort one
day. Nichols and Shevelove kept at it
hardest. When 'Small Wonder' was con-
ceived, it was decided that the former
would produce and the latter direct.
"The entry boasts a group of talented
and promising youngsters. Hundreds of
juvenile professionals, who've already
won their spurs, were screened before the
final personnel was selected. Phyllis Mc-
Ginley, one of The -VeM' Yorker's ace
contributors, has done many of the lyrics.
(So has Shevelove, under the name of
Billings Brown, by the way.) Mark
Lawrence, writer-partner of Comedienne
-Alice Pearce, concocted several sketches.
Making his debut as a dance director is
Gower Champion, who — with his spouse.
Marge — clicked big last winter at the
Persian Room of the Plaza. John Derro,
21-year-old costumer, who's already served
his apprenticeship as an assistant to
Hollywood's famed Irene, also launches
his career with his initial designing job on
Broadway. Ralph Alswang, whose set-
tings for last season's 'Strange Bedfellows'
were acclaimed by the critics, created the
scenery. Tom Ewell, of 'John Loves
Mary,' renown, Alice Pearce, seen not
long ago in George Abbott's 'Look, Ma,
I'm Dancin',' Mary McCarty of 'Sleepy
Hollow,' Marilyn Day, Hayes Gordon,
and Betty -Abbott head the cast, which
accents youth, eagerness, and enthusiasm."
son, N. J.; William E. Ryan, 52 Bourne
Lane, Harrington. R. I.
John M. McSweeney, encountering
Dean Arnold in a Washington restaurant
recently, told him he had returned from
Russia early in October. Once listed with
us as at the .American Consulate General
in \'ladivostok, he had also ser\ed in
.Moscow. His current duties are with the
State Department in Washington.
Walter Co\ell's program, "New England
Xotebook," is heard over a large num-
ber of radio stations, originating at WI'RO
in Providence. Something new was add-
ed this fall one day when Covell began
his afternoon broadcast, said shortly,
"I think I'm going to faint," and did.
Sympathetic mail showed the popularity
of the program and his wide personal fol-
lowing. Vou can catch it weekdays at
4:30 P. M. on the dial at 630.
Charles T. C.affney, Jr., Executive Di-
rector of the Boys Club of Pontiac, Mich.,
represented the whole Great Lakes' area
at the national convention of the Boys
Clubs of -America in California.
Rev. William E. Scholes has taken up
his duties as Head Resident of Christopher
House at 2507 North Greenview Ave.,
Chicago. He has had prexious experience
in social work in New York City and St.
Louis and is a member of the .American
Association of Group Workers and the
American .Association of Social Workers.
Included in the Christopher House pro-
gram are a day nursery, a day care pro-
gram, library, art and craft classes and
gymnasium; it covers all ages. Mr. Scholes
was recently minister of the Garden Plain
Presbyterian Church of Fulton, 111. The
family includes Edmund, five; Karen,
three; and Keith, eight months, as well as
Mrs. Scholes.
Dr. C. Hudson Thompson, Jr., will
finish his residency in surgery at the
Brooklyn Hospital in July.
-Allan R. Brent is now Vice-President
of the Herbert S. Benjamin Associates,
Inc., an advertising and public relations
firm in Baton Rouge, La. The Brents
have a new home at 3043 Eastland Drixe,
Baton Rouge.
Ed Rich is selling for the Socony
Vacuum Oil Co. in Utica, N. Y. His
address: RD 1, ClayviUe, N. Y.
George Bright is -Assistant Editor of
The Magazine Tucson in Tucson, .Ariz.
His address there: 2605 N. Palo \'erde
The Long Twins
► The photogR-\pher's assignment
was to get a picture layout for the
Milwaukee Journal on the life in a
trailer of a student-veteran and his
family. But the photographer
chanced upon a pair of twins, and
the layout turned out to be pretty
much a picture series about those
20-month-old girls. They are Sharon
Elizabeth and Melanie Dee, daugh-
ters of -Arthur Long '42 and Dorothy
Long, who live at Randall Park in
Madison. Long is working for his
doctorate in chemistry at the
University of Wisconsin, but for
two pages of pictures this seemed
less important than the fact that
the youngsters, three-pound incu-
bator babies at birth, w-ere _ so
photogenic. ■<
Most Improved
►» The Zet.\ Ch.vrce of Theta
Delta Chi (the Brown chapter)
won the national fraternity's cup
for the most improvement during
the past year. Philip C. Curtis,
Jr., '49, son of Philip C. Curtis '11.
was elected Secretary of the 72nd
Grand Lodge, a national under-
graduate office. .Another Brunonian
active in the fraternity is Walter R.
Bullock '02, Auditor. He and
Philip Saunders '24 are also auditors
of the Theta Delta Chi Founders'
Corporation, and he is also Treas-
urer of the Theta Delta Chi Press,
of which Stephen W'. Hopkins '21
is a Director. <
Thad Tobey is Meat Clerk in the Brock-
ton, Mass., Public Market. He is living
in Brockton at 394 Main St., -Apt. 2B.
Jim McGuire is instructing in the Brown
English Department and conducting a
course in Irish Literature in the extension
school. The McGuires live at 281 Benefit
St., Providence.
Douglas W. -Allan has been appointed
an Instructor of English in the Providence
branch of Rhode Island State College.
Dr. Edmund Neves is now an anes-
thesiologist in Fall River, where he is
living at 145 Charlotte St.
Dr. Charles B. Round is now a resident
in surgery at the Gushing Veterans Ad-
ministration Hospital in Framingham,
Don Capron is living in W. Palm Beach
where he is Office Manager for Jessup,
Inc. His address there: Box 1547.
Ben Vaughan is now enrolled at the
Northeastern University School of Law.
New address: Peter Corn, South Rd.,
Harrison, N. Y.
Frederick Eckel has been granted his
R. I. license to practice medicine after
passing the state exams early in October.
His address: 41 Grove -Ave., Westerly, R.I.
Chester Clayton is selling for Charles
Scribner and Sons, Inc., in Boston. His
address is 225 Doyle Ave., Providence.
Tom Minuto has opened his law office
at 100 Grand St., Waterbury, Conn.
Lt. Comdr. Hollier G. Tomlin, USN, is
with the Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations in Washington. His address
is 5045 12th St., S., Arlington, Va.
John W. Barry is Superintendent of the
Eastern Marine Dept. of the Aetna Life
.Affiliated Companies in Hartford, Conn.
He is fixing in East Hartland, Conn.
John R. Alagee, Jr., is Chemical Super-
intendent for the X'irginia-Carolina Chem-
ical Corporation in Taftsville, Conn. His
home is at 15 Broad St., Norwich, Conn.
Dr. David T. Dresdale is Assistant .At-
tending Physician and Research Associate
in the Department of Medicine of the
Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn; he is
also Instructor in Medicine at the Long
Island College of Medicine. Dave is
living at 2056 Cropsey Ave., Brooklyn 14,
N. Y.
Ken W'hite is a partner in the Charles
H. White Real Estate -Agency in Proxi-
dence. He lives at 33 Arland Drive in
Cad W. .Arrendell, Jr., is resident in
surgerv at St. John's Hospital, Tulsa,
Okla. ' His home: 1612 E. 12 St. (apart-
ment 27).
New addresses: George Slade, 232
Varinna Drive, Rochester 10, N. Y.;
George Witherell, 94 Middlesex Axe.,
Swampscott, Mass.; Dr. Theodore Tet-
rcault, 417 W. 26th St., Minneapolis,
-Minn.; Ernest .Alderman, 360 E. Spring-
field Rd., Springfield, Pa.; Fred Rhodes,
1 Alfred Rd., West Merrick, Long Island.
Robert T. Engles played the bedeviled
husband in Noel Coward's Blithe Spirit,
which opened the 40th season of The
Players in Providence.
Capt. Robert R. Clifford, USAF, is
doing graduate work at the Graduate
School of Business, Stanford Unixersity.
His address: 20 Alameda de las Pulgas,
Redxvood City, Calif.
Ken Heinold is Branch Manager of the
Federal Products Corporation in Ro-
chester, N. Y. His home is at 99 Ontario
St., Honeoye Falls, N. Y.
Gordon Kiernan is selling for the U. S.
Rubber Go's Tire Division in Detroit.
He lives at 917 Lake Shore Rd., Grosse
Point Shores, Mich.
Fred King is -Assistant Merchandise
Manager of menswear for Textron Inc.,
in New York. His home is at 55 DeMott
Axe., Baldwin, N. Y.
Bob Parish is an Instructor in Opera-
tions in the United Air Lines' Education
and Training Department at Cheyenne,
Jim Ely is in the Group Pension Dept.
of the Connecticut General Life Insurance
Co. in Hartford. His home is on Stratton
Brook Rd., West Simsbury, Conn.
Lt. Comdr. John J. Hackett, USNR, is
Supply Officer for the USS Fresno. His
address: USS Fresno (CL-121), EPO,
Nexv York.
Duncan Cleaves is at Berkeley, Calif.,
where he is a teaching assistant in Chem-
istry at the Unix-ersity of California. His
address: 1276 Delaware St.
New addresses: Bob Perry, 26 Elm St.,
Westerly, R. I.; Clark T. Foster, 217 Nor-
man Drixe, Ramsey, N. J.; Dick Walker,
547 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111.; Ed
Martin, 453 E. 14th St., New York, N. Y.
Giles MacEwen is doing geological work
for an oil company in .Algeria and has sent
back many excellent fossils to be added
to the paleontological collections at Broxx'n.
Rex'. Hillman R. Wiechert has become
rector of the Church of the Epiphany in
L'rbana, Ohio. Previously associate rector
of Grace Church in Medford, Mass., he
was presented with a purse and set of
sterling silver upon leax'ing for his Ohio
Capt. Herbert J. Saabye, Jr., is Execu-
tive Officer of the 28th Bomb Squadron
at North Field, Guam.
Pre.ston Hood is a member of the Lin-
coln and Hood law office in Fall Rixer.
He lix-es on Gardners Neck Rd., South
Sxvansea, Mass.
Lester M. Bernstein's ad has appeared
this fall in the Brown football programs.
His company is the Nursery Furniture
Company at 766 Hope St., Providence,
"w-here all Brown men shop for kiddies'
toys and accessories."
Eugene W. O'Brien '19 of Atlanta, Ga.,
reports that a fellow-Brunonian named
John A. Kennedy has been Southern rep-
resentatixe of the American Mineral
Spirits Co. Kennedy leaxes Atlanta to
become manager of a new department of
his company with headquarters at Car-
teret, N. J. This might be the classmate
of whom we had lost track since the war.
John Mars has been head coach ol foot-
ball this fall at the Culver Military Acad-
emy, Ciiher, Ind.
Arnold Eggert has joined the Equitable
Life Assurance Society in Pittsfield, Mass.,
as underwriter. Arnold has headed the
YMCA's boys department in l^ittsfield
for the past two years. In his new ca-
pacity he will specialize in assured home
ownership and educational and retirement
Bob Grabb is a member of the legal
staff of the Ingersoll Road Co. in Philips-
burg, N. J. He is living at 201 Hamilton
St., Painted Post, N. Y. until his new-
home is completed in Philipsburg.
Paul Pollinger is Senior Interne in Ob-
stetrics and Gynecology at the Doctors'
Hospital in Washington, D. C.
Sidney Kramer took his tests for ad-
mission to the Rhode Island Bar this
Dr. Gordon Marquis is studying at the
Washington University Medical School,
in their post-graduate ENT division.
Charlie Norman is Manager of the
Southern Steel Nut Co. in Decatur, Ala.
He lives there at 717 Jackson St.
R. Douglas Davis is .'\ccount Repre-
sentati\e for Underwood and Underwood
Illustration Studios in New York City.
He lives at 5 Mistletoe Lane, Hicksville,
Long Island.
Hans Epstein, studying at Harvard, is
located at 65 Walker -St. in Cambridge.
Rev. Alvin H. Hanson is rector of St.
Jude's Episcopal Church in F'cnton, Mich.
Fred Barlow is teaching at the Junior
Military Academy, 5026 South Green-
wood Ave., Chicago 15.
R. Sherwin Drury is living at 181 Wal-
nut St., Leominster, Mass. He is work-
ing for the Simonds Saw and Steel Co. in
New addresses: Aubrey Raymond, 70
Meador St., Garden City, N. Y.; George
A. Schuetz, Jr., 76 Wendt Ave., Larch-
niont, N. Y.; Richard Irwin, 12 N. Front
St., Clearfield, Pa.; Alston Horton, Kervan
Rd., Rve, N. Y.; Lerov Walton, 216 Bard
St., Pennington, N. J.; R. B. Union, 511
Buckminster Circle, Orlando, Fla.
Leonard Romagna's charts of important
eastern games provide a lively feature of
the New York Herald Tribune's football
coverage. Len's cartoons brighten up
the straight chart report. He's a Herald
Tribune stalTer.
Willard Terry took his exams for ad-
mission to the Rhode Island Bar this fall.
Charlie Lincoln has completed his work
at the University of Michigan Law School
and has announced the opening of his law
offices at 148 Main St., Nashua, N. H.
Jack Rosenberg studied at Harvard
Law School after separation from the
Army and graduated from there last June.
He was recently sworn in as a member of
the Massachusetts Bar and is practicing
law with his father at 15 Bristol Bldg.,
New Bedford. Jack is living there at 133
Plymouth St.
William C. Giles, also graduated from
the Harvard Law School, was admitted
to the Massachusetts Bar in October.
Rev. J. Robert Orpen, Jr., is a graduate
student in theology and .Assistant at St.
Matthew's Parish, Kenosha, Wise. His
address: Nashotah House, Nashotah,Wisc.
John MacGregor is an Industrial Gas
Engineer for the Blackstone Valley Gas
and Electric Co. in Pawtucket.
Bob Pevoto is a Salesman for The Texas
Company in East Hartford, Conn. He
is li\ing at 39 Argyle A\'e., West Hartford.
John Walters is .Assistant to the head
of the export purchasing division of the
LI. S. Rubber Co. in New York City. He
is lixing at 716 E. 9th St., in New York.
Howard Sloneker will be in California
till July where he is an underwriter for
the Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. His
home address: 140 Del Centro Ave., Mill-
brae, Calif.
Ralph Jackson is Administrative Meth-
ods .Analyst for the Kaiser-Frazer Cor-
poration at Willow Run, Mich. He is
living at 554 S. First St., .Ann .Arbor.
Harvey Spear has been appointed an
Assistant Lf. S. District Attorney. Harvey
has been a special attorney with the De-
partment of Justice since completing work
at Har\ard Law School and the Harvard
Graduate School of Business Adminis-
Lincoln Hanson is now at the Depart-
ment of Psychology at Columbia.
New addresses: John H. Walters, 58
Noves Rd., Fairfield, Conn.; Ed O'Shea,
71-37 110 St., Forest Hills, N. Y.; Wil-
liam J. Roberts, 315 Central St., Highland
Park, 111.; Alfred T. Marshall, General
Deliverv. Los Angeles, Calif.; Capt. Mer-
win H.' Silverthorn, Jr., USMC, MOQ
3013, Camp Lejeune, N. C.
Donald W. Marshall's assigniuents as
a member of The Peddie School Faculty
include teaching history and social studies
and assisting with football, basketball,
and track. He received his M. S. from
the LTniversity of Pennsylvania last sum-
Bacl^ "Libers"
► The management of Liber Brun-
ensis announces that it has on hand
certain back copies of recent issues
of the yearbook which it offers for
sale. The available Libers are for
the years 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1947
(all at $5.00 per copv) and also for
1948 (at $7.50 per copy). Checks
should be made payable to 1949
Liber Brunensis and mailed to it
in care of Faunce House, Brown
University. (Handling and mailing
charges are included in the prices
given.) ■<
Dr. William O'Connell, resident in-
terne at the Corning Hospital, was made
available through a special rural hospitals
program fostered by the Council of Ro-
chester (N.Y.) Regional Hospitals whereby
the Rochester Hospital internes spend
part of their training period at Corning.
Bob Greene took his exams for ad-
mission to the Rhode Island Bar in
Jay Fidler is Advertising Manager for
the Hercules Chemical Co. in New York
City. His address: 67-02 B 186th Lane,
Flushing, N. Y.
Ed Wilcox is continuing graduate stud-
ies at Harvard. His Cambridge address
is 63 Francis .Ave.
Philip Woodford is doing engineering
for The Griscom-Russell Co. in New York
City. He makes his home at 5 Bell Lane,
Levittown, Hicksville, Long Island.
Charlie Littlefield is working for his
M. B. A. at the Lmiversity of Chicago
School of Business. His address: 6136
Ellis Ave., Chicago 37.
Hayden Hankins is now associated with
the law firm of Gardner, Day & Sawyer
in Providence.
Dr. Lester L. Vargas is Assistant Resi-
dent Surgeon at the Presbyterian Hos-
pital in New York City.
Ernest Colarullo has enrolled this fall
at the Northeastern University School of
Lt. Davis Sieswerda is now stationed
at an airfield near Pheonix, .Ariz., and is
living in Pheonix at 1233 East Oregon Ave.
Dr. Robert A. Levenson, in the Navy
Medical Corps, sends this address: Navy
3234, c/o FPO. San Francisco, Calif.
Bob Barningham is a test engineer for
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in East Hart-
ford, Conn. He is living at 25 Cornell
St., Manchester, Conn.
Stew MacNeill recently purchased a
new home in Needham Heights, Mass.
The address is 71 Webster St., Needham,
Vincent Luca is selling for J. C. Penny
and Co. in Lewiston, Idaho. He lives
at 718 8th St., Clarkston, Wash.
Current addresses: Bob Bennett, 126
Kentucky Ave., South Clinton, Tenn.;
Dick Gosselin, 6048 Harper St., Chicago;
.A. Kirk Rowell, 1743 Redondo Ave., Salt
Lake City, Utah; Irving Rubin, 720 W.
48th St., Kansas City, Mo.; Dick Colwell,
141-26 77th Ave., Flushing, N. Y.; Ray
Mercy, 429 14th St., San Francisco; Jack
Laubach, 4131 Cliff Rd., Birmingham,
.Ala.; Dave Moriarty, 51 Meredith Drive,
Cranston, R. I.; Richard Sneider, 8201
Grubb Rd., Silver Springs, Md.; Leon
Farrin, 671 Carleton Rd., Westfield, N.
J.; John Scott, 4734 Glenwood St., Little
Neck, N. Y.
Robert Martin has been granted his
R. I. license to practice medicine after
passing an oral examination as a diplo-
mate of the National Board of Medical
Frank DiPrete has left the Brown Grad
School and is now in his first year at the
LTniversity of Chicago I^aw School. He
is living at the Sigma Chi House at 5615
South Woodlawn St., Chicago 37.
The Cranston City Council has named
the square at Reservoir Ave., Budlong
Rd., and Dean Parkway the Charles
Howard Goodchild Memorial Square, and
a memorial boulder and plaque will be
installed next spring. Ens. Goodchild
was killed Oct. 7, 1943 when his Navy
torpedo bomber crashed as he returned
to his carrier following an Atlantic anti-
submarine patrol mission.
M/Sgt John F. Dorrance, USAF, is
with the 6th Radar Calibration Det.,
APO 942, c/o PM, Seattle, Wash.
Bob Klie is a special agent for the
Phoenix Insurance Co. in Newark, N. J.
He is living in Jersey City at 21 East
Bidwell St.
Leonard Sutton is now interning at the
Rhode Island Hospital. He took his
M. D. at the University of Arkansas this
Elliott E. Andrews, of the staff of the
Brown LTniversity Library, is in charge
of the Social .Studies Reading Room in
the John Hay.
Dana Galhip, rooming in Cambridge
with Gordon Shillinglaw '46 at 42 Trow-
bridge St., is completing his law studies
at Northeastern.
Robert H. Mareneck is sales representa-
tive for the Eagle Lock Co. at 110 North
Franklin St., Chicago 6. Eagle Indus-
tries, Inc., is a subsidiary of Bowser, 'Inc.
THE NEW BLUE ROOM: In Faunce House the popular lounge had a changed look as it re-opened recently.
The advertisement of the New England
Helicopter Service, Inc., in the Brown
football programs this fall featured its
claim to be "pioneers in commercial heli-
copter operations." Among its services:
flight and ground training, charter service
to all points, advertising and publicity
flights, crop dusting and spraying, mos-
quito control, industrial work, sales and
service. The main base is at the State
Airport, Hillsgrove, R. I., where demon-
stration flights were given with passengers
on the Airport Open House Day in Octo-
ber. Lee Plympton, Jr., is President of
the company.
Werner Klemmer is now with the
National City Bank of New York and is
living at 5 Ridgeland Manor, Rye, N. Y.
Eugene Castellucci is Plant Layout
Supervisor for the H & B American Ma-
chine Co. in Attleboro, Mass. He lives
at 209 Putnam Ave., Johnston, R. L
Bill Chambrun is staff announcer for
Station WXKW in Albany, N. Y.
Wallace Lambert is Preceptor and grad
student in Psychology at Colgate. His
address: 16 Pine St., Hamilton, N. Y.
Joe Riley has been transferred from
the S. S. Kresge Co. in Worcester, to
Lawrence, Mass., where he is Assistant
Herbert Sherman, Jr., graduated from
Harvard Law, is an instructor at the
Pittsburgh Law School.
Brad Whitman is with the Colgate-
Palmolive- Peet Co. and is living at 560
River Ave., Providence 8.
Bill Augenstein has been appointed
Associate Professor of Aeronautical En-
gineering at Purdue. He had previously
been a research engineer at the North
-American Aviation Corporation in Los
Rev. Carlton H. Gregory is now at the
Clinton, Conn., Baptist Church. His
address; 69 E. Main St.
New addresses: Carrol! Adams, 38
Alpine St., Cambridge, Mass.; Elliot
Marvell, 510 N. 17th St., Corvallis, Ore.;
H. Packen, 3077 Riverside Ave., Somer-
set Center, Mass.; Henry C. Hastings,
280 Benefit St., Providence.
William B. Baxter, William B. Bate-
man, Nathaniel M. Marshall '44 and
John H. Lyman '43 are new members of
the New York Brown Club.
Tom Kelleher took his exams for ad-
mission to the Rhode Island Bar this fall.
Al Vorhaus is Research and Production
Trainee in the Palan Advertising Co. in
St. Louis. His address is 833 Sudbury
Drive, Clayton 5, Mo.
Jim O'Brien is a Civil Engineer at
Langley Field. He is living at 721 Blair
Ave., Hampton, Va.
Vince Breglio is studying law. His
address: 44 Edmand St., Chicopee Falls,
John Graham is selling for Coca-Cola
in Syracuse. His home is at 2513E East
Lake Rd., Livonia, N. Y.
Bob Champney is teaching at the
Passaic Collegiate School in New Jersey.
He is living at Rensselaer Rd., Essex
Falls, N. J.
Bryce Fisher, graduated from the State
University of Iowa College of Law, is
now in the Cedar Rapids law firm of
Elliott, Shuttleworth and Ingersoll. His
new address is 1515 2nd Ave. S. E., Cedar
Rapids, Iowa.
Jim Starkweather is with Hollings-
worth & Whitney in Waterville, Me.,
where his address is 6 Lawrence St.
Louis Cardell Gerry, Jr., died of a heart
attack in his sleep June 22, 1948, at Ann
Arbor, where he was taking graduate
studies at the University of Michigan.
He had worked two years for a Providence
accounting firm before entering the Busi-
ness School at the University of Michigan,
where he had completed his first year to-
ward a Master's degree. He is survived
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis C.
Gerry of Providence, and a sister, Mrs.
John Gilmore Williams of Bryn Mawr,
Edgar Phillips is .'\ssistant Resident on
Pediatric Service at the Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston. His home
address is 40 President Ave., Providence.
Warren Prouty has been with the Royal
Liverpool Group of Fire Insurance Com-
panies since his arrival in California in
1946. Recently he was transferred from
San Francisco to the regional office in
Sacramento. He gives a temporary ad-
dress at 1630 Capistrano Ave., Berkeley 7,
Edmund Peckham, a history major at
Brown, will continue his studies in the
field at the Harvard Graduate School this
fall, according to the Worcester Telegram,
which noted last June that Ed had fol-
lowed his father's footsteps in being
initiated into Phi Beta Kappa.
Frank Montella has been granted his
license to practice dentistry in Rhode
New addresses: Sid Wray, 23 Maple
St., Bristol, Conn.; George Marker, 1487
Fernote St., Rahway, N. J.; Melvin Feld-
man, 5508 S. Greenwood .-^ve.. Apt. 401-3,
Chicago 37, 111.
Johnny Bach, who starred for Brown
while here for Navy training during the
war, is having a successful first year in
professional basketball as a member of
the Boston Celtics of the Basketball As-
sociation of .'\nierica. He returned to
Fordham, his original college, for his de-
gree last June.
Chuck Burton is reported in New York
City with Susquehanna Mills. Still no
word direct from him, however, that he
has left Oak Park, 111.
Joseph H. McMullen, Junior Varsity
football coach at Brown, is living at 153
Terrace Ave., Riverside 15, with his wife
and daughter Nancy.
A[ Novikoff writes Sandy McNair from
1112 High St., Palo Alto, Calif., that he
is shooting for a Ph. D. in Math at Stan-
ford. Al has been awarded an Atomic
Energy Commission Predoctoral Fellow-
Werner Peter of 47 IVIyrtle Ave., Mill-
burn, N. J., has been with First Investors
Shares Corp. (investment trust) ever
since he got home in '46.
Bill Roos, with Westinghouse in Hyde
Park since getting out of service, is living
in Sharon, Mass., and asks for mail at
P. O. Box 479. Have we ever reported
his marriage on Nov. 22, 1946, to Pauline
Chase, daughter of F'rank A. Chase '12
and Mrs. Chase, also of Sharon.
Moulton Sawin is in the advertising
business in New York, with Newell-
Edward N. Clarke, who received two
Master's degrees from Harvard after
graduation at Brown with honors, is back
at Brown doing research in physical elec-
tronics. His engagement has been an-
nounced to Miss Vivian C. Bergquist, a
Pembroke Senior, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl H. Bergquist of Worcester.
Gordon Shillinglaw wrote Sandy Mac-
Nair recently that he had received his
M. S. in Business Administration from
the University of Rochester and is now in
Cambridge studying for a Harvard Ph.D.
and the teaching profession. In Cam-
bridge he's living at 42 Trowbridge St.,
and he has a new home address at East
Greenbush, N. V. Gordy is rooming
with Dana Gallup '44.
Charlie Tiedemann is in Madison, Me.,
where he is Assistant Foreman in the
Groundwood and Sulfite Mill of the Great
Northern Paper Co. His Madison ad-
dress is Box 12.
C. Vincent Treat is a Lt. (jg) at U. S.
Naval Hospital, Oakland, Calif., accord-
ing to Werner Peter.
Kurt Mandelik is a Physicist for the
General Electric Co. He is living now
at 448 Central Park West, New York City.
Bob Webb is Credit Executive for the
Pet Milk Co. in St. Louis. His home is
at 5 University Lane, Clayton 5, Mo.
Bob Black has left the Grinnell Co. and
is now with Brown & Sharpe in Provi-
Hugh Allison is in the technical sales
division of the Chemical Products Cor-
poration in East Providence.
Rod Phinney is selling for Annis Pat-
terson, Inc., Ford dealers in Paterson, N.
J. His address: 26-02 High St., Radburn-
Fairlawn, N. J.
Bob Beauregard is an Electrical En-
gineer for the Boston Edison Co. in Bos-
ton. He makes his home at 126 St. Mary's
St., Boston.
Dr. Bernard O'Brien has begun the
practice of dentistry at 1826 Centre St.,
West Roxbury, Mass.
Lawrence Mueller is a management
trainee with the Bigelow Sanford Carpet
Co. in Thompsonville, Conn. His address
there: Brainard Rd., R. F. D.
Dr. Tom Boyd finished up at the Boston
University School of Medicine and is now
House Officer at the Boston City Hos-
pital. He is living in Boston at 41 Wor-
cester Square.
Ed Pollard has completed his work at
Brown and is now with the Automobile
Mutual Insurance Co. in Providence.
Don Holmes is an Engineer with the
Southern New England Telephone Co.
He is living at 569 Whalley Ave. in New
Jim Siegal is Administrative Assistant
in Management Research for the Schering
Corporation in Montclair, N. J. His home
there is at 14 South Mountain Ave.
John Nelson is Service Engineer for
General Electric, and is located at present
in Gallon, Ohio. His mailing address is
21 Manning .St., Pawtucket, R. I.
Allen Gate is with the Industrial Trust
Co. in Providence. His address here:
16 Woodman St.
John Bateman is Surety Representative
for the .^etna Casualty and Surety Co. in
Providence. He is living at 10 Brown St.,
Peace Dale, R. I.
New addresses: Roland Casperson, 179
Stratford St., New Britain, Conn.; Alvin
Blum, 108 Pembroke Ave., Providence;
Lang Coaches Utah Challengers
► ► The University of Utah's ski squad, coached by Gottfried Lang '44, has a
chance for the national title, according to Salt Lake City newspapers. Nearly 50
candidates turned out for his first squad meeting in October. Lang, it is noted,
began skiing at the age of three and turned professional nine years ago while a
Brown undergraduate. He was a leading spirit in the revival of skiing at Brown
during that period and instructed for Hannes Schneider at Conway.
Lang is an instructor in anthropology, having earned a graduate degree in
the field at the University of Chicago. During the war he served in the Air
Corps Medical department and was a bush-pilot in the Hudson Bay region.
The Salt Lake City clippings also note his presidency of the BC.\ and Newman
Club at Brown and his co-chairmanship of the New England Student Christian
Summer Conference in 1943. He represented the area at the National Inter-
collegiate Christian Conference, too. At the LTniversity of Utah he was a fea-
tured speaker at the year's first dinner at the Student Christian P'ellowship House,
telling of pre-war Germany. He is a native of Oberammergau, where his family
was prominent in the Passion Play tradition. 't
Don O'Learv, 350 Benefit St., Providence;
Bob Pollard, 212 Pearl St., Springfield,
Mass.; Paul Goldstein, 80 Howe St., New
Haven, Conn.; Joe Moscato, 41 E. Morris
Ave., Linden, N. J.
Richard H. Bube received his Master's
degree in Physics from Princeton this year.
Ray Elias spent a week of his vacation
in and around Providence during October.
He also worked in a visit with his old
Brownbrokers collaborator, Ernie Edge,
who is with the Patent Office in Washing-
ton. They're talking about another show
sometime. Ray is with American Steel
and Wire in Cleveland. He reports the
.^kron-Canton Brown Golf party was a
great success. (His bet on the Brown-
Harvard game was not.)
R. Kaffenberger and R. M. Neary are
both junior engineers at the Tonawanda,
N. Y., laboratory of the Linde Air Pro-
ducts Co. T. E. Pitts '48 is also there
as an assistant engineer.
George Do\er is doing engineering for
the Chase Brass and Copper Co. in Chi-
cago. He lives at 831 Woodland Drive,
Glenview, 111.
Bob Blair is studying law, with an
address at 44 Hudson St., Cambridge,
Charlie Smith is now working for a B.S.
in Civil Engineering at the University of
Virginia. His present address is 208}^
14th St., West, Charlottesville, Va.
2nd Lt. Richard Phifer, USMC, sends
this address: 15 Bayshore Ave., Long
Beach 3, CaliL
Russell Vastine is a medical student at
Northwestern Medical School in Chicago.
He is living at 617 Sheridan Rd., E\ans-
ton. 111., c/o Johnston.
Harlan Kelley is a Claims .Adjuster for
the Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. in
Hartford, Conn. He is living at 170
Loomis St., Manchester, Conn.
Joe Hersey is Electrical Sales Engineer
for the Trumbull Electric Mfg. Co. in
Louisville, Ky. He is living there at
2125 .AUston Ave.
Whitney Callahan is a student at the
LInion Theological Seminary in New York
City. His home address there is 55
Morton St., Apt. 7-L, New York 14, N. Y.
Joe Vassel is in Chicago where he is
Secretary to the Dairy Freight .^gent of
the Baltimore cS: Ohio Railroad. His
home address is 2818 N. Racine Ave.,
Chicago 13.
Bob Watkins receivetl his M. S. degree
from Ohio State on Sept. 3.
Norm McGuffog is Insurance Investi-
gator for the Liberty Mutual Insurance
Co. in New York City. He is living at
230-16 118th Ave., Cambria Heights,
Long Island.
Current addresses: Ir\ing Lees, 175
Hicks St., Apt. 4, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Rich-
ard Bowen, 89 Chilton .St., Belmont 78,
Mass.; Edward Haire, 49 Mardin St.,
Cranston, R. I.
Julius Ferretti is working with the New
York City Triboro Bridge and Tunnel
.Authority. His address: 222 Marcellus
Rd., Mineola, N. Y.
Bob Weikel is located with the Rayburn
Mfg. Co. in Royersford, Pa., as Cost
Bill Wagner is engineering for the Hart-
ford Electric Light Co. He is living at
145 No. Oxford St. in Hartford.
John Crawford is Test Engineer for
General Electric in Schenectady. He is
living at 430 Eleanor St. there.
Truman Esau is studying at Albany
Medical College, with an address at 28
WiUett St., Albany.
Frank Pagliaro is now studying at the
Lhiiversity of Southern California. He
lives at 11563^ Exposition Blvd., Los
Dr. David Kreis is at the Grace Hos-
pital in New Haven. He lives there at
647 George St.
Don Burnside is Junior Engineer for
Westinghouse in Baltimore. His address
there is 3501 Garrison Blvd.
Jim Nahrgang is now in Lubbock,Texas,
where he is working with the .Southwestern
Bell Telephone Co. His address there is
the Hilton Hotel.
George E. Ball of Hamden, Conn., has
been appointed assistant Director of .Ad-
missions at Culver Academy, Culver, Ind.
He was to join the staff of this famous
school Dec. 1.
John H. Campbell has begun his new
duties as Assistant Alumni Secretary of
The Peddle School, where he will also be
editorial supervisor of The Peddle News.
(He was its editor as a Peddle Senior.)
He is living in Hightstown, N. J., of course.
George Chatalian and his wife both are
graduate students at Harvard. George
has been awarded one of the Charles
Henry Smith F'und's $500 scholarships
for advanced work in philosophy, while
Mrs. Chatalian has a $1500 fellowship
from the American Association of Uni-
versity Women to complete her work for
a Ph. D. in the same field. She was
Norma Rainone, Pembroke '45.
Charles H. Daly is associated with A.
J. Anderson, Inc., shipping brokers at 120
13roadway, N. Y.
New members of the New York Brown
Club include: Earl M. Bucci, Charles L.
Busch, Harold W. Greene, Alan Y. Pardo,
John Stodnian, James M. Stewart, Fred-
erick Cofer, as well as Thomas A. Brady
'47, Joseph Nova '47 and Stanley Peter-
freuncl '46.
Lou Kegine is Vice-President of Regine
Motors, Pontiac specialists at 193 Smith
St., near the State House in Providence.
The company handles sales, parts, and
Stuart Ci. Ruth of San Marino, Calif.,
is a student this year at the (ieneral The-
ological Seminary in New ^'ork City.
Carmine Capalbo is now attending the
( ieorgctown llniversity School of Medi-
cine. His address: 4410 Greenwich Park-
way, N. VV., Washington, D. C.
Merrill Shattuck is an .Assistant in the
Psychology Department at the University
of Wisconsin. He is working for an M. A.
Hervey Ward is selling for Write, Inc.,
in Bridgeport, Conn. His address: Put-
nam Park Rd., Bethel, Conn.
2nd Lt. John Krohn, USMC, sends this
address: B Battery, 1st Prov. Artillery
Bn., 10th Marines, 2nd Marine Div.,
Camp Lejeune, N. C.
Roger Tiffany has begun studies at the
Episcopal Theological School in Cam-
bridge, Mass. During the summer he was
student assistant at St. George's Church
in Milford, Mich.
Bill Keech is doing theological studies
at the Andover Newton Theological In-
stitution and has been appointed student
minister at the First Baptist Church in
Be\-erly, Mass.
1st Lt. Warren Clark is now at the
.Army Finance School in St. Louis. His
address: 2608 Louis Ave., Brentwood 17,
Jonathan Berry is an Architect with
the firm of Jonathan Berry and Associates
in Rockport, Mass. His address there is
99 Main St.
Bill Peterson is instructing in English
at Illinois College, Jacksonville, III.
Jim Bates is teaching science in the
Williston Junior School in Easthampton,
Phil Bray is doing graduate work in
Physics at Harvard. His Cambridge ad-
dress is 32 Mellen St.
Leonard Maher is Supervisor of Music
in the Holden, Mass., High School. He
is living on Highland .St. there.
Eric Marvell is now in Johnstown, Pa.,
where he is working for the Bethlehem
Steel Co. Eric finished a ten-week course
in steel production and steel products be-
fore beginning his present assignment.
Bob Wilson is taking a field training
course at the River Rouge plant of the
Ford Motor Co. He expects to spend
two years studying production and man-
agement in preparation for work with the
Bob Jacobssen is selling for the Paragon
Worsted Co. in Fairlawn, N. J., where he
is living at 26-02 High St.
John Donahue is now working in the
Philadeljihia office of the Equitable Life
.\ssurance Society. His address: 17
Elm St., Bywood, Upper Darby, Pa.
Robert K. Healey, who completed his
studies at Brown in the smnmer session,
is luiw working in the New N'ork oriicc of
Exlacec, Inc., division ol V'anilv I'air
Mills, at 10 East 40th St., New York. He
is grateful to the Brown Placement Bureau
for his contact.
William M. Peterson, after a year of
graduate work at Brown, is now teaching
at Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111., his
mother reported to the Brownbroker
reunion committee.
Tullio DeRobbio, a graduate student
at Brown this year, was navigator of the
l.CI-633 on a Naval Reserve cruise early
in October. An incident was his diag-
nosis of a seaman as an appendicitis case,
which he cared for until help came from
Fire Island.
Robert W. Finlay reports for the Delia
of Sigma Nii on members of the Senior
delegation at Brown who were graduated
last June; Richard F. Carey, working
with Sears, Roebuck & Co. in Boston;
I'rank S. Ceglarski, with Wright Aero-
nautical Corp. in N. J.; John Dake, Jr.,
with Montgomery- Ward Co.; Willard
Joyce with the Michle Printing Co. in
Chicago; Frank C. Kenyon, Jr., with
General Electric in Schenectady; Edward
W. Haniblin with G. E. in Lynn; Richard
C. Kiss with Calvert's Distillery of New
Jersey; R. Patterson Warlick at Harvard
School of Business Administration; Ed-
ward Krise doing graduate work in so-
ciology at Columbia; Richard C. Saeli, a
medical student.
Gerald Buckley has just accepted a
position with Goodyear Ruliber in Phila-
Bill Roach is Sports Director for radio
station WRZE in York, Pa. His address
there is 103 S. George St.
Ray Carmichael has been appointed an
Instructor in English at the Rhode Island
School of Design.
Murray Casserly received his B. B. A.
degree from the University of Minnesota
in August and at the same time was com-
missioned an Ensign in the USNR Supply
Tom Green is teaching at the Mada-
waska High School in Madawaska, Me.
Charlie Hubner is now attending Bryant
College. He is living at 42 Adelphia A\e.
in Providence.
New addresses: George Bland, 410 E.
Columbia St., Champaign, 111.; Bob Wil-
son, 14937 Prospect Ave., Dearborn,
Mich.; Joe Birman, 1212 Summit St.,
Sioux City, Iowa; Bill Read, 178 Medford
St., Arlington, Mass.; H. Arthur Carver,
Jr., General Delivery, Mojave, Calif.;
Gordon Pyper, Box 131 East Northfield,
Welles Hangen, one of the New York
Herald Tribune's two men covering the
United Nations General .'\ssembly meet-
ings in Paris, contributes "L'N Sidelights"
to the Brown Daily Herald as well. He
attends all sessions of the Economic and
Financial, Social, Trusteeship, Adminis-
trative and Budgetary, and Legal Com-
mittees. He studied during the summer
at the Llniversity of (ieneva.
Jim Babcock is in Hartford where he
is working as Test Engineer for the Pratt
and Whitney Aircraft Co. His address:
739 Prospect Ave., West Hartford.
Paul Flick signed to play pro football
lliis fall wi(h the Pittsburgh Sleclcrs of
t he National Leagne.
Paul Ricciardi was the lust Rhode
Islander to sign up as a na\al aviation
cadet in a recent enlistment program. lie
expected to leave shortly for Pensacola.
Bruce Williamson is announcing for
.Station WHIM in Providence.
Midshipman Bill Wroth has completed
his final qualifications for carrier landings
aboard the L'SS Wright. Bill expects to
return to Brown for further engineering
studies on receipt of his commission and
plans to remain in Navy Aviation.
New addresses: George Murphy, 51
Montgomery PI., Brooklyn, N. Y.; John
Smith, 1228 Lincoln St., Santa Monica,
Calif.; Ulmer Spinney, 543 Meigs St.,
Athens, Ga.; Don Shaw, 35 Candle Lane,
Levittown, Long Island, N. \.
^ Neighbor
MRS. BURLEIGH (Herald photo)
► ► It was a good job by Jay Solod of
the Broivn Daily Herald. He wrote:
"Brown has many old and faithful rooters
but none, perhaps, as old (97) or as faith-
ful as Sarah Burleigh. This very charm-
ing and loveable old lady has lived in the
grey house on College St. between Van
Wickle Hall and the Deke house since
1880 and remembers the time when Pros-
pect St. didn't exist and the Presidents of
Brown lived near her on the present site
of John Hay Library.
"She remarks that her grandfather,
William Wilkinson (class of 1783, by the
way) taught at Brown when Llniversity
Hall was the only building on the campus.
He was once asked by the President of
the University why he didn't get married.
When Wilkinson replied that he didn't
have a place to li\e, the President in\ited
him to move into L'nixersity Hall. \\ il-
kinson accepted the invitation, and in the
years tliat followed a baby was born to
his wife within those confines. 'Probably
the youngest girl ever to enter Brown,'
thinks Mrs Burleigh."
She always sits at her window and waves
to the crowd as the students march past
after a football rally, .Solod noted. "I
like to see all you young men lia\ ing such
a good time." 1 low about gi\'ing her a
smile, a wave, and even a cheer'? Solod
suggested. <
O'tdet lodcLij fot -ffolidtau 'Pelii^etu
Triple Play
for Christmas
1. Music at Brown, an Album:
Three 10-inch \'inylite records (6 sides) in a special
album for anyone with a fondness for music or for
Brown — or for both. Eight of Brown's own songs,
supplemented by hits from the Glee Clubs' repertory,
recorded on the campus. .A rousing half-hour concert
by the Brown University Band, the Brown Glee Club,
the Pembroke Glee Club, and the combined Brown-
Pembroke Chorus.
2. The Brown University Mirror:
This antique-style mirror features a color print of an
1825 campus scene. Inspired by Yankee craftsman-
ship of that period, the mirror is well made, substantial,
in solid birch frame with 14-inch glass, 12^4 by 25 in-
ches. Available in mahogany, black, or maple finish,
with gilt turnings or spindles.
3. Brown Wedgwood Queensware:
A best-seller again available Irom the famous English
pottery. Standard sets of 6 dinner service plates
(lOJ/2-inch diameter) have such handsome center
scenes as U. H., Manning Hall, Meeting House. Hand-
engraved in brown sepia on Ivory Queensware, with
University arms in embossed border.
3 Perfect Gifts for Brown Stockings
Alumni Office, Brown University, Providence 12, R. I.
Here's my check to Brown Uniiersily for $
for albums of "Music at Brown" at $4.50.
(All shipping charges prepaid.)
Here's my check to Associated Alumni, Brown University for $
My order:
Wedgwood Plates. (Set of 6 plates $16.50, postpaid express
extra. Single plate $3.20, plus shipping.)
Brown Mirrors at $12.95. (.All shipping charges prepaid.)
Specify finish:
Mahogany \J Black Q Maple G
Name ..
(If addressee is other than above-named, give instructions.)